legend matplotlib

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showing results for - "legend matplotlib"
30 Apr 2017
1plt.plot([1, 2, 3], label='Inline label')
2plt.legend(loc=1, prop={'size': 16})
13 Jun 2020
1import numpy as np
2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4x = np.linspace(0, 20, 1000)
5y1 = np.sin(x)
6y2 = np.cos(x)
8plt.plot(x, y1, "-b", label="sine")
9plt.plot(x, y2, "-r", label="cosine")
10plt.legend(loc="upper left")
11plt.ylim(-1.5, 2.0)
22 Nov 2017
1plt.legend(['first', 'second']);
01 Jan 2021
1# Short answer:
2# matplotlib.pyplot places the legend in the "best" location by default
3# To add a legend to your plot, call plt.legend()
5# Example usage:
6import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7x1 = [1, 2, 3] # Invent x and y data to be plotted
8y1 = [4, 5, 6]
9x2 = [1, 3, 5]
10y2 = [6, 5, 4]
12plt.plot(x1, y1, label="Dataset_1") # Use label="data_name" so that the 
13									# legend is easy to interpret
14plt.plot(x2, y2, label="Dataset_2")
18# Other legend locations you can specify:
19Location String		Location Code (e.g. loc=1)
20'best'				0
21'upper right'		1
22'upper left'		2
23'lower left'		3
24'lower right'		4
25'right'				5
26'center left'		6
27'center right'		7
28'lower center'		8
29'upper center'		9
30'center'			10
31 Sep 2018
1ax.plot(randn(1000).cumsum(), 'k.', label='_nolegend_')
01 Nov 2019
1import numpy as np
2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4def example_legend():
5    plt.clf()
6    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 101)
7    y1 = np.sin(x * np.pi / 2)
8    y2 = np.cos(x * np.pi / 2)
9    plt.plot(x, y1, label='sin')
10    plt.plot(x, y2, label='cos')
11    plt.legend()
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matplotlib legend label sizelegend matplotlib 5cchange size of legend matplotlibhow to give legend using matplotlibpyplot axes legend sizematplotlib legend labelslegend for pandas plotpylab legenddisplaying legend matplotlibwhat does plt legend 28 29 does 3fmatplotlib add legend to plotmatplotlib pyplot legend sizeplt legendgenerate legend for plt plt include legendmatplotlib give legenddataframe plot legend examplepython legend position plot legend matlab python pyplot legend titleadd legent to bar plot in matplotlibplot legend location matplotlibloc legend matplotlibmatlibplot python legend outax legendhow to set matplotlib legendmatplotlib set legend sizepyplot label plotplt legend pythonhow to display parameters used in legend matplotlibplt plot legend positionpython legend what is the work of plt legend in matplotlibmatplotlib box plot legendhow to show only the label in legendset legend matplotlibplt set legend titlemaptplotlib legendmatplotlib get legend 28 29pyplot legendplot show labellabel for matplotlib plotmatplotlib show all legendnumpy pyplot legendpython legend labeladding legend to python plotpython plot legend locationmatplotlib legend simpleset legend for axis matplotlibhow to make a legend in matplotlibmatplotlib small legend python how to add a figure legend at the best positionmatplot set legend locationlabel legend of plot matplotlibplt legendmatplotlib plot sizematplotlib how to add legendplt plot 28 29 legendpyhton plot legendmatpotlib legendmatplotlib legend samplematplotlib legend widthplt create legendmatplot lib legend positionpython add legend and labelhow to define a legend to plot in matplotlibdataframe plot legend python move plot legendshow legend in matplotlibmatplotlib labelpython fig legend togetherplot label pythonadding legend to plot in pythonpytho matlibplot legendlegend function in pythonmake legend bigger pythonmatplotlib legend addplot legendshow labels matplotliblegend for plot in pythonlegend kwds matplotlibplot pandas legendcreate own legend matplotlibpython matplotlib reduce size of legendmake legend smaller matplotlibhow to split graph in 2 legend and figureplt labels examplesupper left python plothow to move legend from the line in graph pythonmatplotlib plot dataframe with legendhow to add a label in python plotlegend arguments