mechanize python xe 2325

Solutions on MaxInterview for mechanize python xe 2325 by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "mechanize python xe 2325"
26 Jan 2020
1def __init__(self, proxies=[], user_agents=[]):
2        mechanize.Browser.__init__(self)
3        self.set_handle_robots(False)
4        self.proxies = proxies
5        self.user_agents = user_agents + ['Mozilla/4.0 ', 'FireFox/6.01', 'ExactSearch', 'Nokia7110/1.0']
6        self.cookie_jar = cookielib.LWPCookieJar()
7        self.set_cookiejar(self.cookie_jar)
8        self.anonymize() 
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mechanize python xe 2325