merge two linked list in python

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showing results for - "merge two linked list in python"
30 Jun 2017
1class Node:
2    def __init__(self, x, nextNode = None):
3        self.val = x
4 = nextNode
6def printList(l):
7    value = []
8    while(l):
9        value.append(l.val)
10        l =
11    print(' -> '.join(map(str, value)))
13def addTwoNumbers(l1, l2):
14    """
15    :type l1: Node
16    :type l2: Node
17    :rtype: Node
18    """
19    sum = l1.val + l2.val
20    carry = int(sum / 10)
22    l3 = Node(sum%10)
23    p1 =
24    p2 =
25    p3 = l3
26    while(p1 != None or p2 != None):
27        sum = carry + ( p1.val if p1 else 0) + ( p2.val if p2 else 0)
28        carry = int(sum/10)
29 = Node(sum % 10)
30        p3 =
31        p1 = if p1 else None
32        p2 = if p2 else None
34    if(carry > 0):
35 = Node(carry)
37    return l3
40l1 = Node(9, Node(8, Node(7)))
43l2 = Node(8, Node(7, Node(4)))
45l3 = addTwoNumbers(l1, l2)
49l1 = Node(2, Node(4, Node(3)))
52l2 = Node(5, Node(6, Node(4)))
54l3 = addTwoNumbers(l1, l2)
14 May 2017
1class SinglyLinkedListNode:
2    def __init__(self, node_data):
3 = node_data
4 = None
7class SinglyLinkedList:
8    def __init__(self):
9        self.head = None
10        self.tail = None
12    def insert_node(self, node_data):
13        node = SinglyLinkedListNode(node_data)
15        if not self.head:
16            self.head = node
17        else:
18   = node
20        self.tail = node
23def print_singly_linked_list(node, sep):
24    while node:
25        print(str(, end=' ')
27        node =
30def printt(headd):
31    itr = headd
32    llstr = []
33    while itr:
34        llstr.append(
35        itr =
36    return llstr
39def mergeLists(llist1, llist2):
40    ll1 = printt(llist1)
41    ll2 = printt(llist2)
42    ll3 = (ll1 + ll2)
43    ll3.sort()
44    lll = SinglyLinkedList()
45    for ii in ll3:
46        lll.insert_node(ii)
47    return lll.head
50if __name__ == '__main__':
52    llist1_count = int(
53        input("Enter the number of element to be in linked list 1: "))
55    llist1 = SinglyLinkedList()
57    print("Enter the elements to be added in list1 line by line")
58    for _ in range(llist1_count):
59        llist1_item = int(input())
60        llist1.insert_node(llist1_item)
62    print("\n")
63    llist2_count = int(
64        input("Enter the number of element to be in linked list 2: "))
66    llist2 = SinglyLinkedList()
68    print("Enter the elements to be added in list2 line by line")
69    for _ in range(llist2_count):
70        llist2_item = int(input())
71        llist2.insert_node(llist2_item)
73    llist3 = mergeLists(llist1.head, llist2.head)
75    print("\n")
76    print("The merged linked list value: ")
77    print_singly_linked_list(llist3, ' ')
80Output window:
81Enter the number of element to be in linked list 1: 3
82Enter the elements to be added in list1 line by line
86Enter the number of element to be in linked list 2: 2
87Enter the elements to be added in list2 line by line
90The merged linked list value:
911 2 3 3 4
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two numbers and return the sum as a linked list add two numbers aslistmerge two singly linked lists together pythonadd two digit numbers using linked listadd two numbers represented by linked list given two numbers represented by two linked lists 2c write a function that returns sum list the sum list is linked list representation of addition of two input numbers example 1 3ahow to add 2 linked lists in pythonhow to add 2 single link lists in pythonmerge two linked list in python