showing results for - "js pi"
27 Aug 2016
1//pi declare pi= MATH.PI
2var pi = MATH.PI;
04 Jan 2018
2   <head>
3      <title>JavaScript Math PI Property</title>
4   </head>
6   <body>      
7      <script type = "text/javascript">
8         var property_value = Math.PI
9         document.write("Property Value is : " + property_value); 
10      </script>   
11   </body>
05 Sep 2018
1function test(name, birth_year, current_year) {
2  const age = current_year - birth_year;
3  const response = name + " is " + age;
4  return response;
7test("jane", 1853, 1941)
09 Apr 2020
1function test(name, birth_year, current_year) {
2  const age = current_year - birth_year;
3  const response = name + " is " + age;
4  return response;
7test("jane", 1853, 1941)
09 Nov 2020
1function test(name, birth_year, current_year) {
2  const age = current_year - birth_year;
3  const response = name + " is " + age;
4  return response;
7test("jane", 1853, 1941)
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