matplotlib bar chart

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showing results for - "matplotlib bar chart"
04 Jul 2020
1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  
4# creating the dataset 
5data = {'C':20, 'C++':15, 'Java':30,  
6        'Python':35} 
7courses = list(data.keys()) 
8values = list(data.values()) 
11fig = plt.figure(figsize = (5, 5)) 
13# creating the bar plot, values, color ='green',  
15        width = 0.4) 
17plt.xlabel("Courses offered") 
18plt.ylabel("No. of students enrolled") 
19plt.title("Students enrolled in different courses") 
19 Jul 2016
1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2%matplotlib inline'ggplot')
5x = ['Nuclear', 'Hydro', 'Gas', 'Oil', 'Coal', 'Biofuel']
6energy = [5, 6, 15, 22, 24, 8]
8x_pos = [i for i, _ in enumerate(x)]
9, energy, color='green')
11plt.xlabel("Energy Source")
12plt.ylabel("Energy Output (GJ)")
13plt.title("Energy output from various fuel sources")
15plt.xticks(x_pos, x)
18 Mar 2017
1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
3data = [5., 25., 50., 20.],data)
7// to set the thickness of a bar, we can set 'width'
8//, data, width = 1.)
17 Jul 2019
1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
2fig = plt.figure()
3ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1])
4langs = ['C', 'C++', 'Java', 'Python', 'PHP']
5students = [23,17,35,29,12],students)
06 Jun 2016
1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3# Create a Simple Bar Plot of Three People's Ages
5# Create a List of Labels for x-axis
6names = ["Brad", "Bill", "Bob"]
8# Create a List of Values (Same Length as Names List)
9ages = [9, 5, 10]
11# Make the Chart, ages)
14# Show the Chart
21 Apr 2018
1# Import packages
2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
3%matplotlib inline
5# Create the plot
6fig, ax = plt.subplots()
8# Plot with bar(), y)
11# Set x and y axes labels, legend, and title
queries leading to this page
matplotlib python bar charthow to create bar chart in matplotlib 3fwhich of the following functions is used to create horizontal bar plot matplotlibcreate bar chart matplotlibplt bargraphpyplot bar add labelsbar plot plotylbar plot pythonhow to plot a bar chart in matplotlibmatplotlib plot vertical bar plotbar chart for list matplotlibmatplotlib bar chart in pythonmatplotlib plot a bar chartmatplotlib plt bar examplematplotlib candlestick chartset base of bars matplotlib pythonbar graph pyplotplython bar chartmake bar graph in python using matplotlibpython matplot lib bar graphbar plot matlabbar graph in matplotlibbar plot pythinmatplotlib pyplot bar chart hbarmatplotlib barchartbar use in matplotlib pythonplot bar graph matplotlibmatplotlib bar plot bar widthbar plot pythonplt plot bar chartploty bar chartadd contour to bar plot matplotlibdraw bar chart matplotlib pythonsimple bar chart matplotlibplot bar plot pythonpython bar pllotcreating barchar in python using matplotlibmatlibplot bar chartmatplot bar plotmatplot lib making bar graphsmatplotlib plot bar examplebar chart in pyhonplt barchart matplotlibmatplotlib plot barsplt bar pythonhow to make a double bar graph in matplotlibplot bar graph matplotlib pandas axespython pyplot bar plot exampleget bar plot matplotlibpython bar chart example matplotlib dataframeplt plot barplothow to create bar plot in pythonplt bar graphbar chart matplotlibpython bar charthow to plot barplot pythonbar plot matplotlib dataframe bar chart in matplotmatplotlin specify bar chartbar graph in matplotlib exampleshow bar using matplotlib pythonmake a bar plot in matplotlibpython baruse plt to make different bar graphswhat is width in bar plot python matplotlibmatplotlib bar graph pythonpython bars plotly horisontal barplotplot bar graph in