paramiko sample code

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04 Jan 2017
1#works with python 2
3import paramiko
4import gatepass
5def main():
6    '''
7    Use Paramiko to retrieve the entire 'show version' output.
8    '''
9    ip_addr = raw_input("Enter IP address: ")
10    username = 'pyclass'
11    password = getpass()
12    port = 22
13    remote_conn_pre = paramiko.SSHClient()
14    remote_conn_pre.load_system_host_keys()
16    remote_conn_pre.connect(ip_addr, port=port, username=username, password=password,
17                            look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False)
18    remote_conn = remote_conn_pre.invoke_shell()
20    time.sleep(1)
21    clear_buffer(remote_conn)
22    disable_paging(remote_conn)
23    output = send_command(remote_conn, cmd='show version')
24    print '\n>>>>'
25    print output
26    print '>>>>\n' 
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