matplotlibplot axis legendlegend df plotput legend inside plot matplotlibmatplotlib legend out of plotlegend in matplot libplotting legend pythonmatplotlib legend attributesmatplotlib legend set order of labelslegend plot 3matplotlib position legend what does pl legendplt add legendpython label plthow to add a legend to plot in matplotlibmatploylib legendlegend label matplotlibplt axes legendplt legend 28loc 3d2 29legend plt pythonmatplotlib legen labelset legend matplotlibplt legend 28 27 27 29plt legend line withaxes legend matplotlibaxis legend matplotlibhow to add legend in plot in pythonlegend 3d plt legend 28 29 what it doesmatplotlib legend frame widthpyplot legend lablespyplot legenfnumpy plot legendlegend python with title matplotlibplt legend optionsincrease legend size pltmatplotlib legend positionslegend position python inside plotplot legensshow legend pltplot legend matplotliblegend in matplotlibmatplotlib legend postitionpython plt legendpython plot graph of list legendmatplotlib legend docuentationtext size in legend pyplotfont size matplotlib legendmatplotlib tsne plot legendplt label 28 29legend on matplotlibhow to control legend in matplotliblegend size in matplotlibplt plot labelax legend locple legendput legend in matplotlibset legend for pandas plotdataframe plot legendlegend in ythoin for plottingply legendsize of legend matplotliblegend in pyplotshowing legeng for multiple curves in matplot legend 28 29matplotlib variable legend sizeadd legend matplotliblegend labels line graph matplotlibplot legend in pythonhow to show a legend matplotlibplt get legendfig legend matplotlibincreasing legend size in matplotlibplot legend positionhow to increase the size of the legend matplotplibmatplotlib in jupyter notebook plot legendbox legend matplotliblegend matplotlib plt legend size matplotlibplot legend 28 29pass labels for legend in matplotlib plotax legend sizelegend 28 29get legend matplotlibmatplotlib legend legend atno handles with labels found to put in legend legend with handles and labels plthow to add a legend in python matplotlibplt add legendplt legend attributesplot python add legendposition legend matplotlibmatplotlib titles and legendsplot legend locpython plt legendplt plot python with legend title xaxismatlab add legend plotmake legend smaller pythonmatplotlib size legendshow lavel matplotlibpandas plot change legendmatplotlib legend axis legend matlabmatplotlib pyplot legend 28 29frameon in legendmatplolib legend sizelegend location in pythonlegend pyplot labelslegend top right matplotliblegend label pandas plotmatplotlib legend for plotlegend location python plothow to add a legend in pyplotlegend loc matplotlibmatplotlib legend symbolspython graph legendlegend in plot pythonplace legend matplotlibhwo to position legend python matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot legend locdf plot with legend pythonlegend text size matplotliblegend type in pythonpython ax legendmatplotlib bar plot legendadd legend matplotlib plotpython legend slegend marker size matplotlibpython matplotlib bar plot legendpython sed legend for figurelegend in matplotilib functionadding legends to matplotlibplt legendplot legend axis matplotliblegend title pyplotassign legend matplotliblegend style matplotlibpython axes legendplot python legend titleplot legend pythonlegend in pythonpython plot legend text sizelegend location matplotlib setplot legend with matplotlibmatplotlib legend axis labelsplt legend 28 29 size pythonpython legend methodplt plot legendslegend pandas plotting set legend location matplotlibplt plot dataframe legendmathplot labelset legend labels matplotlibhow to create a legend matplotlibplt subplot legend sizeset legend matplot libplt legend 28loc 3d 27upper left 27 29 biggerlegend title font size matplotliblegend in line plot matplotliblegend show with labels matplotliblegend python pyplotmatplotlib plot label legendpyplot plot labelplt legendscreate plt legendlegend based on labels matplotlibadd custom legend python pltlegend method matplotlibfigsize matplotlibmatplotlib python