oracle substring

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showing results for - "oracle substring"
14 May 2020
1-- ORACLE substr(string, start, [, length ])
2SELECT substr('Hello World', 4, 5) FROM DUAL;       -- lo Wo
3SELECT substr('Hello World', 4) FROM DUAL;          -- lo World
4SELECT substr('Hello World', -3) FROM DUAL;         -- rld
5SELECT substr('Hello World', -3, 2) FROM DUAL;      -- rl
17 Jun 2018
1SUBSTR( "20190601", 0, 6 )
15 Nov 2016
1SUBSTR( string, start_position [, length ] )
04 Jul 2016
1-- For Oracle only
3-- syntax 
6-- example 
7SUBSTR('Useless stuff',1,10) -- OUTPUT: Useless st
9-- practical example
10SELECT SUBSTR('Useless stuff',1,10)
14 Jan 2020
1-- For Oracle only
3-- syntax 
6-- example 
7SUBSTR('Useless stuff',-9) -- OUTPUT: ess stuff
9-- practical example
10SELECT SUBSTR('Useless stuff',-9)
04 Jan 2017
queries leading to this page
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