objects and classes in python

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showing results for - "objects and classes in python"
17 Jan 2017
1class Person:
2  def __init__(self, _name, _age):
3    self.name = _name
4    self.age = _age
6  def sayHi(self):
7    print('Hello, my name is ' + self.name + ' and I am ' + self.age + ' years old!')
9p1 = Person('Bob', 25)
10p1.sayHi() # Prints: Hello, my name is Bob and I am 25 years old!
13 Jan 2017
1class Employee(Object)
2	def __init__(self, name, age, salary):
3    	self.name = name
4      	self.age = age
5        self.salary = salary
9  	def __str__(self)
10    return f"Employee {name} \nhes age {age} \nand make {salary}"
01 Jun 2016
1#objects are collections of data
09 Jan 2017
1class Student:
2  def __init__(self, id, name, age):
3    self.name = name
4    self.id = id
5    self.age = age
7  def greet(self):
8    print(f"Hello there.\nMy name is {self.name}")
10  def get_age(self):
11    print(f"I am {self.age}")
13  def __add__(self, other)
14  	return Student(
15      self.name+" "+other.name,
16      self.id + " "+ other.id,
17      str(self.age) +" "+str(other.age))
19p1 = Student(1, "Jay", 19)
20p2 = Student(2, "Jean", 22)
21p3 = Student(3, "Shanna", 32)
22p4 = Student(4, "Kayla", 23)
25result = p1+p3
31 Feb 2019
1# Python classes
3class Person():
4  # Class object attributes (attributes that not needed to be mentioned when creating new class of person)
5  alive = True
7  def __init__(self, name, age):
8    # In the __init__ method you can make attributes that will be mentioned when creating new class of person
9    self.name = name
10    self.age = age
12  def speak(self):
13    # In every method in class there will be self, and then other things (name, age, etc.)
14    print(f'Hello, my name is {self.name} and my age is {self.age}') # f'' is type of strings that let you use variable within the string
16person_one = Person('Sam', 23) # Sam is the name attribute, and 23 is the age attribute
17person_one.speak() # Prints Hello, my name is Sam and my age is 23
20# Output:
22>>> 'Hello, my name is Sam and my age is 23'
23 Nov 2019
1class IntellipaatClass:
2	a = 5
3	def function1(self):
4		print(‘Welcome to Intellipaat’)
5#accessing attributes using the class object of same name
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