increase legendmatplotlib pyplot plot legendscatter plot legendhow to change the legend in pandas plotmat plot lib legend positionmatplotlib additional legendfig legend position pythonput legend for plotplot legend python locationmatplotlib increase legend sizehow to make legend look smaller in matplotlibplt legend 28 29 in pythonplt legend position on toppython ax legendshow legend matplot libhow to make title of legend bigger in matplotlibpyplot legend location bottom rightsequence of string in label matplotlibmatplotlib 3d plot legendlegend matplplt legend positionshow legend matplotliblabel legend matplotlibpandas dataframe plot legendmatplotlib horizontal legendplt plot legend pythonpython matplotlib legendehow to put legend in matplotlibhow to display legend in matplotlibmatplotlib change legend font sizetitle legend matplotlibset legend pandas plotpyplot plot legendfigure legend examplelegend label pythonshow legend bargraph matplotlibplt plot label argumentset title size legend matplotlibchange legend pandas plotpython pandas dataframe plot legend by columnlegend titlematplotlibpython barh legendrcparams matplotlib legendpython label plotonly label plt legendplt bar legendpython plot an instance of a legendplt legend in df pythonhow to use legend in pythondataframe plot no legendplt label matplotlibplt legentaxes legend pyplotlegend plotmatplotlib legend font sizematplotlib remove label from legendgraph lengends pythonplt legend offsetplt legend 28loc 3dmatplotlib line plots with legendhow to show legend matplotlibadd some parameters to plt legendforce legend bigger matplotlibpyplot legend under plotmatplotlib legend inside plottext legend matplotlib pyplot plt legendmatplatlib 3 09add a legend what is plt legend 28 29plt legend examplematplotlib line name legendmatplotlib plot labellegend in plotmatplotlib larger legendpyplot legend in cornerpyplt plot 28label 29pyplot legend 28 29axes legend pythonmatplotlib control legend sizelegend python matplotlibax legend locationcustomise legend matplotlibmatplotlib place legendlocations for legend in matplotlibmake legend smaller in matplotliblegend dataframe plotmatplotlib bar chart legendcan you shrink legend size matplotliblegend for xlabel in matplotliblegend in line graph pythonmatplotlib legend size textmatplotlib get size of legendshow labels on graph matplotmatplotlib legend classlegend elements matplotliblegend options matplotlibax plot python legendplot legend python examplewhat is label in plot pythonlegend matplotlib pythonhow to change the size of legend in pythonwhat is key plot pythonmatplotlib plt legendpython plot legendmake legend in matplotlibfigure label best pythonpython custom legend pyplotpython fig legend locationset legend when plottinghow to add legend in python matplotlibmatplotlib legend locationedit legend matplotlibmatplotlib legend orderingcreate legend matplotlibwhat does matplotlib pyplot legendpandas change legend size rcparamslegend at bottom matplotlibpyplot reduce legend sizeuse of legend in plotspython change size of legendfigure legend positionadd legend to plt matplotliblegend matplotlib sizeplt legendwslegend plot pythonshow all legend outer of figure matplotliblegend in pltplt legend propertiesmatplotlib plot labels and legendplt set legendhow to show legend in matplotlibadjust legend shape in matplotlibmatplotlib label legendplt labels for classeslegend pltmatplotlib legend position in pythonlabel matplotlib plotmatploblib legendspecify legend label in myplotplt plot label pythonplt ax set legendplot legend matlabhow to give legend in pythonadd a legend to matplotlib barplotlegend of matplotliblegend title size matplotlibpandas legend of plotlegend labels matplotlibmanual plt legend matplotlibcreate legend manually matplotliblegend size change matplotliblegend matplotlib positionlegend matlibplotplt plot legend titlepandas plot with legendpython plot add legendplt legend 28loc 3d4 29matplotlib legend smallerplot legend plotlib best locationpython legend positionmatplotlib pplot legendloc legend pltlegend for plotnumpy