php time difference in hours

Solutions on MaxInterview for php time difference in hours by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "php time difference in hours"
22 Jun 2018
1$hourdiff = round((strtotime($time1) - strtotime($time2))/3600, 1);
23 Mar 2019
1	date_default_timezone_set("Africa/Johannesburg");
2    $now = new DateTime();
3    $future_date = new DateTime('2020-10-21 00:00:00');
5    $interval = $future_date->diff($now);
7    echo ($interval->format("%a") * 24) + $interval->format("%h"). " hours". $interval->format(" %i minutes ");
8    print_r($now->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
09 Sep 2017
1$currentTime = (new DateTime('01:00'))->modify('+1 day');
2$startTime = new DateTime('22:00');
3$endTime = (new DateTime('07:00'))->modify('+1 day');
5if ($currentTime >= $startTime && $currentTime <= $endTime) {
6    // Do something
03 Jan 2021
1$time1 = new DateTime('09:00:59');
2$time2 = new DateTime('09:01:00');
3$interval = $time1->diff($time2);
4echo $interval->format('%s second(s)');
6Result: 1 second(s)
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phpphp time difference secondsphp time difference in hours 2c minutes and secondsdifference between two dates in phpphp timediff n hourscalculate hours between two dates in php except sundaylist dateinterval between two hours phphour between phpphp calculate time differencephp compare cure time between two timesphp time time difference in secondsdifference between two dates in hour phpcalculate number of days between two dates in phpphp time between two timesphp hours between two datesphp get number of nights between two datescalculate time diffrence in minutes in phphow to calculate the difference in minutes between two times phpcalculate the difference between two time in seconds in phpget differnce in hours between datesin phpphp difference between two dates in minutesdifference between time in phpget difference datetimes in minutes phphow to get minute difference between two dates in phpcalculate time difference between to times in phpphp get difference between time in minutesphp datetime get difference in secondsdifference between time phpphp get datetime difference in secondstime difference in minutes phpget the difference between two dates in phpget hours between two dates in phpphp calculate time between datescalculate date difference in php in hoursphp time difference in hoursnumber between time phpphp calculate timestamp differenceget the difference in minutes between two timestamps phphow to know hour difference in phpphp get date difference in hoursphp calculate hours between two datescalculate difference between timestamps in hours phpphp datediff in hoursphp datetime difference in secondsphp time difference in days hours minutesfind difference between time seconds in phptotal working hours in php using datetimehow to calculate time difference in php mysqlget number of years between two dates phpphp check time between calculate difference between two timstamps in phpcalculate the hours difference between two times in hours and minutes phpcalculate difference between times phptime diff phpget time difference in hours phpphp calculate days between two datesget time diff phpphp current datetime difference in minutescalculate hours and minutes between two times in phpcompare current time with another time in phpphp hour betweendifference between times phpphp between timephp check houre is betweenphp compare two hours from nowphp get difference between two dates in hoursphp datetime difference secondsphp timestamp difference in minutestime diff in minutes phphow to count hours difference in php php calculate difference time minutes hourhours diffrence between to timestamp phpphp get difference timephp check time with current time and between two timesphp calculate seconds between two date timesphp date difference in seconds from nowcheck current hours is between two hours phpbetween hour format in phpget hour between two dates phpget difference between two dates php in hoursphp get minutes difference between two datesphp mysql if hour between two times different pricesdifference time phptime between phpcalculate time duration between two dates phpcalculate time difference phpphp time difference between two times in secondscalculate time between two dates phpget hours difference between two dates in phpphp two time differenceget date difference in seconds phpcalculate duration between two times phpphp compare curnt time between two timesnumber hours between two dates phpdifference between hours date phpphp difference between two dates in hoursdatetime get diff in hrsdifference between two times in phpphp calculate time difference between two dates in hours and minuteshow to add the time difference into time in phpdatetime difference to hours phpphp calculate difference between two dates in hoursget time diff between two times in phpcalculate difference in seconds and minuts between two timstamps in phpphp get time difference in hoursphp time difference in hourcalculate hours difference between two dates in phpfind between two time zones