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showing results for - "pass function with parameter as prop"
10 Feb 2016
1class SomeComponent extends Component{
3    constructor(props){
4        super(props);
5        //does whatever stuff        
6        this.myFunction = this.myFunction.bind(this);
8    }
10    //(only applicable to raw and normal forms)
11    myFunction(param){
12        console.log('do something: ', param);
13    }
15    render(){
16     return (<div><ChildComponent1 myFunction={this.myFunction}/></div>)
17    }
20class ChildComponent1{
21      render(){
22  return (<div><ChildComponent2 myFunction={this.props.myFunction}/></div>)
23    }
26class ChildComponent2{
27      render(){
28  return (<Button onClick={()=>this.props.myFunction(param)}>SomeButton</Button>)
29    }
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