1'''note the integer representation of unicode character
2of capital letters and small letters are completely different'''
4# example
5print( ord('A') ) # output 65
6print( ord('a') ) # output 97
1# ord('a') means 'get unicode of a'
2ord('a') = 97
4# chr(97) is the reverse, and means 'get ascii of 97'
5chr(97) = 'a'
7# to get the int val of a single digit represented as a char, do the following:
8# ord(single_digit_char) - ord('0') = single_digit_int
9ord('5') - ord('0') = 5
10ord('3') - ord('0') = 3
1print('Unicode value of lower case alphabet a is ', ord('a')) # lower case alphabet
2print('Unicode value of bumber 5 is ', ord('5')) # Number
3print('Unicode value of symobol $ is ', ord('$')) # dollar
4print('Unicode value of upper case alphabet A is ', ord('A')) # Upper case alphabet
5print('Unicode value of zero is ', ord('0')) # Number Zero