legendmatplotlib add information to legendax legend positionset position legend matplotliblegend small font size matplotlibposition of legend matplotlibadd labels with numbers python plot legendmatplotlib determine legendplt legend pythonmatplotlib legend number of labelslegende plot pythonpython legend top rightmatplotlib legend 5clegend attributes in plotplt figure keycategory legend matplotliblegend plt numpymatplotlib add legend to graphwhat does pl legend plt legend 28 29 in pythonmatplotlib legend locpython legend titlematplotlib legend plot aloneset legend axis matplotlibax set legend matplotliblegend graph matplotlibhow to label the functyion in pyplothow to plot legend in pythonseries plot show legendplt legend 28loc 3d 29 3bplt legend 28 29 positiondisplay ledgend pythonpython matplotlib plot label legendpyplot legend locationshow to plot legend using matplotlibplt figsize matplotliblegend matplotlib customput legend in plt plotchange size legend matplotlibmatplotlib fig legendadd legend in matplotlibmatplotlib legend truelegend plot positionplt plot with legendset size of legend matplotlibmatplotlib legend categoriesmatplotlib cluster legendadd legend in graph pythonhow to add values to matplotlib legendadd plot legend matplotlibhow to plot legend pythonset legend size matplotlibposition legend plot pythonpycm python legendhow to show legend in pythonplot legend matplotliblegend 28 29 in matplotlibmatplotlib legend plotmatplotlib make a legendhow to create a legend in matplotlimatplotlib downnot show legendadjust whole legend matplotlibmatplotlib different legend sizeline plot matplotlib legendhow to set legend in ploting matplotlibplt plot legend positionfont legend matplotlibmatplotlib legend lablelegend size plysympy expression in matplotlib legendsize of legend in matplotliblegend in python plotasaxes legend matplotlibhow to add legend to python plotcreate legend manually pythonchange legend size in matplotlibpandas plot make legendchange legend size pythonadd legend manually matplotlibmatplotlib legend horizontalmatplotlib legendplt legend location bestplt legend matplotlibpyplot legendadd legend matplotlib figdefine key in matplotlibplt legend namelegend label in matplotliblegend a graph pythonhow to add a legend matplotlibadd legend plot pythonmatplotlib legend size titleplt gac 28 29 set 28legend 29matplotlib only show legenddf plot legendpyplot plt legend positionplt labelhow to set a legend for plotmatplotlib legend over plotschanging legend labels in matplotliblegend matplotlib pyplothow to print legend with numbers pythonlegend title matplotliblegend python line position of legend in matplotliblegends python no shadowsmatplotlib legend 28legend orientation matplotlibmatplotlib axis legendhow to out on label matplotlibadd legend to figure matplotlibmatplotlib labels and legendfigure legend matplotlibaxes set legend pythonplt legendlistplot legendplt legend 28 29 sizematplotlib fig legendplt legend outputmatplotlib axes set legendinclude legend matplotlibmatplotlib plot lib legendadd legend to matplotlib plotposition the legend in matplotlibmatplotlib print legendincrease size of legend matplotlibreduce size of legend label matplotlibmatplotlib legend set positionpython matplotlib legend locationmatplotlib set legend titlelegend font size matplotlib how to put legend pythonpl imshow label legend matplotlibmatplotlib how to make legendmatplotlib legend pythonhow to show only the label in legend matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot legend operationsin python with examplesmatplotlib custom legendplot add legendset legend together line matplotliblegend size pltmatplotlib legend box onlabel for curve matplotlibplot legend pytohnplt legend location pythonmatplotlib legend generationfigure set legend sizematplotlib ax legend positionchange legend labels in matplotlibsympy plot legendpython legend librarywhat can be used as a legend handler pythonmatplot legendplt legend 28 29 and labelmatplotlib legend over axisplt legend labelsmatplotlib no legendplt legend 28 29legend name matplotlibmatlab