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showing results for - "jsconfig"
16 Jul 2019
1// Create jsconfig.json in root
4    "compilerOptions": {
5        "baseUrl": "./",
6        "paths": {
7            "@components/*": ["components/*"],
8            "@root/*": ["./*"]
9        }
10    }
14 Nov 2019
1const path = require('path');
4module.exports = {
5    resolve: {
6        alias: {
7            '@': path.resolve('resources/js'),
8            '@Components': path.resolve('resources/js'/Components),
9        },
10    },
24 Sep 2020
2  "compilerOptions": {
3    "baseUrl": ".",
4    "paths": {
5      "ClientApp/*": ["./ClientApp/*"]
6    }
7  }
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