php trait example

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17 Jan 2019
3 * Inheritance in unnecessary function is also called we we don't require them, so we can prevent them using traits
4 * Trait is only available when we use them otherwise not!
5 */
6trait A
8    function fun1()
9    {
10        echo "class A called";
11    }
13class B 
15    use A;
16    function fun2()
17    {
18        echo "class B called";
19    }
21class C extends B
23    function fun3()
24    {
25        echo "class C called";
26    }
28class D extends C
30    use A;
31    function fun4()
32    {
33        echo "class D called";
34    }
36$obj = new C();
29 Feb 2019
3trait Hello {
4    public function sayHello({
5        echo 'Hello ';
6    }
9trait World {
10    public function sayWorld({
11        echo 'World!';
12    }
15trait HelloWorld {
16    use HelloWorld;
19class MyHelloWorld {
20    use HelloWorld;
23$o new MyHelloWorld();
28  // L'exemple ci-dessus va afficher : Hello World !
04 May 2017
3class Base {
4    public function sayHello({
5        echo 'Hello ';
6    }
9trait SayWorld {
10    public function sayHello({
11        parent::sayHello();
12        echo 'World!';
13    }
16class MyHelloWorld extends Base {
17    use SayWorld;
20$o new MyHelloWorld();
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