legendmatplotlib legend under plotdefault legend size of matplotlibplt python legendlegend in python plotmatplotlib legend ordermatplotlib plot legendamatplotlib get legendlegend title pythonhow to add plot legend in matplotlibmatplotlib legend leftplt legend increas sizehow to reduce the size of a legend in matplotlibpandas plot with no legendhow to increase legend title size in matplotlibwhat does plt legend domatplotlib ax legendplot python legend positionpmatplotlib legend locationmatplotlib pandas legendhow to make levels legend smaller in matplotliblegend on plot pythonmatplotlib legend nameadd legend to a matplotlib plotmatplotlib marker size legendplt legend 28loc 3d1 29python add legend to plotlegend in matplotlib uses plot python legendpandas add dataframe to the bottom of anotherlegend upper rightmatplot lib legendsfigure legendplot legend plotlibadd legend description matplotlibpyplot legend of labelsplot legend position pythonpltmatplotlib legendplt legend python out of graphmatplotlib locationchange font size of legend matplotlibmaplotlib legend handleslegend matplotilibpython line display matlibplot legendlegend in matplotlib pythonmatplotlib figure legendsize legend matplotlibplt plot legend sizehow to increase legend size in matplotlibwhat is plt legendadd a key matplotlibadd legend in pythonline plot legned matplotlibmatplolab legend handleshow to set size of legend matplotlibplt figure legendlegend matplotlib horizontalmatplotlib legend locatioplt figure add legendmatplotlib smaller legendadd legend to matplotlib figureax legend 28loc 3d 27best 27 29plt legenplotlib labelmatplotliv legendmatplotlib fig legend columnsplotlib legendplt label plothow to name a legend in pythonadd legend to plotchange legend size ppythonplot legend positon matplotlibmatplotlib lable for plotdisplay only one legend in pythonadd legends in matplotlibmatplotlib 3legend sizeipython plot legendsizes legend in pythonhow to add info to legend matplotlibplt plot legendpython make legend smallerx y legends matplotlibmatplotlib put legend dimensionsmodify legend in matplotlib graphincrease legend size in matplotlibpython plot legendepyplot show legendincrease legend font size matplotlibplt plot with legendchange legend size matplotlibposition legend pyplotmatplotlib put legend next to line graphpyplot legend locationmatplotlib show legendcreate a legend in pythonpyplot bar legend sizeset fix size for legend in pltadd legend 28loc 3d 22lower center 22 29legend matplotlibpyplot add to legendlegend plot pyplotlegend in ax in python locationfig legend 28 29 positionplt legend insidematplotlib legend boxplt legend 28 29 in matplot libadd legend pandas plothow to set a legend in a plot pythonpython pyplot legendmatplotlib add ledgendhow to position legend in matplotlibmatrplotlib legendhow to add the legend number in matplotlib plt legend locationlegend in graph pyplotplt legend in pythonset position legend pythonmatplot lib legend sizeposition legend pythonaxes legend 28 29legend position in matplotliblegend function pythonlegend matplotlib examplepandas plot legend labellegend package for matplotlib python font size of legend matplotliblegend size matpliblipython matplotlib legend scalehow to add a key to matplotlibplt legend sizelegend custom matplotlibadd legend for x labels in matplotlibplt showing lengend pythonprint legend plot pythonpython scatter plot legend positionmatplotlib series labelmatplotlib legend locaitonsadd legend to ploty pythonset text legend smaller matplotlibmatplotlib reduce legend sizepython plot set legend labelmatplotlib set legend positionfigure legend matplotlibpandas plot legend sizehow to increase the size of legend in matplotlibmatplotlib set y labelplt plot legend examplelegend for pltlegend sizeplt legend locationsplot python ax set legendmatplotlib add legend labelsmatplotlib ligendlegend 28 29 matplotlibplot axis legend matplotlibmatplotlib legend handle sizehow to add legend to plot in pythonlegend show plot pythonplt legend pandasmatplotlib cant see legend matplotlib legend size font