showing results for - "js get first object value"
08 Aug 2017
1var obj = { first: 'someVal' };
2obj[Object.keys(obj)[0]]; //returns 'someVal'
29 Nov 2017
1var person = {"name":"Steve","age":43};
2var firstKeyValue = person[Object.keys(person)[0]]; //"Steve"
12 Jun 2018
1var example = {
2    foo1: { /* stuff1 */},
3    foo2: { /* stuff2 */},
4    foo3: { /* stuff3 */}
7let [first] = Object.keys(example)
09 Nov 2017
1var person = { 'first_name': 'Johny', 'last_name':'Carson' };
2var firstName=person[Object.keys(person)[0]]; //get first value of object :'Johny'
queries leading to this page
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keyget single key of object in javascriptfind a property in an object angularprint first key in object javascriptfirst element in a javascript objectfirst value in the object nodejsthe value of the first item in the objectget firt element of object jshow to access key im 3aname from object jsselect fist item of an objectjavascript object get first propertyjavascript object get 1st attributehow to get first object from array in javascripthow to access first key of a hash javascriptjs object 1st item keyhow to get first name property of object javascriptget first valu of obj jsget first value from object javascriptget first element in object keyshow to acces the first array which is an objecthow to get first object in javascripthow to get the first key in javascriptget values of the first entry of object in javascripthow to get key name of an object in javascriptfirst object key javascripthow to get first item in a object jsjavascript object get first elementprint first key of object in 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