matplotlibplot bar python show figurehow to do a bar graph in pythonbar chart using matplotlib in pythonhow to plot bar graph in matplotlib in pythonmatplotlib creating a bar chartlabel bar chart pythonpython bar pliotbar plot using matplotlibplot bar plthot to draw barchart in mathplotlibbar plot example using matplotlibpyplot bar chart more than 32pyplot bar diagram examplematplotlib pyplot as bar chartbar chart pythonmatplotlib plot bar pandaspyplot bar plotbar graph using matplotlibpython bar plot comparison bars plot bar 28 29 sizebar pltbar plot in pythonsize in bar plot pythonhow to do bargraphs in pythonchange bar labels matplotlibhow to plot a bar graph in matplotlibbar stacked matplotlibpython bar plot examplepython matplotlib barpython plt bar plotbar plot plt barmatplotlib barhsyntax for plot bar in pythonplot a bar chart matplotlibbar plot matplotmake bar charts matplotlibbar plot python matplotlibvertical bar chart in pyplotbar chart matplotlib pandaspython simple bar chartbar plot matplotlib listmatplotlib plot bar chart from dataframebar matplotlibplotting bar graph in python using matplotlibnumpy bar plots in pythonmat plot lib plt barpyplot bar in pythonmatplotlib column plotmatplotlib plot bar graphcenter ticks of grouped barplots pythonplot a bar plot in matplotlibcreate a bar plot matplotlibbar chart in matplot libpython plt barmatplotlib bars sizepyplot bar pythonmatplotlib barh examplebar graph types pythonbar plot in matplot libbar graphs matplotlibmatplotlib bar 28how to make a bar graph in python matplotlibadd bar graph to matplotlib figureplot vertical bars matplotlibggplot bar chart from tablebar graph in python figureplot bar chart matplotlibhow to plot the bar plot with pltpython plot bar stackedbar chart using matplotlibbar graph in pyplothow to draw bar graph in matplotlibhow to plot a bar graph in pythonbar plot chart pythonhow to do bar plot in python using plot functionhow to bar plot in pythonbar plot in matplotlib examplepython plot barmatplotlib grouped bar charthow to create bar plot with matplotlibmatplotlib bar chart using dataframeplot bar graphs matplotliblabel on bar matplotlibbar plot properties in pythonmatplotlib python barnumpy bar graph labelledplot bar graph using matplotlibnp bar commandmatplot simple bar chartadd bar graph to matplotlibhow to plot a bar plot in pythonpython bar grapohpython matplotlib plot style barplotbar pythonplot barchartlabel bars pythonhow to do bar plot in pythonpython matplotlib bar update graphmatplotlib bar diagrambar plot function in pythonbar plot pyplotlabel bars matplotlibpython bar graph codepython bar graph with labels examplepandas plot bar pythonplt bar graphmatplotlib bartplt bar pandasmake barplot python matplotlibmatlibplot python bar chartbar plots in matplotlib make bar plot pythonplt barplot examplematplotlib python bar graphhow to make a bar graph in pythonhow to use bar plot in pythonpyplot bar chart pythonplt bar python examplebar plot matplotlib pandasmatplotlib barchartraxes bar matplotlibhow to plot bar graph in plhow to plot a bar chart pythonplotting bar chart in pythonplot bars pythonhow to add a bar to a plot matplotlibmatplotlib bar chart updatematplotlib plt barplt bar plot examplebarp plot matplotlibplt bar plot pandasbar chart with matplolibbar plot matplotlib pyplothow to bar graph in matplot libe plotsimple bar plot pythonbar chart using matplotlib pythonbar chart python matplotlib examplebar graph in pythonbar matplotlib examplenumpy array bar chart plotpython matplotlib create bar graphmatplot lib bar plotmatplotlib barcharts examplecreate a bar graph in matplotlibto create bar plot which function is used pythonmatplotlib column chartplt bar graph pythonplt bar