sizepyplot legend sizename function in python matplotlib in legendplt legend scatterpointsmatplotlib plot label for legendplt legend propplot 28legend 3dnone 29python legend behind plotmatplotlib print line legend boxlegend left matplotlibmatplotlib legend c2 a8python legend plotlegend size and position pythonhow to change size of legend matplotlibplt legend 28loc 3d3 29matplotlib locmatplotlib legend kwargsmatplotlib specify legend valueslegend in graphs python codehow do i put a legend without a label in matplotlibplt legend 28loc 3d 29what is legend in matplotlibplt lgendlegend label text matplotlibmatpoltlib legendplt python legend 28 29kwargs in matplotlib legend locationmatplotlib plot labelsplt only plot legendlegend location best pythonplt plot python with legendplot python ax legendlocation of legend matplotlibhow to use plt legend in pythonplt plot labelplot labellegend location matplotliblegend of pythonlegend for python plotplt legend no legendhow to add legend in pythonplt legend locationfig legendpyplot legend positionplt legend rightadd legend to matplotlibplot legend below matplotplot legend pyplotchange legend format matplotlibposition legend outside plot matplotlibmatplotlib get legend objectlegend python exampleplt legend parameterslegend pyplotmathplotlib legendcreating a legend in matplotlibplot legend pythonadd legend to plot matplotlibplot lewgend location pythonposition of the legend pltlegend in graph pythonpython legend locationslegend location pythonhow to create legend matplotliblegend matplotlib ooppandas lagend fontmatplotlib y legendpyplot legend pass parameters artistspyplot labelmove plot legend pythonplt legend axplt legend to points legend pythonlegend in plotsax legendplt legend python what i need to installadd legend plt plotmatplotlib lanbel bottom leftlegend object matplotlibmatplotlib legend plotsplt legend python examplematplotlib plot legendplt legend biggerplot with legendplt non legendpython matplot legend callsplt legend locpandas plot legend optionspython change plt legendlegen changing shape of plot matplotlibmatlibplot how to add legendreduce size of legend matplotlibmatplotlib point plot legend increasehow to add a legend in matplotlibpandas plot set legendmatplotlib legend of different axislegend plt plotpyplot legend sizepython plot with legendmatplotlib plt plot legendplt suplegendmatplotlib axes legendmatplotlib legend for plots in different methodslegend placement pythonplt legend size pandaspyplot legend outside plotplt set legend sizeplt legend sizeplt legend 28 29 pythonpl legendplt legend titleshow legend in plotfigure legendmatplotlib legendeadd plot legendplace a legend on the axes matplotliblabels plot pythonplt how to add legenfmatplotlib matshow show legendmatplotlib legend styleadding legend in matplotlibadding a legend in matplotlibmatplotlib set legendhow to specify the legend in plot in pythonmatplotlib how to create a legendmatplotlib legend location optionsplot legend position matplotlibhow to put a legend in matplotlibmatplotlib change legendlocalization of legend in pythonpython pyplot legendlegend python outsideincrease legend size matplotlibmatplotlib legend top centermatplotlib pyplot legendslegend pythonmatplotlib 3a add legend to plotpython plot legend valuecustom legend matplotlibmatplotlib remove labels from legendlegend position pythonmatplotlib legend correct labelspython legend add numberbest location for legend matplotlibdisplay legend matplotliblegend title plthow to set legend position in matlab pythonplt legend 28locationmatplotlib legend documentationmake legend bigger matplotlibhow to set legend in matplotlibplt get legend handles of current plothow do i give value in legend pythonlabel legend using pythonmatplotlib legend showfig legend 28location 3d 27best 27 29pyplot axis legendplot a 2d graph in python with legendmatplotlib plot show legendhow to change legend labels in matplotliblegend locadd legend to plot plthow to add legend in matplotliblegend plot in matplot libadd legend pythonlegend visable matplotlibmake plt legend