php timestamp

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showing results for - "php timestamp"
21 Apr 2017
3$date new DateTime();
4echo $date->getTimestamp();
27 Jan 2018
3// strtotime is a function that will take a string parameter 
4// that specifies a date, and returns a unix time stamp bassed
5// on that
7echo strtotime("2020-02-24");
9// prints: 1582502400
23 Jan 2019
3echo time();
10 Feb 2017
3$nextWeek = time() + (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
4                   // 7 days; 24 hours; 60 mins; 60 secs
5echo 'Now:       '. date('Y-m-d') ."\n";
6echo 'Next Week: '. date('Y-m-d'$nextWeek) ."\n";
7// or using strtotime():
8echo 'Next Week: '. date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+1 week')) ."\n";
07 Oct 2019
3$date = date_create();
4echo date_timestamp_get($date);
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