php round to the nearest 10

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showing results for - "php round to the nearest 10"
10 Jan 2020
1$int = 8.998988776636;
2round($int) //Will always be 9
4$int = 8.344473773737377474;
5round($int) //will always be 8
05 Feb 2019
1//round up to nearest integer
2echo(ceil(0.60) . "<br>");
3//result 1
24 Nov 2019
3echo 'Rounding modes with 9.5' . PHP_EOL;
4var_dump(round(9.50, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP));
5var_dump(round(9.50, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN));
6var_dump(round(9.50, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN));
7var_dump(round(9.50, PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD));
9echo 'Rounding modes with 8.5' . PHP_EOL;
10var_dump(round(8.50, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP));
11var_dump(round(8.50, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN));
12var_dump(round(8.50, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN));
13var_dump(round(8.50, PHP_ROUND_HALF_ODD));
14 Jul 2016
1$number = ceil($input / 10) * 10;
01 Aug 2016
1$x = floor($x * 2) / 2;
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5php round cileget round value in array in phpphp floor php round half downlarvel float ceilinghow to round off with php sqlapproximate in phpphp round off nearest dollarphp round nearest halfround number in php to 1000php roundphp round with 99 at the valuehow to round a number down phpphp round up to integerround off in php to nearest 1math ceil function in phpphp round to 99php ceiling round upphp round returns 0php math round numbersround to nearest whole figure phpphp roudphp round off to nearest 10php rounding downphp ceil precision 0php round off to nearest whole numberphp round off numbersmath round phpphp round to bigger valuehow to round up numbers in phpphp round upto 1php round up 0 2 to 1round up to 1000 in phpphp round up if has remainderround value in phpphp round two upphp round up to whole numberround off to nearest whole number phpround figure number in phpphp percentage round 28round 24value 2c2 29 phpphp round nearest thousandsround 28 29 in phpround to the nearest 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and round upphp round to 100php arround numberround tu eccesso phpround down to whole number phpround up int phpphp round function down10 2f 3 get round numbers phpround to next 5 number phpround off digits in phpphp round to 2php round to even numberhow to round off the value in phpphp round off functionphp round up 20how to round to nearest integer in phphow to type round number in phpround off phpphp round patternroundfuncion in phpphp round integer to nearest 100php round up a divisionmath round equivalent phpphp rountround off number phpround down to a whole number phpround of values in phpphp round to nearest 10round up to whole number phphow to add index to ceil in phpround off in php with codinground phpphp roundoffhow round on 2 decimals in phphow to round a number in phpphp round up to nearest 1000php round nearest integerphp round valuedoes php round to the nearest whole numberround in phpphp round double valuephp limit decimals in divisiomhow to round off in phpphp round to 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placesround of number nearest 10 phpround inf phpphp to round numbersphp get upper int from stringphp price roundround off percentage in phpround number down phpround of to the coming whole number phphow to round by dicimal numbers in phpphp ol time round upphp round up to nearest whole number and remove anything after 0php round next integerroundoff for phpround to the nearest whole number phpround to integer phpphp round to nearest 100round down int phpround a number phpround code in phpround to the nearest tenth phpalway round up in phpround of float in phpround up to nearest phpphp rounding problemshow number till 2 decimal places in phpceilling phpphp round up 10php round up to nearest 5round off in phpround to tenth phpphp rounded function for 2 decimalphp upper value if greater thanexample round phpmathround phpphp round up numberround up to the nearest tenth phpnearest of the decimal value phpround to upper value in phpceil with decimal phpround to 2 d p phpround floating point 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nearest integerround to the nearest multiple of 5 phpphp round off valuephp round decimalsphp floor 2 decimal placesround of in phpround down amount in phpround to nearest phpphp round up to nearest 10php round value to 2 decimal placeshow to round to 3 decimal places phpphp ceil accurancyshow value in round phpround php 0 5 1php round down or round up based upon fractionphp round maxroundup to 2 phphow to get custom round up value in phpphp round downround decimal to nearest 10 phpround to the lowest integer phpround 28 29phpround a decimal number phparround number phpphp round 28php round onlineround numbers phplaravel round numberphp round is not correctphp code to round numberphp round make float numberhow does the round function work in phprounded value phpphp round robinphp round excessround amount phpget round phpround down php functioint rounding phpphp round half evenphp round to full numberphp rounding to the nearest decimalround to int phphow to round in phpphp program to print the round of numberphp round full numberround 2 digit phppercentage till 2 decimal point php round php uphow to round up decimal numbers in phpphp round number downphp rounding upphp cielingphp round to nearest point 5php round off to whole numberphp round 24modephp function only two decimalround off value in phpphp round 1000php round to nearest 5round up upto 50 paisa in phpround to the second after 0 in phpphp rounding of numbers round phpphp round numberphp php round mathphp round to 0 01math round phpreturn round value php add to numberround offin phpround off values in php to nearest 10ceil percentage in phpmathceil phpphp function to round off numbersround to next integer phphow to roundoff value in phpphp round to 5php roundinground to 0 5 phpmath round 285 5 2a100 29 phpphp round up int tophp round floor integersround nubers in phpphp ceiling with limitphp rounf number upphp round up nearest 50print array php rounded by 22php round to nearest decimalhwo to round phpphp round number half downphp ceil to nearest 10how to round a floating number in phpphp how to round up anything above 1 is 2what is ceil of 2 333php number round equivalentrounding phpphp round 2php math functions roundround up to the next whole number phpround if 20 to 15 phpnumber format round up phphow to round to 2 decimal places in phphow to trim integer after point in phphow round array of number to the nearest tents phpget upper number of float phpphp round to one digitphp ceilingphp round current time to nearest half hourround half phpround up php integerphp floor round uphhow to round of to 2 digits in phphow to round to the nearest whole number phpphp function to round 3 decimal placesround up integer phphow tou round to 0 5 in phpround of functions in phpphp rounduphow to use round in phpround up number phpphp how to round to certain numbernearest value in phpround val in phpphp round up to nearest 50php round 2b0return round value phpphp round up decimal to next whole 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nearest int phpround up in laravelphp round to integraeround number e phpround to whole number phpphp round 1 decround up a number phpperform round off in phpphp round to the nearest 10