showing results for - "localsstorage array append element"
21 Jun 2017
1function addEntry() {
2    // Parse any JSON previously stored in allEntries
3    var existingEntries = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("allEntries"));
4    if(existingEntries == null) existingEntries = [];
5    var entryTitle = document.getElementById("entryTitle").value;
6    var entryText = document.getElementById("entryText").value;
7    var entry = {
8        "title": entryTitle,
9        "text": entryText
10    };
11    localStorage.setItem("entry", JSON.stringify(entry));
12    // Save allEntries back to local storage
13    existingEntries.push(entry);
14    localStorage.setItem("allEntries", JSON.stringify(existingEntries));
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