php remove last character from string

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showing results for - "php remove last character from string"
02 Feb 2016
1//Remove the last character using substr
2$string = substr($string, 0, -1);
28 Oct 2016
2echo substr('abcdef',0, -1);     // abcde
22 Nov 2019
1$hell = substr('hello', 0, -1);
17 Mar 2019
1echo substr($string, 0, -3);
23 Jun 2018
1$string = rtrim($string, ',');
23 Apr 2017
1$newarraynama = rtrim($arraynama, ", ");
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last word phpphp subtract character from endphp re 3bove last string charactertrim the last character in phpphp remove last 2 lettershow to remove first and last character from string in phplast letter remove from string using phpremove last carecter from string phpphp remove last charaterremove last string of the sentence in phphow to remove last char from string phpremove last char from string pgpremove last from string phpphp trim comma from end of stringstrip first and last character phpphp check last character of string and removeremove 1st and last character from string phpremove last character from string phpphp delete last letter of stringphp delete last part of stringphp remove 2nd last char from stringremove last three characters phpremove only last char phpremove rstring from string get last string in phpremove last 3 character from string phpphp remove last 3 characters stringremove from last position in a string phpphp strip last 2 charactersphp remove last element from arrayrempove last char phpdelete last character in string phpphp remove lastcharacterif last character in string is 26 then remove in phpremove last comma from string in phpphpm remove last from stringphp remove last commaphp drop last charphp replace last characterremove last character of a string phpremove last and from string in phpphp str remove last charremove string last character phpremove character from string from last in phphow to remove last word in phpphp sub last 4 charctershow to remove last comma from string in phpremove specific last character from string phpreplacing the last cheracter from string in phpcut last three letters off string phpstring last word remove in phpphp remove last character if its a slashremove last comma from string phpremove last char o string phphow to cut last character of a string in phpphp while remove last character from stringtrim last character from string phpremove the last char phpremove last character in string phptrim last 4 characters phpphp remove last character from string if slashremove last character from string pphtrim last 3 char in string phpphp function to remove last foure letter of a stringphp string remove last characterremove last thrre char phpremove any commas at the end of a string phpremove last char of a string phpphp remove last 3 character and spacephp trim 2f last characterphp remove last 3 values from a stringphp delete last commatrim last 2 characters in phpremove last number phpphp remove last two letters from the striongphp delete the last character of a stringremove last letter from stringphpremoving last character from string in phpphp find last character in string and deletedelete first and last char of string phpremove last letter phpstrip and s off if it 27s the last character phpdelete last letters string phphow to remove last 3 characters from string in phpphp remove if last substringremove last character on string phpstring remove last 2 characters phpphp remove first and last 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two characters phpremove lastachar phpdelete last char phpphp delete last character from fwrite php remove end characters from stringremove comma from string phpremove last value phphow to remove last 3 character from string in phpphp remove substring from end of stringremove the last 2c from string in phpremove las caracter phpdelete one character laravelphp rtrim comma not workingphp cut last letter of stringfind a string have last special character to remove phpdelete last character of a string phpphp remove last newline from stringremove last char string phpphp remove last 10 characters from stringremove last index of string phpphp remove first and last characters from stringphp string cut last characterphp remove last occurrence of character in stringhow to remove last char in string phpphp remove last wordsdrop last char phpphp substr removelast 4 charactersremove last character from string phporemove last comma from string php foreachphp substr minus last characterremove one letter from last using phpphp remove last 5 characters from stringphp remove last charachetersphp drop last character of stringphp remove last words from stringdelet last character in string in phpphp remove 3 last characterstrim last 3 characters in phpphp remove last two characterstrip last three characters from string in phpphp delete last charremove first and last character from string phpphp remove last s if anyremove last character from integer phpremove last elements from string phpremove last letter from phpremove last word of string phpphp remove last cahracter form stringphp delete last character in stringstring delete last character phpdelete last sign of a string php if it is a commaphp remove 3 last numberremove right characters in phphow to remove last char of string phpdelete last characters string phpdelete last word after 2f phpremove trailing symbols in phpremove comma at the end of string phpcut last value of string phpphp replace last charremove last element from php string function to delete chars from a string in phpremove last 2 chars from a text phpstrip last character phpphp remove last 4 chars from stringphp remove last eltterphp remove last character of stringphp fwrite delete last characterremove last numbers phpremove last letter laravelin php string remove last characterhow to remove first and last character from string phplast and first comma remove phpcut last letter in string in phpdelete last 2 characters phpphp trim last letter of stringphp delete last character from stringhow to remove last character from string in pythonphp echo delete last characterphp remove trailing spaces and commaphp remove from lastphp string cut last x charactersphp remove last chars of stringeliminate last character from string phpphp remove last 3 charactersdelete