heightplot bar graph matplotlib pandasplt barplot how to plot a bar in pandasmatplotlib adding information to a bar chartmatplotlib in python bar chartmatplotlib bar widthmatplotlib how to make a bar chartplt bar examplematplotlib bar chart numpybarchart matplotlibplt bar matplotlibbar chart python matplotlibpython matplotlib bar plothow to make bar graph matplotlibplt barmatplotlib plt plot barplt bar pythonplot barh matplotlibmatplotlib add data labels to bar chartmatplot lib bar graphhow to plot a bar chart in pythonmatplotlib bar plot using listbar plot using pandashow to plot a bar graph matplotlibbar plot pytmake a bar graph matplotlibhow to plot the bar code in pythonpython graph barmatplotlib pyplot bar function plot bar pythonmatlab bar plotbar chart matplotlib examplebar plot by index matplotlibbarplot in pythonmatplotlib bar chartmatplotlib print bar chartplt create bar plothow will you make a bar plot using matplotlib 3fhow to plot a line in matplotlibmatplotlib pandas barcreate the bar chart in python using matplotlib plot plt barpython bar graph with labelsplt widthstacked bar chart in matplotlibhow to make a bar chart with matplotlibplotting bar graph in python matplotlibdefault width of bar in bar chart is pylotcreate bar graph in matplotlibplot bar chart with matplotlibxlabels bar plot matplotlib plot bar matplotlibbar graph matplotlib pythonhow to plot bar chart in matplotlibdraw a bar graph matplotlibpython plot bar graphcreate bar plot pythonplot bar matplotliblabel bar plot matplotlibhow to plot a bar p 3botbasic bar plot pythoncreate a bar plot pythonbar labeling in matplotlibpython bar chart pyplotmatplotlib barplotmatrix bar plot pythonhow to create bar chart in matplotlib in pythonbar function in python matplotlibadd label to matplotlib bar chartpandas plot barmake bar chart in matplotlibmatplotlib bar plot stackedbar graph matplotlibplot comparison bar graph matplotlibmatplotlib bar chart pandasmatplotlib stacked barplot as bar matplotlibwhen use is bar charts in matplotlibplot bar graph in python matplotlibbar plot x 2cy matplotlibmatplotlib python bar plotpandas matplotlib plot barplot to graph together matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot bar listplt plot bar matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot in python bar graphmatplotlib barplot pythondraw bar graph in pythondrawing bar graph using pyplotplot bar pythonhow to make a simple bar graph in matplotlibbar whisker plot matplotlibplt barbar plot in matplotlobmatplot 3binb bar plotpython barplotplt horizontal bar value labellingwrite a program to create bar chart using matplotlib matplotlib bar chart from pandas dataframematplotlib tutorial bar plotplot bar from function pythonplot barplot in pythonhow to create a bar graph in matplotlibmatplotlib bar chartsbar chart graph in matplotlibplt bar matplotlibdata labels in plt bar in pythonplotting bar in pythonbar python matplotlibmatplotlib bar functionplotting using matplotlibpython label bar chartbar plot in matplotibbar graph width matplotlibbarh matplotlib examplebar chart pyplotbar graph in pltmatplotlib pyplot as plt bardrawing bar graph in pythonhow to make bar plot in pythonmatplotlib bar plot labelsmatplotlib barchatplt bar 28 29bar plot syntax in pythonplot a bar graph in matplotlibplt bar matplotlib examplebar chart in python using matplotlibplotar matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot plt barplot bar graphmatplotlib bar stackedmatplotlib plot barmatplotlib pyplot bar 28 29matplotlib plot bar chartmatplotlib in python bar graphplot bar matplotlibhoo to make bar charts in matplotlbiplotting bar graphs in python bar plot matplotlib pythonhowt o change how the display for bar graphs