node filesystem change directory of a file

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showing results for - "node filesystem change directory of a file"
30 Jul 2017
1const {promisify} = require('util');
2const fs = require('fs');
3const {join} = require('path');
4const mv = promisify(fs.rename);
6const moveThem = async () => {
7  // Move file ./bar/foo.js to ./baz/qux.js
8  const original = join(__dirname, 'bar/foo.js');
9  const target = join(__dirname, 'baz/qux.js'); 
10  await mv(original, target);
21 Aug 2019
1var fs = require('fs-extra')
3fs.move('/tmp/somefile', '/tmp/does/not/exist/yet/somefile', function (err) {
4 if (err) return console.error(err)
5 console.log("success!")
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