payment with stripe in php

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12 Mar 2017
2namespace PhpPot\Service;
4require_once 'vendor/stripe/autoload.php';
6use \Stripe\Stripe;
7use \Stripe\Customer;
8use \Stripe\ApiOperations\Create;
9use \Stripe\Charge;
11class StripePayment
14    private $apiKey;
16    private $stripeService;
18    public function __construct()
19    {
20        require_once "config.php";
21        $this->apiKey = STRIPE_SECRET_KEY;
22        $this->stripeService = new \Stripe\Stripe();
23        $this->stripeService->setVerifySslCerts(false);
24        $this->stripeService->setApiKey($this->apiKey);
25    }
27    public function addCustomer($customerDetailsAry)
28    {
30        $customer = new Customer();
32        $customerDetails = $customer->create($customerDetailsAry);
34        return $customerDetails;
35    }
37    public function chargeAmountFromCard($cardDetails)
38    {
39        $customerDetailsAry = array(
40            'email' => $cardDetails['email'],
41            'source' => $cardDetails['token']
42        );
43        $customerResult = $this->addCustomer($customerDetailsAry);
44        $charge = new Charge();
45        $cardDetailsAry = array(
46            'customer' => $customerResult->id,
47            'amount' => $cardDetails['amount']*100 ,
48            'currency' => $cardDetails['currency_code'],
49            'description' => $cardDetails['item_name'],
50            'metadata' => array(
51                'order_id' => $cardDetails['item_number']
52            )
53        );
54        $result = $charge->create($cardDetailsAry);
56        return $result->jsonSerialize();
57    }
09 Nov 2017
1<?php if(!empty($successMessage)) { ?>
2<div id="success-message"><?php echo $successMessage; ?></div>
3<?php  } ?>
4<div id="error-message"></div>
6<form id="frmStripePayment" action="" method="post">
7    <div class="field-row">
8        <label>Card Holder Name</label> <span id="card-holder-name-info"
9            class="info"></span><br> <input type="text" id="name"
10            name="name" class="demoInputBox">
11    </div>
12    <div class="field-row">
13        <label>Email</label> <span id="email-info" class="info"></span><br>
14        <input type="text" id="email" name="email" class="demoInputBox">
15    </div>
16    <div class="field-row">
17        <label>Card Number</label> <span id="card-number-info"
18            class="info"></span><br> <input type="text" id="card-number"
19            name="card-number" class="demoInputBox">
20    </div>
21    <div class="field-row">
22        <div class="contact-row column-right">
23            <label>Expiry Month / Year</label> <span id="userEmail-info"
24                class="info"></span><br> <select name="month" id="month"
25                class="demoSelectBox">
26                <option value="08">08</option>
27                <option value="09">9</option>
28                <option value="10">10</option>
29                <option value="11">11</option>
30                <option value="12">12</option>
31            </select> <select name="year" id="year"
32                class="demoSelectBox">
33                <option value="18">2018</option>
34                <option value="19">2019</option>
35                <option value="20">2020</option>
36                <option value="21">2021</option>
37                <option value="22">2022</option>
38                <option value="23">2023</option>
39                <option value="24">2024</option>
40                <option value="25">2025</option>
41                <option value="26">2026</option>
42                <option value="27">2027</option>
43                <option value="28">2028</option>
44                <option value="29">2029</option>
45                <option value="30">2030</option>
46            </select>
47        </div>
48        <div class="contact-row cvv-box">
49            <label>CVC</label> <span id="cvv-info" class="info"></span><br>
50            <input type="text" name="cvc" id="cvc"
51                class="demoInputBox cvv-input">
52        </div>
53    </div>
54    <div>
55        <input type="submit" name="pay_now" value="Submit"
56            id="submit-btn" class="btnAction"
57            onClick="stripePay(event);">
59        <div id="loader">
60            <img alt="loader" src="LoaderIcon.gif">
61        </div>
62    </div>
63    <input type='hidden' name='amount' value='0.5'> <input type='hidden'
64        name='currency_code' value='USD'> <input type='hidden'
65        name='item_name' value='Test Product'> <input type='hidden'
66        name='item_number' value='PHPPOTEG#1'>
10 Aug 2020
2use \PhpPot\Service\StripePayment;
4if (!empty($_POST["token"])) {
5    require_once 'StripePayment.php';
6    $stripePayment = new StripePayment();
8    $stripeResponse = $stripePayment->chargeAmountFromCard($_POST);
10    require_once "DBController.php";
11    $dbController = new DBController();
13    $amount = $stripeResponse["amount"] /100;
15    $param_type = 'ssdssss';
16    $param_value_array = array(
17        $_POST['email'],
18        $_POST['item_number'],
19        $amount,
20        $stripeResponse["currency"],
21        $stripeResponse["balance_transaction"],
22        $stripeResponse["status"],
23        json_encode($stripeResponse)
24    );
25    $query = "INSERT INTO tbl_payment (email, item_number, amount, currency_code, txn_id, payment_status, payment_response) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
26    $id = $dbController->insert($query, $param_type, $param_value_array);
28    if ($stripeResponse['amount_refunded'] == 0 && empty($stripeResponse['failure_code']) && $stripeResponse['paid'] == 1 && $stripeResponse['captured'] == 1 && $stripeResponse['status'] == 'succeeded') {
29       $successMessage = "Stripe payment is completed successfully. The TXN ID is " . $stripeResponse["balance_transaction"];
30    }
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