in matplotlib pythonbarg in matplotlib bar graphplot a comparison bar chart in pythonmatplotlib bar chart example with legendpyplot show bar chartplot bar pythoncreate bar plot in pythinbar chart with matplotlibbar charts pythonplt bar chart pythonhow to plot bar chart in pythonbar plot matplotlibmatplotlib bar chart show valuescreate bar plot in pythonbarplot python examplematplotlib bar plotplt plot bardifferent ways to plot bar 28 29 pythonmatplotlib bar chart formattingmatplto add label to barpyplot bar chartplot bargraph matplotlibmatplotlib bar graphhow to plot a basic bar graph python matplotlibhow to plot bar plot in pandasplt plot bar chart pythonx labels as text in bar pythonbar graph python pythonmatplotlib bar graph documentationbar graphs using matplotlibplotting a bar chart in pythonplot bar charts numpyplot bar chart in pythonplot bar pandasbar plot in matplotlibmatplotlib bar in pythonplot barplotplt bar in matplotlibbar 28 29 in pythonbar function in matplotlibmatplotlib add labels to bar chartplt bar chartmatplot lib bar chartmatplotlib bar chart plt bardifferent types of bar chart in matplotlibplt bar 28 29 heightbar charts pyplotbar chart in python matplotlibbar graph using matplotlib in pythonplt bar plot pythonbarplot python bar valueswhat does the function pyplot bar returnsbar plot in matplotlib windowmake bar plot in pythonhow to plot bar chart using matplotlibpython bar chartsmatplotlib pyplot barmatplotlib plt barhow to show plot bar in pythonmatplotlib stacked bar charthow to draw bar chart in pythondraw bar graph in matplotlibvertical bar plt pythonbar plot pltbar plotdraw bar plot in pythonpython pyplot bar chartpyplot bar exampleplt bar argumentshow to plot bar graph with matplotlibmatplotlib python bar chart examplebar plot with list plot bar 28 29matplotlib bar graph stackedplt barplotsimple bar plot in matplotlibmatplotlib how to bar plothow to make a bar plot in pandasbar graph in python using matplotlibbar plots matplotlibpython show barplotbar width matplotlibpython bar chart matplotlibpython matplotlib bar graphmatplotlib bar stacked graphhow to plot a bar plot using pandas in pythonbar charts in matplotlibplotly bar chartpython bar plotmake bar graph matplotlibbarplot using matplotlibbar plotting pythonbar plot variable python matplolibmatplotlib bar plot 5cset bar matplotlibmatplotlib barplotshow to add labels to values in a barchart pythonhow to plot a bar graph using matplotlibcreate a bar plot in pythonpython bar plot pltcoluumnm graph in pythonbar chart matplotlib pythonhow to draw bar graph in pythonplot as bar chart matplotlibhow to plot points using matplotlibbar graphs matplotlibplot barplot matplotlibbar 28 29 pythonbar graph pythonmatplotlib bar chart plt bar pandasbar chart in matplotlibsimple bar plot in pythonadd label to bar matpltolibbar graphs pythonplt plot barbar plot python labelsbar graph in matplotlib pythonplt plot bar plotmatplotlib make bar graphplot a bar graph in pythonhow to do a bar graph with matplotlibplt plot bar chartmatplotlib bar plotscale bar matplotlibplt bar plot pythonhow to plot bar graph in pythonplot a bar graph matplotlibmatplotlib stacked bar chart matplotlib plot barplt bar examplehow to represent a bar graph in pythonplotting bar graph in pythonmatplotlib pyplot graph bar python plt bar 28 29matplotlib plot a graph a barbar plot in pltbar graph using matplotlib kind 3d 27abrplot a bar in matplotlibmatplotlib make a bar chartplot bar graph in pythonbar chart in matplotlib examplehow to make bar plot in matplotlibplot bar chart pythonhow to draw a bar plot in pythoncreating bar charts in pythonmatplotlib bar plot pandasplot barbar charts in matplotlib tutorialsbarchart pythonplt bar chartbar