biggermatplotlib legend labelplt labelmatlibplot legendfig legend pythonhow to create a legend in matplotliblegend size of point pythonmatplotlib change size of legendfigure set legendmatplotlib legend figurehow to increase legend size in barplot pythonmatplotlib pyplot legendchange legend labels matplotlibmatploit show keymatplotlib curve don 27t show all legendmatplot lib legendax legend matplotliblegend plt plot legendpython ax show legendlegend lower coordinates matplotlibdisplay labels on plot matplotlibdj plot 28legend 29 python syntaxmatplotlib legend positionshow legend in matplotlib plotplt show legendplt legend 28print legend matplotlib figurepython plot legend positionlegend matplothow to increase the legend font size in matplotlibtake legend out of plot matplotlibplt axis legendmatplotlib plt legendhow to not show legend in matplotlib plotplt legend matplotliblegend position plot pythonset legend position matplotlibhow to add legend in python plothow to use legend in matplotliblegend size pyploymatplotlib legend placementlegend off matplotlibplt legend pythonpython plot labelplt legend meaningline with legendhow to make a legend in pyplotmatplotlib size of legendset legend title matplotlibmatplotlib how to plot a legend without plotting the objectplt legend in pythonset legend font size matplotlibmatplotlib legend objectmatplotlib legend objectbigger legend matplotliblegend mathplotlib pythonmatplotlib manually create legend matplotlib set legend font sizecmap matplotlib legend sizeplot legend matplotlib pythonpython legend locationpyplot show plot legendaxis legend matplotlibplt legend with no name falselegend in figure pythonmatplotlib put legend layoutdf plot legendplt legend for python3decrease size of legend pythonfigure legend sizeplt legend positionaxessubplot legendplt locplt legend pythonhow to do a legend in matplotlibmatlplotlib legendpython matplotlib legendmatpotlib plot labelplot legend out of graph pythonplt matplotlib order legendwhat does scatterpoints mean in plt legendhow to shrink the size of a matplotlib legendlegend python graphlegend axis pythonlegend whole not showing matplotlibhow to put a legend on a graph in pythonhow to add a legend to pyplotset legend 28 29 matplotlibgraph legend pythonlegend with matplotliblocation legend matplotliblegend matplot libput legend below plot matplotlibhow to use plt legendpyplot set legendhow to scale figure to insert legend pythonmatplotlib legend bottomplot legendadd legend matplotlib pythonbar plot legend matplotliblegend label matplotliblocation of the legend matplotlibdf plot 28 29 legendmatplotlib legend titlemake figure legend place matplotlibpython plot number in legendpyplot plot legend exampleplt legend pandashow to change the legend position in matplotlibplt label legendmatplotlib legendslegend martplotlibshow label in plot pythonhow to change legend size in matplotlibpython 3 pyplot legendlegend lower axis matplotlibmatplotlib legend fontsizematplolib legend for barplt boxplot legendhow to add legend in plot pythonmatplotlib legend sizeprint legend in pyplot pythonmatplotlib legend location examplelegend out of plot matplotlibhow to create legend in matplotlibposition legent pyplotplotting a legend in pyplotpandas plot legendpyplot graph legendadd a legend in matplotliblegend example matplotlibinclinate legend matplotlibpyplot legend pass parametersplot legend in matplotlibpython plt legend dataframe plotset wide legend bottom matplotlibplt plot label legend left connerpython matplotlib plot legend positionhow to draw plot with legend in pythoncreate legend in matplotlib without datamatplotlib legend data graphmatplotlib write legendplt legend location pythonwhat is plt legend 28 29 pythonmatplotlib legendpython legend sizematplotlib how create legendplt legend python syntaxplotting a legend in pythonpython show label plotpython legendplt legendmake legend bigger pyplotchange font size legend matplotlibhow to show legend in matplotlib pytohnplt plot 5b loc 5b 3a 5dmatplotlib legend textchange size of scatter plot matplotlibpython matplot