lazy predict classification auto sklearn

Solutions on MaxInterview for lazy predict classification auto sklearn by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "lazy predict classification auto sklearn"
13 Sep 2018
1from lazypredict.Supervised import LazyClassifier
2from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
3from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
5data = load_breast_cancer()
6X =
9X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y,test_size=.5,random_state =123)
11clf = LazyClassifier(verbose=0,ignore_warnings=True, custom_metric=None)
12models,predictions =, X_test, y_train, y_test)
17| Model                          |   Accuracy |   Balanced Accuracy |   ROC AUC |   F1 Score |   Time Taken |
19| LinearSVC                      |   0.989474 |            0.987544 |  0.987544 |   0.989462 |    0.0150008 |
20| SGDClassifier                  |   0.989474 |            0.987544 |  0.987544 |   0.989462 |    0.0109992 |
21| MLPClassifier                  |   0.985965 |            0.986904 |  0.986904 |   0.985994 |    0.426     |
22| Perceptron                     |   0.985965 |            0.984797 |  0.984797 |   0.985965 |    0.0120046 |
23| LogisticRegression             |   0.985965 |            0.98269  |  0.98269  |   0.985934 |    0.0200036 |
24| LogisticRegressionCV           |   0.985965 |            0.98269  |  0.98269  |   0.985934 |    0.262997  |
25| SVC                            |   0.982456 |            0.979942 |  0.979942 |   0.982437 |    0.0140011 |
26| CalibratedClassifierCV         |   0.982456 |            0.975728 |  0.975728 |   0.982357 |    0.0350015 |
27| PassiveAggressiveClassifier    |   0.975439 |            0.974448 |  0.974448 |   0.975464 |    0.0130005 |
28| LabelPropagation               |   0.975439 |            0.974448 |  0.974448 |   0.975464 |    0.0429988 |
29| LabelSpreading                 |   0.975439 |            0.974448 |  0.974448 |   0.975464 |    0.0310006 |
30| RandomForestClassifier         |   0.97193  |            0.969594 |  0.969594 |   0.97193  |    0.033     |
31| GradientBoostingClassifier     |   0.97193  |            0.967486 |  0.967486 |   0.971869 |    0.166998  |
32| QuadraticDiscriminantAnalysis  |   0.964912 |            0.966206 |  0.966206 |   0.965052 |    0.0119994 |
33| HistGradientBoostingClassifier |   0.968421 |            0.964739 |  0.964739 |   0.968387 |    0.682003  |
34| RidgeClassifierCV              |   0.97193  |            0.963272 |  0.963272 |   0.971736 |    0.0130029 |
35| RidgeClassifier                |   0.968421 |            0.960525 |  0.960525 |   0.968242 |    0.0119977 |
36| AdaBoostClassifier             |   0.961404 |            0.959245 |  0.959245 |   0.961444 |    0.204998  |
37| ExtraTreesClassifier           |   0.961404 |            0.957138 |  0.957138 |   0.961362 |    0.0270066 |
38| KNeighborsClassifier           |   0.961404 |            0.95503  |  0.95503  |   0.961276 |    0.0560005 |
39| BaggingClassifier              |   0.947368 |            0.954577 |  0.954577 |   0.947882 |    0.0559971 |
40| BernoulliNB                    |   0.950877 |            0.951003 |  0.951003 |   0.951072 |    0.0169988 |
41| LinearDiscriminantAnalysis     |   0.961404 |            0.950816 |  0.950816 |   0.961089 |    0.0199995 |
42| GaussianNB                     |   0.954386 |            0.949536 |  0.949536 |   0.954337 |    0.0139935 |
43| NuSVC                          |   0.954386 |            0.943215 |  0.943215 |   0.954014 |    0.019989  |
44| DecisionTreeClassifier         |   0.936842 |            0.933693 |  0.933693 |   0.936971 |    0.0170023 |
45| NearestCentroid                |   0.947368 |            0.933506 |  0.933506 |   0.946801 |    0.0160074 |
46| ExtraTreeClassifier            |   0.922807 |            0.912168 |  0.912168 |   0.922462 |    0.0109999 |
47| CheckingClassifier             |   0.361404 |            0.5      |  0.5      |   0.191879 |    0.0170043 |
48| DummyClassifier                |   0.512281 |            0.489598 |  0.489598 |   0.518924 |    0.0119965 |
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lazy predict classification auto sklearn