hours and minutes difference in phphow to calculate time difference between two times in phpdifference time between dates phpget hours and minutes from two time in phpdatetime diff php in hourscalculate hours between two times in phphow to code setup in php to get time differencedifference between two time in phpget minutes between two hours phpget the total hours between two times phphow to calculate time diffrence in phpphp datetime diff hoursphp how many days between two datesphp calculate time difference in percentagephp get time difference between two datetimephp calculate time difference between two dates in secondstime difference in hours phpphp timestamp difference in hoursget timestamp difference in minutes phpfind between time using phpphp how to calculate time differencephp if hour betweenphp hourw between 2 datetimesget the differnces between two date and time in hours and minutes in phptime between two hours phphow to get difference between two time in phphour difference calculate phpif in between hours phpcalculate the time difference between two times in hours minutes and seconds phpget hour difference in phpcalculate number of hours between 2 hours phptimestamp difference 1 week phpphp time difference between two timesphp calculate hours and minutes between two timesphp time interval difference in hourhow to get days between two dates in phphow to check particular hour by time difference in phpphp get the difference between two dates in hourshow to show to difference two timing in phpphp get seconds between two datesget time difference in seconds between two dates in phpget difference between two dates in php in minutesdatetime difference in php in hours minphp get hours between two timesphp get difference between two dates in minutestime difference phpdatetime diff in hours phpphp compute time differencetime diffrence phphours diffrence between two date time in phpphp get hours difference between two hourphp compare time between two timesget date diff in hours in phpdatediff hours phpget difference between two dates in phpphp time difference in minutesphp get difference between two dates in secondsif legal hour phptime difference in phpfind difference between times phpphp get time difference between two timesphp difference time between to timesphp convert differents in days to datecalculate time difference between two times in phpphp timestamp difference to hour minutephp datetime get number of hours between two datestwo time diff in phpdifference between two dates in hours phphow to difference hours between two time zones phpconvert time difference to hour phpget dates between two dates by month in phpphp check time differencephp get number of seconds between 2 hoursfind time between 2 date in php in minutesget hours difference between two datetime in phpphp check if time now is between two hoursphp difference between two dates in secondsphp hours difference between two datesphp get hour difference between two datescalcul diff hours phpfind hours between two timestamps in phpcalculate hours between two dates phpcalculate hours difference between two dates using datediff phpdifference between two dates in hour 26 minute phpphp get total hours between two timesphp difference between two dates in hours and minutecheck if time is between two times phpphp calculate time difference between two times 30 minutes in php difference between two timestamps in hours phpget difference in time php two timesdatetime php get timestamp difference in secondsphp get time differencephp compare hoursphp get day difference between two datesphp hour between two timesdifference between two times in hours phpgiven two dates get hours and minutes seconds phphow to get time difference in minutes in phpget time diff in phpcalculate difference of two time phpthe time in between phpphp get hours difference between two datesdifference between two dates in days phpphp check time between two timesphp between hoursdate difference in php hoursget difference in minutes in phpcalculate hours 2c minute 2c seconds between two times in phpphp get difference between two dates in hours and minutesget hours difference between two timestamp phpphp mysql if hour between twou times different priceshow to calculate difference hours for time array in phpget hours between two times phpbetween hours phphour in day between certain hours phphow to calculate the difference between two times in phpphp diff datetime in hourstime difference calculator phpdifference in minutes between two datetimes phpho wto check time difference in phpphp diff date in hoursphp compare hours and minutessubstract 2 dates phpcheck two different time between two time phptime duration between two dates php in hours and minutesphp get time differences in given timephp datetime diff in hoursdifference of two dates in seconds phpphp date hourphp datetime between one hourphp get time difference in secondscomputer time difference in phpget time difference in hour phpcalculate difference between time hours phpcalculate time difference in phpget dates between two dates in phpphp time difference in hours