legendlegend using axes matplotlibmatplotlib plot legend separatelyhow to change legend in matplotlibplt errorbar legendplt legend position pythonplotting legend in pythonlegend top left matplotlibplt legend 28 29matplotlib legend size decreasematplotlib legent leftfigure make legend font bigger matplotlibmatplotlib plot legend sizehow to change legend on the matplotlib graphpython plot legend sizehow to make legend with label in matplotlibhow to insert large legend in pythonchange legend position matplotlibplot legend pyhtonlegend handles matplotlibincrease legend size in python plotplt legend label matplotlibmatplotlib legend topsize of legend pythonlegent in pltwhat does plt legend do in pythonmatplotlib figure legend sizelegend osition matlotlibhow to add legends matplotlbmatplotlib set title legendpythoin legendlegend matplotlib locationpython add a legend to a plothow does plt legend workpython show legendhow to put legend to the plotplt legend 28loclegend python plotax legend matplotliblegend position matplotliblegend name python matlibplotlabeling legends pythonlegend for plot matplotlibhow to provide a legend for plot in pythonadjust legend size and position matplotliblegend show pyplotmatplotlib pyplot legendmatplotlib pyplot set legenddf plot with legendmatplotlib legend axpython plot legend titlelegend pltplotmatplotlib show custom legendmatplotlib make legend smallerincrease size of legend pyplotplt legend nonehow to plot legend in seaborn plotmatplotlib plot legend namematplotlib legend optionslegend frame width matplotlibadjust title size legend matplotlibmatplotlib hide legendpython matplotlib plot legendmatplotlib location legendlegend position pltpython plot set legendmatplotlib change font size legendpython plot graph legendlegend pyplot matplotlibwrite legend matplotlibmatplotlib show legend with sizelegend for a graph in pythonincrease size of legend box matplotlibplotly python label legendax set legendpyplot legend position and sizepython plot bar legend font sizeadding legend in pyplotlegend python sizeturn of legend matplotlibadd legend to plot pythonhow to show a legend in matplotlibpython legendlegend size matplotlibmatplotlib legend for markerpython plot change size legendmatplotlib legend examplehow to add legend to plt barcharthow to make legend in matplotlibpython matplot change text legend sizehow to increase size of legend in matplotlibpython how to make legend biggerdf plot legend sizematplitlib legendplt show labelsadd legend to plot in matplotlibchange legend size plot pythonplot label matplotlibpython plt legend locationplt legend pyplotlegend matplotlib pandaslegend show 28 29 python matplotlibax set legend 28 29 matplotlibpandas legend only shows one group when color changedadding legend plt plotpyplot legend textdataframe plot label legendlegend for matplotlibbbox legend axlegend in r plotlegend box matplotlib sizelegend plt sizeadd legend pltmatplotlib create legendformat legend in matplotlibplt plot legendhorizontal legend matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot legend in python with examplesmatplotlib legendmatplotlib legend plots on axplt fig legendmatplotlib pyplot labelmatplotlib legend marker sizematplot lib labellable plot pythonplt set legenpython matplotlib add legendjupyter matplotlib legendmatplotlib add legendpython fig legend together mapcreate legend in matplotlibmatplot labellegend plt plotmatplotlib pyplot show legendhow to add legends in pythonlegend fontsize matplotlibmatplotlib legend x axismake legend matplotlibmatplotlib subplot legend sizedf plot 28 29 set legendseries plot line legengndplt legend 28 29 matplotlibpu tlegned in plot multple lines in plot pythonlegend in bar plot matplotliblegende matplotlibmatplotlib define legendlegends python plotwhat is plot legendput legend plot pythonmatplotlib legend dimensionsfont size legend matplotlibplot show legendseries plot line 28 29 line legengndplt legentlabel matplotlibmatplotlib python legendplt plot show legendpython add plot legendfrom matplotlib legend import legendlegend matplotlib