monitoring serial ports with cmd

Solutions on MaxInterview for monitoring serial ports with cmd by the best coders in the world

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23 Mar 2018
1SerialMonitor.EXE /new   
2   PORT
3   [A] [T] [L] [R] [D]
5      /*
6      “PORT” defines the serial port to monitor (COM1, COM4, etc.)
7      “A” means that monitoring should be started automatically once you press the “Enter” button
8      “T” means that “Table View” should be toggled on
9      “L” means that “Line View” should be toggled on
10      “R” means that “Terminal View” should be toggled on
11      “D” means that “Data View” should be toggled on
12      */
14SerialMonitor.exe /new COM1 ATLRD