1import sys
2import time
3print("pls wait", end ="")
4loading = True # a simple var to keep the loading status
5loading_speed = 4 # number of characters to print out per second
6loading_string = "." * 6 # characters to print out one by one (6 dots in this example)
7while loading:
8 for index, char in enumerate(loading_string):
9 # you can check your loading status here
10 # if the loading is done set `loading` to false and break
11 sys.stdout.write(char) # write the next char to STDOUT
12 sys.stdout.flush() # flush the output
13 time.sleep(1.0 / loading_speed) # wait to match our speed
14 index += 1 # lists are zero indexed, we need to increase by one for the accurate count
15 # backtrack the written characters, overwrite them with space, backtrack again:
16 sys.stdout.write("\b" * index + " " * index + "\b" * index)
17 sys.stdout.flush() # flush the output