php data types

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showing results for - "php data types"
04 Nov 2020
3Variables can store data of different types, and different data types can do different things.
5PHP supports the following data types:
71) String
82) Integer
93) Float (floating point numbers - also called double)
104) Boolean
115) Array
126) Object
137) NULL
148) Resource
17// PHP String
18$x = "Hello world!";
19echo $x;
21//PHP Integer
22$x = 5985;
25//PHP Float
26$x = 10.365;
29//PHP Boolean
30$x = true;
31$y = false;
33//PHP Array
34$cars = array("Volvo","BMW","Toyota");
37//PHP Object
38  class Car {
39      function Car() {
40          $this->model = "VW";
41      }
42  }
44  // create an object
45  $herbie = new Car();
47  // show object properties
48  echo $herbie->model;
50//PHP NULL Value
51$x = "Hello world!";
52$x = null;
07 Jan 2020
2$x = "Hello world!";
3$y = 'Hello world!';
5echo $x;
6echo "<br>";
7echo $y;
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