pandas read csv from url

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showing results for - "pandas read csv from url"
11 Aug 2020
1import csv
2import requests
4CSV_URL = ''
6with requests.Session() as s:
7    download = s.get(CSV_URL)
9    decoded_content = download.content.decode('utf-8')
11    cr = csv.reader(decoded_content.splitlines(), delimiter=',')
12    my_list = list(cr)
13    for row in my_list:
14        print(row)
18 Jul 2019
1data = pd.read_csv(
2    "data/files/complex_data_example.tsv",      # relative python path to subdirectory
3    sep='\t'           # Tab-separated value file.
4    quotechar="'",        # single quote allowed as quote character
5    dtype={"salary": int},             # Parse the salary column as an integer 
6    usecols=['name', 'birth_date', 'salary'].   # Only load the three columns specified.
7    parse_dates=['birth_date'],     # Intepret the birth_date column as a date
8    skiprows=10,         # Skip the first 10 rows of the file
9    na_values=['.', '??']       # Take any '.' or '??' values as NA
04 Nov 2020
1import pandas as pd
2import io
3import requests
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