jsonobjectrequest 3d new jsonobjectrequest 28 request method get 2c url 2c ecplain

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showing results for - "jsonobjectrequest 3d new jsonobjectrequest 28 request method get 2c url 2c ecplain"
03 May 2017
1String uri = String.format("http://somesite.com/some_endpoint.php?param1=%1$s¶m2=%2$s",
2                           num1,
3                           num2);
5StringRequest myReq = new StringRequest(Method.GET,
6                                        uri,
7                                        createMyReqSuccessListener(),
8                                        createMyReqErrorListener());
07 Feb 2018
1// http client instance
2private DefaultHttpClient mHttpClient;
3public RequestQueue getRequestQueue() {
4    // lazy initialize the request queue, the queue instance will be
5    // created when it is accessed for the first time
6    if (mRequestQueue == null) {
7        // Create an instance of the Http client. 
8        // We need this in order to access the cookie store
9        mHttpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
10        // create the request queue
11        mRequestQueue = Volley.newRequestQueue(this, new HttpClientStack(mHttpClient));
12    }
13    return mRequestQueue;
17 * Method to set a cookie
18 */
19public void setCookie() {
20    CookieStore cs = mHttpClient.getCookieStore();
21    // create a cookie
22    cs.addCookie(new BasicClientCookie2("cookie", "spooky"));
26// add the cookie before adding the request to the queue
29// add the request to the queue
01 Aug 2018
1public class VolleyErrorHelper {
2     /**
3     * Returns appropriate message which is to be displayed to the user 
4     * against the specified error object.
5     * 
6     * @param error
7     * @param context
8     * @return
9     */
10  public static String getMessage(Object error, Context context) {
11      if (error instanceof TimeoutError) {
12          return context.getResources().getString(R.string.generic_server_down);
13      }
14      else if (isServerProblem(error)) {
15          return handleServerError(error, context);
16      }
17      else if (isNetworkProblem(error)) {
18          return context.getResources().getString(R.string.no_internet);
19      }
20      return context.getResources().getString(R.string.generic_error);
21  }
23  /**
24  * Determines whether the error is related to network
25  * @param error
26  * @return
27  */
28  private static boolean isNetworkProblem(Object error) {
29      return (error instanceof NetworkError) || (error instanceof NoConnectionError);
30  }
31  /**
32  * Determines whether the error is related to server
33  * @param error
34  * @return
35  */
36  private static boolean isServerProblem(Object error) {
37      return (error instanceof ServerError) || (error instanceof AuthFailureError);
38  }
39  /**
40  * Handles the server error, tries to determine whether to show a stock message or to 
41  * show a message retrieved from the server.
42  * 
43  * @param err
44  * @param context
45  * @return
46  */
47  private static String handleServerError(Object err, Context context) {
48      VolleyError error = (VolleyError) err;
50      NetworkResponse response = error.networkResponse;
52      if (response != null) {
53          switch (response.statusCode) {
54            case 404:
55            case 422:
56            case 401:
57                try {
58                    // server might return error like this { "error": "Some error occured" }
59                    // Use "Gson" to parse the result
60                    HashMap<String, String> result = new Gson().fromJson(new String(response.data),
61                            new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {
62                            }.getType());
64                    if (result != null && result.containsKey("error")) {
65                        return result.get("error");
66                    }
68                } catch (Exception e) {
69                    e.printStackTrace();
70                }
71                // invalid request
72                return error.getMessage();
74            default:
75                return context.getResources().getString(R.string.generic_server_down);
76            }
77      }
78        return context.getResources().getString(R.string.generic_error);
79  }
13 Sep 2019
1JsonObjectRequest req = new JsonObjectRequest(URL, new JSONObject(params),
2           new Response.Listener<JSONObject>() {
3               @Override
4               public void onResponse(JSONObject response) {
5                   // handle response
6               }
7           }, new Response.ErrorListener() {
8               @Override
9               public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
10                   // handle error                        
11               }
12           }) {
14       @Override
15       public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
16           HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
17           headers.put("CUSTOM_HEADER", "Yahoo");
18           headers.put("ANOTHER_CUSTOM_HEADER", "Google");
19           return headers;
20       }
21   };
02 Nov 2017
1StringRequest myReq = new StringRequest(Method.POST,
2                                        "http://somesite.com/some_endpoint.php",
3                                        createMyReqSuccessListener(),
4                                        createMyReqErrorListener()) {
6    protected Map<String, String> getParams() throws com.android.volley.AuthFailureError {
7        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
8        params.put("param1", num1);
9        params.put("param2", num2);
10        return params;
11    };
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