plot matplotlib exampleplot a bar graph of countries as label and percentages matplotlibbar chart of data pltmatplotlib bar chart example pythonbar chart plot in pythonmatplotlib bar chart indexsimple bar graph pythonpython barchartmatplotlib bar propertiesgroup bar with multiple tick labels in matplotlibmatplotlib bar pythonbar python plotpython plot bar chartbar graphs in pythonpython make bar graphmatplotlib pyplot barmake a bar plot matplotlibchange width of bar matplotlibbarh chart matplotlibmatplotlib bar plotsbar plot results pythonbarh matplotlibto draw a bar graph in matplotlib in pythonplotting bar plot in pythonpython barplot matplotlib matplotlib python bar ploymath plot barplotting bar chart in matplot libinteractive bar graph matplotlibmatplotlib simple bar graphplot bar plot in pythonbarchart plot matplotlibhow to create a bar plot on pythonbarplot matplotlibplot matplotlib barmatplotlib bar chart examplehow to draw a barplot with matplotlibplotting bar chart pythonplt bar matplotmatplotlib bar chart with valuesnumpy array bar chartdata visualization bar chart pythonpython matplotlib bar graph llist of datamatplotlib bar graph exampleplot barshow to plotting bar on matplotlibplot bar in pythonwhat is width in bar plot pythonplt plot 28 29 barbar graphs with matplotlibmatplotlib barplotly bar plotgannt chart matplotlibcreate a bar chart matplotlibmatplotlib bar chart labelsmatplotlib barchat with multiple lableshow to make a bar graph in matplotlibplotting bar charts in pyplot pltplt plot barplt bar plotpython matplotlib bar chart examplebar in matplotlibbar graph properties pythonplot bar in matplotlibmapplotlib bar graphmatplotlib bar width optioncreating bar graphs using matplotlibbarchart using matplotlibhow to plot a bar using matplotlibbar graph python pltbar matplotlib pythonbar plot matplot libhow to bar plot matplotlibnumpy bar chartbar chart python examplehow to make a bar chart with pythonpython ax bar commandbar chart mtplotlibmatplot lib barchartmatplotlib bar chart multiple labelscreate a stacked bar chart matplotlibbar diagram axis label matplotlibplt bar label pythonbar graph labels with same name matplotlibnumpy bar plotmatplotlib figure bar chartbar plots in pythonmatplotlib add label to one barmatploatlib bar graphplot bars matlotlibbars pythonbar chart numpyhow to make plot bar chart in pythonplot bar graph python examplepython plot bar charmatplotlibbar plotpython bar graph with one barbar numpymatplotlib bar tick labelbar plot using plotlt pythonpython bar chart example matplotlibmatplotlib bar examplepython matplotlib bar chartpython bar diagramhow to bar plot a function in matplotlibhow to form the curve above the bar chart and matploplot bar pythonhow to plot a bar plot using pandasbarplot pythonbar graph matplotlib pandasmatplotlib bar plot with string labelssimple bar chart in pythonpython pyplot bar chart with labelsmatplotlib bar chart pythonplt bar labeltypes of bar chart matplotlib pythonpython bar graphplt bar python documentationplot bar in pythondrawing a bar chart in python using matplotlibplt plot bar of 3matplotlib pyplot in python bar plotplt bar matplotlibbar plot pyhtonplt bar chart matplotlibcreate bar plot using pythonmatplotlib bar chart seriespython matplotlib barchartmatplotlib bargraphmatplotlib bars examplebar graph plot in pythoncreate bar in matplotlibmatplot lib barpython matplotlib pyplot bargraphbar chart graph matplotlibhow to make a bar chart matplotlibhow to plot bar graph in matplotlibbar chart with pythonmatplotlib bar plot label only few barsbar chart pltbar chart plt in python bar plot steps pythonmatplotlib for bar plotbar plot pltplot using matplotlib barbar plot style matplotlibusing the matplotlib