php ternary operator

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showing results for - "php ternary operator"
31 Jan 2021
3(if Condition) ? (stat1) : (stat2);
6$var1 = 5;
7$var2 = 2;
9echo $check = ($var1 > $var2) ? "right" : "wrong";
11#output : right
13explination : if condition is true then display the stat1 and if condition is 
14worng then display stat2
13 Nov 2017
1(conditional) ? (true) : (false);
20 Feb 2019
1$result = $condition ? 'foo' : 'bar';
16 Apr 2017
1// Both ternary and if/else returns the same result
3// ternary
4$result = $condition ? 'foo' : 'bar';
6// if/else
7if ($condition) {
8    $result = 'foo' 
9} else {
10    $result = 'bar'
06 May 2020
1echo $color = $color ?? 'red';	//if value not exists then assign to them.
30 Mar 2017
1$y = $x ? "true" : "false";
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