last character string phpphp remove last character string if matchphp remove last character form stringphp remove comma from end of stringphp string remove last 2 specific characterscount specific char in string phpcut last chars of string phpphp remove last string charactertrim last comma from string phpphp remove first and last character from stringremove last two characters from a string phpphp strip last character of stringremove last character from string php and get remove charecterremove last symbol from a string phpremove last character 1 from string phpunset cookie phpremove last character of stirng phpremove first last character string phpphp get all but last character of stringphp remove three last characterphp remove last certain character in stringremove last character phpremove last tab from string phpremove 2c from last character in phpphp remove last 3 characters from stringphp strip last element from stringphp remove characters at end stringphp remove 2 last characters from stringtrim last part of string phpsubstring delete last character phpphp remove one from end remove from last of string using phpphp string delete last charhow to remove the last character from a string phpphp remove last chracter of stringphp if last word in string 2c removeremove last character of string phphow to remove last string in phpphp remove last char from stringdelete last caractere string phphow to remove last character from string in php till specfic symbolphp delete first and last character from stringremove last 2c with phpremove last two chars from string phphremove last symbol from string phpphp cut last character of stringremove the last 6 characters of a string phptrim last character only if is comma phpphp remove last comma and spacephp remove last stringphp remove the first and last character of a stringphpremove last 4 characters from a stringphp string last world removeremove the last symbol of a string phpremove 3 last character from string phptrim last value phperase last character phpphp remove 2remove last character from string symfonyphp remove last two charactersphp last character of string removephp remove last comma from a loopphp remove last oocurance of chracter instringphp remove last 3 letters from stringpop last element from string phpphp get 10 words from stringremove last char pphremove last digit from number phpphp foreach loop remove last commaremove last character from string php smartyphp remove one char from lastremove last 2 character by a string phpremove last two word from string phpremove first and last character from string php by slasdelete last 3 character from array in phpremove last three char from string phpremove the lasta caracter phphow to remove last cdigit from a string in phpphp remve last characterphp how to remove last 3 characters from stringhow to get string except last 3 letters phpremove last digit using phpdelete last caractre in string phpremove last caracter by a string phphremove the last string caracter phpremove first 2 and last 2 characters from string in phpremove last caracter string phpremove string php from last charactersubstring all but last x character phplast special characters in string remove in phpskip last charencter and match word phpremoving last character from string phpphp trim last charactersremove last element string phpremove last 1 character from string in phpphp get last slash from stringhow to remove last 2 characters from a string in phpremove end phpremove last charachter from string phpremove last 3 characters in sql phpphp remove last four charphp remove 26 238211 3bphp substr all but last characterphp remove last 4 charactersphp cut last characterstrip last character from string phpphp remove last word from arrayremove last word from string phpdelete the last character of a string phpcheck last character of string php stripphp remove last charactershow to reduce last letter in phpphp substr remove last 4 charactersremove first and last comma from string in phpremove last index of phphow rto remove last 4 characters from string in phphow to remove the last character of a string phphow to remove last character in string phpphp strip off last few chgaracters of a stringdrop character phpphp get string after last charremove last digit from string phpphp remove last comma of a stringcut last letter on phpphp remove last caracterphp remove first and last char from stringsubstr remove last 2 characters phpremove last string in character phpphp remove last 3 chars from stringremove last character php stringremove the last character from a string in phpremove space from the last of the string in phpphp trim remove the last occurrencephp remove last character from stringremove last item from string phpphp remove last two characters from stringlaravel remove last stringquit last character phpremove character from last string phpremove the last caracter phpphp delete first and last digit on stringremove last coma using phpremove final character from string phpphp delete last line from stringremove the last letter of a string phpremo ve last character in string phpremoving the last part of a string phphow to remove the last character of a variable in phpremove last char php laralvel c3 b6string remove last 3 character phpphp remove alst characterstring without last character phpphp cut off end of stringsubstring remove last character phpphp remove last character if emptyarray remove last 2 letters phpremove last chart string phpremove last caracter from string phpremove last 2c in string phpsubstr remove last characterremove last character string phpremove last character in a string phpphp how to remove last character from stringremove last char in string phpremove the last comma from the end of the strings phpremove last char from stringbuilder javaremove n characters from string until last character is a number phphow to remove last word in a string phpdelete if last character of string phpphp remove 2 last caracteresphp remove last character from for loopremove last part from string phphow to remove last comma in phpphp remove last comma from stringphp remove number from string after 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charactersremove string last comma phphow to remove comma from string at left ot at right phpremove string from last in phpphp remove last character from string