navigation navigate is not a function

Solutions on MaxInterview for navigation navigate is not a function by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "navigation navigate is not a function"
15 Feb 2018
1static navigationOptions = ({navigation}) => {
2        return {
3            title: 'Review Jobs',
4            headerRight: (<Title onPress={()=> navigation.navigate('settings')}>Settings</Title>)
5        };
6    };
queries leading to this page
typeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function typeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28 27home 27 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefined 29typeerror 3a navigationservice default navigate is not a function 28in 27navigationservice default nevigate 28 27viewnotification 27 2c notify 29 27 2c 27 navigationservice default nevigate 27 is undefinednavigation navigate is not a function react nativenavigate is not a function navigation navigate is not a function in navigation navigatetypeerror 3a navigate is not a functiontypeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28nav 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefinedtypeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28 27create 27 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefined 29error typeerror 3a navigate is not a functiontab navigator navigate is not a function rootnavigation navigate is not a functiontypeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28 27detail 27 2c point 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefined 29typeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28 22register 22 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefined 29navigate is not a function react nativedefault navigate is not a functionsnavigation navigation is not a functionnavigation navigate is not workingreact native navigation navigate is not a functionreact navigation default navigate is not a functionnavigation navigate not working in function componentnavigation navigate is not a function navigation navigate is not a functiontypeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a functionncaught typeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function 5bunhandled promise rejection 3a typeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28 22main 22 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefined 29 5dnavigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28 27aboutus 27 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefinedtypeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28 27enroll 27 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefined 29props navigation navigate is not a function react native errornavigation navigate is not a function in stack headernative createnavigationfactory is not a function this props navigation navigate is not a functionreactjs navigate is not a function navigation navigate is not a functionuncaught typeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a functionnavigate is not a function 28in 27navigate 28 27profile 27 29 27 2c 27navigate 27 is undefined 29this router navigate is not a functionprops navigation navigate is not a functionnavigate is not a function jestnavigation navigate is not a function 28in 27navigation navigate 28 27login 27 29 27 2c 27navigation navigate 27 is undefined 29jest typeerror 3a navigation navigate is not a functionnavigation navigate is not a function