malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded

Solutions on MaxInterview for malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded"
01 Nov 2017
2 * Encode array from latin1 to utf8 recursively
3 * @param $dat
4 * @return array|string
5 */
6   public static function convert_from_latin1_to_utf8_recursively($dat)
7   {
8      if (is_string($dat)) {
9         return utf8_encode($dat);
10      } elseif (is_array($dat)) {
11         $ret = [];
12         foreach ($dat as $i => $d) $ret[ $i ] = self::convert_from_latin1_to_utf8_recursively($d);
14         return $ret;
15      } elseif (is_object($dat)) {
16         foreach ($dat as $i => $d) $dat->$i = self::convert_from_latin1_to_utf8_recursively($d);
18         return $dat;
19      } else {
20         return $dat;
21      }
22   }
23// Sample use
24// Just pass your array or string and the UTF8 encode will be fixed
25$data = convert_from_latin1_to_utf8_recursively($data);
queries leading to this page
malformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded laravel 8error 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in file c 3a 5ceops 5ceopsuc 5ceopsuc 5cvendor 5claravel 5cframework 5csrc 5cilluminate 5chttp 5cjsonresponse php on line 75 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded laravel create modelmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in fileunable to encode attribute 5bquiz data 5d for model 5bapp 5cmodels 5cseolearnshow 5d to json 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded malformed utf 8 characters jsonmalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded in laravel 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22 phpguzzlehttp 5cexception 5cinvalidargumentexception 3a json encode error 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded phpinvalidargumentexception malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded laravelmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded json decodemalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encodedphp jwt malformed utf 8 charactersmalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded laravellaravel api token malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in phpmalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded laravel skipmagento 2 error 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmessage 3a 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22algolia malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedsubstr malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded collection resource laravelwp all import malformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encodedjsondecode malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedgetid3 malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22getid3 malformed utf 8 charactersmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodejson encode error malformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded guzzle httplaravel invalidargumentexception 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in file 2fvar 2fwww 2fhtml 2fmbgo 2fvendor 2flaravel 2fframework 2fsrc 2filluminate 2fhttp 2fjsonresponse php on line 75to json 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedjson encode malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded symfonyfixing e2 80 9cmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded e2 80 9d error php arraytrim malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded laravel mysqluncaught jsonexception 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded inphp strlen malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded laravel inmalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded phpmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded when in php malformed utf 8 charactersphp trim malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded yii2phpunit laravel malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22invalidargumentexception 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded inmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectlyfiile get content malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedphp malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedphp ucwords malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded shopwaremalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded laravel aws linux 2malformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded laravel ajaxmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded laravel excelfix malformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encodedjson decode malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded fixmalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded base64uncaught codeigniter 5c 5cformat 5c 5cexceptions 5c 5cformatexception 3a failed to parse json string 2c error 3a 5c 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 5c 22malformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded json decodeapiplatform malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedlaravel api token malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedphp error malformed utf 8 charactersshopware malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedinvalidargumentexception 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in fileshopware 6 malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded when calling save 28 29 eloquenterror encoding model to json 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedinvalidargumentexception malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodeducwords message 3a 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22shopware api malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in php5 6json response malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded yajra data tablesmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded storagemalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded magento 2malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed encoding utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedjson malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedinvalidargumentexception 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in file 2fvar 2fwww 2fhtml 2fprojectric be 2fvendor 2flaravel 2fframework 2fsrc 2filluminate 2fhttp 2fresponse php on line 61uncaught jsonexception 3a malformed utf 8 charactersajax malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedlaravel malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedguzzlehttp 5cexception 5cinvalidargumentexception 3a json encode error 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2cmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded in arrayphp 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22message 22 3a 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22 2c 22message 22 3a 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22 2c request 22message 22 3a 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded firebase authentication 22message 22 3a 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22 2c laravelmalformed utf 8 characters possibly incorrectly encoded laravel sql 22malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 22 2cmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded ignoremalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded sessionsymfony malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedunable to serialize value error 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedunable to encode data to json in laminas 5c 5cdiactoros 5c 5cresponse 5c 5cjsonresponse 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded imageslocal error 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded 7b 22exception 22 3a 22 5bobject 5d 28invalidargumentexception 28code 3a 0 29 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded atjson 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedlaravel 8 malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedphp escape malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded laravelson encoding failed 3a malformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encodedmalformed utf 8 characters 2c possibly incorrectly encoded