mysql show create table

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showing results for - "mysql show create table"
08 Jul 2018
1DESCRIBE table_name; # To show table structure...
02 Feb 2017
29 Apr 2020
1DESCRIBE my_table;
25 Sep 2017
14 Jan 2021
1Copied mysql> SHOW CREATE TABLE t\G
2*************************** 1. row ***************************
3       Table: t
4Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t` (
5  `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
6  `s` char(60) DEFAULT NULL,
7  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
13 Apr 2016
1Copied mysql> DESCRIBE pet;
3| Field   | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
5| name    | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
6| owner   | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
7| species | varchar(20) | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
8| sex     | char(1)     | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
9| birth   | date        | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
10| death   | date        | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
queries leading to this page
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tables in mysqlshow table layout mysql ubuntuhow to see a table structure in mysqlhow to see table details in mysqlshow create table pathogenicity from schemashow table create query myslqshow table in databnbse mysqlsee table structure in mysqlget create query of table in mysqlshow table details mysqlmysql view tablemysql code to view table contentsmysql command to show tablesmysql get table sqlmysql command view tablesview table columns mysqlshow structure of table in mysqlshow all tables in mysqlhow to get table schema in mysqlmysql show table columns datamysql show fields for tabledisplay table mysqlmysql see table propertiesmysql table data structuremysql show tables schemaget table mysqlcommmande mysql show structure of a table how to get information from mysql table without showing columnshow table in phpmyadminget specific table structureview tables mysqlmysql show database table infoshow to show table schema in mysqlmysql show info about a tablemysql show tables contentget structure of table mysqlphpmyadmin create a tablehow to get create query of a table in mysqlhow to show column mysqlshow create table querymysql cli query to show a tablemysql show column in tablesmysql columncommand to see the table structure in mysqlmysql table structure querymysql show table create scriptget create table statement mysqlmysql show table detailshow to show structure of table in mysqlmysql show tables with column namemysql show database table structurecreate table view mysqlmysql show certain tablemysql show table namesmysql show tables in specific databaseprint all columns mysqlshow tables data mysql dbmysql describe table examplesshow tables in mysqlshow create table of all tables in mysql schemahow to show tables inside a database mysqlhow to see the table structure in mysqlview stucture of a mysql tablemysql show table innodb myisamhow to show all tables in a database mysqlcheck mysql table structuremysql show contents of tablehow to view my table on mysqlshow all 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mysqlmysql show certain table schemadisplay database tables in mysqlmysql show create table