pandas bins dummy

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showing results for - "pandas bins dummy"
14 May 2018
1>>> pd.qcut(range(5), 4, labels=False)
2array([0, 0, 1, 2, 3])
07 Jan 2019
1df['ageD'], bins = pd.qcut(df.iloc[:, 0], 2, retbins=True)
2left = (df["age"].values <= bins[:,None]).T.astype(int)
3dl = pd.DataFrame(left, columns=["(-inf, {}]".format(b) for b in bins])
4dr = pd.DataFrame(1-left, columns=["({}, +inf)".format(b) for b in bins])
5dout = pd.concat([pd.get_dummies(df), dl, dr], axis=1)
29 Feb 2020
1>>> dout
2   age  ageD_[5, 30]  ageD_(30, 70]  (-inf, 5]  (-inf, 30]  (-inf, 70]  (5, +inf)  (30, +inf)  (70, +inf)
30    5             1              0          1           1           1          0           0           0
41   23             1              0          0           1           1          1           0           0
52   43             0              1          0           0           1          1           1           0
63   70             0              1          0           0           1          1           1           0
74   30             1              0          0           1           1          1           0           0
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