ngfor in select

Solutions on MaxInterview for ngfor in select by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "ngfor in select"
09 Feb 2016
1<select [(ngModel)]="passenger.Title">
2    <option *ngFor="let title of titleArray" [value]="title.Value">
3      {{title.Text}}
4    </option>
26 Jan 2017
2<select [(ngModel)]="passenger.Title">
3    <option *ngFor="let title of titleArray" [value]="title.Value">
4      {{title.Text}}
5    </option>
21 Jul 2016
2    <ul *ngFor="let sentence of sentences;let i = index;" class="collection">
3        <li class="collection-item">
4            <p [ngClass]="{'red': sentence?.disco == 1 , 'green': sentence?.disco == 2 }">{{sentence.viewValue}} </p>
5            <p style="margin-left:20px; font-size:12px!important">
6                <select #val (change)="onChange(val.value,i)">
7            <option *ngFor="let cat of foods" [value]="cat.value" >
8            {{cat.viewValue}}
9            </option>
10            </select>
11         </p>
12      </li>
13   </ul>
queries leading to this page
select ngfor angular 2angfor on optionselect html ngforangular select ngfor ngvaluehow to add a selected item to an array in angular 8loopfor angular selectangular build select with ngforngfor option select angular 10ngfor select optionsangular ngfor select optionsangular dropdown ngforangular select ngfor examplehtml select with angular ngforselect one in ngfor angularoption 2angfor ngfor select option angular 9ngfor for dropdownngfor items html ng selecthtml select ngforngfor ion selectngfor on select optionngfor angular in option of selectdrop down list angular ngforng for it in selectexample angular ngfor optionngfor angular dropdownngfor option select angular 9ngfor select option angularngfor object on select optionangular select option selected ngfordisplay typescript array in select box html angular 7angular 8 ng select2 ngfor datang for in angular on selecthow to use select 2foption 2fngfor on an array of objectshow to use ngfor in select tag in angularng select angularselect 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with ngfor option ngxs select ngforangular select options ngforng for select option 2angfor in select angularngfor select angular select ngforangular select ngforhow to display ngfor in html select optionselect option with ngforngfor select single angularselect option ngfor condition angularng select with routeng2 selectngfor select option pick selectedangular use ngfor with select baliseselect options with ngforion select option ngforng for select option angular 7ng for inside ng for select dropdown in angular 8mat select ngforngfor with angular material select ngfor in angular year listselect in angularngfor select option angular 11angular select options ngfor changeusing ngfor in option in angularangular select liost in ngforngfor in angular year select optionselect div ngforngfor select itemiterate select drop down in 2angforngfor items html 22ng select 22ngfor items 22ng select 22ngfor optionngfor select option selected angular 10mat select option ngforngfor select dropdownhow to 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2angforselect value ngforangular selectbox ng forangular ng for selectselect input angularhow to use ngfor in select tagngfor select certain elementsarray object select angular angular ngfor dropdown list valueselect from ngforngfor in select