to write on the bar chart bar matplotlibpython plot barprint label in barchart python matplotlibplotting barchart with matplotlibplt bar in pythonbar charts plot pythonpyplot python bar chartplot bar 28 29plot a bar chart in matplotlibvbar charts in pythonhow to plot bar with label pythonmatplotlib bar chart with categoriesplt bar matplotlibmatplotlib bar plot codepython pyplot bar chart labels on barsdifferent types of bar graphs in pythonplotting a bar chart in matplotlibbar plots pythonhow to set default bar size in matplotlibplt bar 28 29 in pythonbar plot with 25 matplotlibmatplotlib example plot barpython matplotlib bar diagramhow to plot in python bar graphmatplotlib barwbarchart labelbar graph using matplotlib on pandas columnpython plot barpython bargraphsyntax for bar plot in pythonmatplotlib bar graph pandasbar charts matplotlibbar graph labels pythoncreate bar graph matplotlibmatplot lib categorical bar graphhow to lable the bars in a bar chart using matplotbarbar chart values matplotlibplot bar plot in matplotlibmake a bar plot in pythonplt bar chart with text labelmatplotlib bar plot examplepyplot bar graphhow to make a bar chart using matplotlibbar plot in pyhton matplotlib bar chart from dataframebar plot using matplotlib in pythonpyplot bar plot examplehow to make a bar plot in pythonplot bar plot matplotlibbar figure pythonmatplotlib bar pandasbar plot matplot 27barplot with matplotliblabeling matplotlib plotbar plotmatplotlib pyplot bar colorsplt bars pythonplt bar plotwhat bar 28 29 in pythondrawing a bar chart in pythonbar plots using matplotlibpython pyplot bar chart labelsplt plot with bars pythonpyplot bar chart examplebar chart example program in python plotplt bar in pythonbar plot in pyplothow to create a bar plot in pythonbar diagram matplotlibpyplot bar chartsplt barplotgood bar chart matplotlibmatplotlib bar few x labelsplotting bar graph using matplotlibplt a bar plotplot bar graph pyplotaxes matplotlib barpyplot add labels charthow to make a bar graph in pyplotmatplotlib bar gra bar width pythonhow to plot bar graph using matplotlibplotting a stacked bar plot in pythonmatplotlib pyplot bar chartmatplot lib barplotplt bar 28 29 matplotlibmatplotlib pyplot bar examplemulti label bar matplotlibmatplotlib bar chart valuesmake bar chart using matplotlib pytonbar plot dataframe matplotlibmatplotlib barsplot a bar chart in pythonbar graph in matplotlib codemake a bar chart in matplotlibplot bar graph pythonmatplotlib pyplot bar graphmatplotlib barsimple bar plot matplotlib with bar labelsvertical bar chart pythonbar chart matplotbar chart matplotlib stackedbar charts in pythonhow to plot bar plot in pythonplot bar 29matplotlib show bar chartsebar plots pythonbar plot from list pythonbar graph matplptlibhow to plot bar plot in matplotlibsimple bar plot matplotlibbar plot with matplotlibplt barmatplotlib bar examplebar graphs matplotlib pythonbar plot 5bythonbar plot pytonbar lable pltbar plot matplotlib why one bar 3fmatplotlib pyplot barbar chart in matplotlib pythonplot bar chart pltbar graph python matplotlibmatplotlib barplot examplehow to make a bar plot pythonplot bar chart python matplotlibhow to do bar graph in pythonplot a bar chart with matplotlibbar plot example matplotlibbarplot in matplotlib plot plt barbar graph in pytplotcreate bar plot matplotlibmatplotlib a bar graphmatplotlib pie chartmake bar plot matplotlib4 bar plot matplotlibpython draw bar chartwhat barplot in matplotlib bar pythonbar plot numpy arraymatplotlip bar graphi cant see the labels on my barplot in pythonmatplotlib graph barpython bar potbar chart with matploblibstacked bar chart matplotliba simple bar chart in matplotlib pythonplt plot bar 28 29matplotlib bar chart