showing results for - "js slice string at word"
06 Jul 2018
1var input = 'john smith~123 Street~Apt 4~New York~NY~12345';
3var fields = input.split('~');
5var name = fields[0];
6var street = fields[1];
31 Sep 2018
1var str= "12344A56789";
2var splitted = str.split('4A'); //this will output ["1234", "56789"]
3var first = splitted[0]; //"1234"
4var second = splitted[1]; //"56789"
5console.log('First is: ' + first + ', and second is: ' + second);
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javascript split string by charactershow to slice a javascript string into an arraysplit by number of characters in javascriptslice string in node jsjavascriprt slice string to index of speciic character split in javascript split each character in string jssplitting a string into an array split methodsplit array javascript optionarray split method in javascripthow to split some part of line in jssplit string in characters javascripteach character string into array javascripthow to make string an array of word javscriptjavascript break down a string into charactersconvert string to array of words jshowto use or between split separator in javascriptjavascript split a word into arrayhow to slice string in javascriptjavascript split string into two stringssplitting a string based on and or logic in javascriptsplit string js each letterjavascript return as a splithow to take letters from the front of a string and put it at th back jsnode js slice stringhow to split notation javascriptstring to array javascript with 23javascript split a string each characterhow to split the inside string jssplit js return new arrayjavascript method to turn a sentence string into an array of wordswhat does split return if javascripthow to chnage string into array javascriptsplit string to character javascriptjavascript how to slice a stringjavsascript slice stringhow to split a sentence in an array by word javascriptarray seperating words using 23 javascripthow to slice particular element from string in javascriptslice string nodejshow to split two pranthesin in javascriptjavascript split string each characterhow to slice string in jsjavacript parse string to arrayhow to split a string and convert to array in javascripthoow to slice a string fron a character in jsrecognize word place string javascript slicesplit javavscript sub stringconvert string to array javascript splitslice a string from last in jscan you divide by a string in jssplit each character in string jshow to split string to 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