just show number keyboard react native

Solutions on MaxInterview for just show number keyboard react native by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "just show number keyboard react native"
08 Jan 2017
2 \* Sample React Native App  
3 \* https://github.com/facebook/react-native  
4 \* @flow  
5 \*/  
7import React, { Component } from "react";  
8import { Platform, StyleSheet, View, Button, TextInput, } from "react-native";  
10export default class App extends Component {  
12  render() {  
13return (  
14<View style={styles.container}>  
17          placeholder="Enter Your Mobile Number"  
18          underlineColorAndroid='transparent'  
19          style={styles.TextInputStyle}  
28const styles = StyleSheet.create({  
29  container: {  
30    flex: 1,  
31    justifyContent: 'center',  
33  headerText: {  
34    fontSize: 20,  
35    textAlign: "center",  
36    margin: 10,  
37    fontWeight: "bold"  
39TextInputStyle: {  
40    textAlign: 'center',  
41    height: 40,  
42    borderRadius: 10,  
43    borderWidth: 2,  
44    borderColor: '#009688',  
45    marginBottom: 10  
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react native get number inputhow to take inout as number only in text input react nativehow to make number input in react nativeinput type number in react native elements make only support number textinput in react nativetextinput number only react nativeallow users to enter only number in range in textfield react nativetext input allow only numbers react nativehow to allow only numbers in input text react antivereact native input for numberinput number react nativehow to allow only numbers in textinput react nativehow ot show number input react nativetext input number react native numeric textinput return int or string 3f react nativereact native textinput accept only numbersint input are not diplay react nativereact native text input only numberstextinput react native only to show numbersinput type number only react nativeallow only number input react nativetextinput only number in react nativereact native numberinp 5butreact native textinput numnerreact native text input not calcullatng width for characters only digitsreact native number inputallow text input react native to accept numberreact native textinput value to inthow to allow only number on textinput react nativetextinput only numberrn text input only numberstextinput only number react nativeonly number react nativereact native text inputnnumericreact native numeric inputhow to change react native text input only for numberreact native textinput allows decimalinput force only numbers react nativereact textinput numbers onlynumeric input in react nativeonly number in react nativereact native input type numbertextinput numerick key react nativetext input keyboard numeric react nativenumber field for text input react nativehow to provide numeric value in react native prop react keyboard for just numbersreact native number input onlyhow to make values in textinput numbersreact native elements input type numberinput num react nativereact native field accepts only numbersreact native elements numeric 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input react nativereact native accept only numbersreact native input numbers onlyreact native input allow only numbersreact native keyboard only numbertext input react native decimal uptoinput number only react nativehow to do number only input react nativetake only number in react nativeinput numbers react nativereact native number input 2b input react native numbersreact native textinput allow on numbersreact native elements textinput number onlyreact native input integers onlynumeric input react nativereact native tex input to accept only numberreact native only allow numberstext input type number react nativereact native number inputs how to make textinput accept only numeric valuesnative integer keyboardreact native type numbertextinput only numbers react nativetextinput react native allow only numbers not comareact native number only inputtextinput props not numeric working react nativehow to make react native text input just accept numberonly allow number in react native 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