php truncate string

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showing results for - "php truncate string"
14 Feb 2019
1$lowercase = "this is lower case";
2$uppercase = strtoupper($lowercase);
4echo $uppercase;
18 Feb 2016
3echo substr('abcdef'1);     // bcdef
4echo substr('abcdef'13);  // bcd
5echo substr('abcdef'04);  // abcd
6echo substr('abcdef'08);  // abcdef
7echo substr('abcdef', -11); // f
9// Accessing single characters in a string
10// can also be achieved using "square brackets"
11$string 'abcdef';
12echo $string[0];                 // a
13echo $string[3];                 // d
14echo $string[strlen($string)-1]; // f
18//substr() function returns certain bits of a string 
16 Feb 2020
1$firstStringCharacter = substr("hello", 0, 1);
31 Jun 2018
1$string = (strlen($string) > 13) ? substr($string,0,10).'...' : $string;
26 Mar 2019
1echo substr('hello world', 0, 5); //hello
11 Mar 2020
1$colors=trim("blue,red,green,",",");//remove last , with rtrim
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string phpget first amount of characters ins ttring phpto upper phphow to get first 7 string from a long string variable in phpsubstr w3 phpfirst letter php stringphp upercasstr substr phpphp str first number of charactersstring get first 10 characters phpphp get part of stringphp substr by characterfirst char string phphow to get substring from string in phpphp string to uppwephp take end of stringsubstr php functionfirst two characters of string phpstart and end of string in phpphp start a string with a specific letterphp string only n charactersphp show part of stringphp last character of stringphp substr last 4first 4 chars of a string phpfuncion substr phpphp string partphp apcucheck first string phpphp string char atuppercase built in function phpcut string php characterchars in string phpphp get first character of paragraphtruncate in phpphp get first letter of a stringpfp substrphp get first four charachters in stringphp from parameter get first 4 charstouppercase in phptoupper case phoprint first characters of words in string phpsubstr php meaningphp slice from charphp ucfirstphp get the first letter of a stringphp substring at string endget first two characters of string in phparray values substring phphow to get the first character of a string in phpstring get first 4 characters in phpphp substr in javascripthow to get the first letter phpto uppcase phpphp new function for slicing wordsphp now 28 29 substringphp str starting for lengthphp substr stringstring left phpksort phpshow only first word from string phpphp in particular part in string showfunction convert string to uppercase phpchange first letter of string phpslice a string in phphow to cut middle part of text phpphp find out last scring after slassfirst value of string phphow to slice string in phpphp get first n chars of stringsubstr trong phpupper case casting phpphp get char index roghtphp cut off characters after max langht php substrlimit string phpphp return a char in stringget sub string from string phpsubstr php examplescheck first character of string phpphp get string from positionget first letter of work phpphp string first 10 charactersphp string truncatephp first letter in stringphp rtrim wordphp capital letterphp cut out 5 part of string afterstring in uppercase in phpsubstrings phpdisplay first letters from full name phpsubstr on second dot phphow to use 3 characters of a string in phpsunstr phpphp string get first 10 characterssubstr offsetphp code for uppercasetrim up to character length phpstr to upper phphow to capture letter in phpsubst phpsubstr php from endsub string phpget first 4 characters of value phphow to get first 10 characters from string in phpcut string from a point phpget only first character string phppphp get first 10 chars of stirngreturn just 3 letter substring phpphp get first character of string phpubstring phpfirst char from string phpsub str in laravel stringhow to use substr phpphp trim righthow to slice string form to phptrim 7c from right in phphow to get first 2 digits of string phpfirts letterof a string phpget the first chars in string php php substr arrayshort text in php substrphp get first character of stringphp subsgtringphp get letters from stringcaptial functuon phpsubstr meaning in phpphp str to upperphp cut characters from stringreturn the first character in a string phpsusbstring method in phpget the first cracter of string in phpget first three characters of string phpphp get only first letter of stringsubstr by size phpphp cut off string after x charactersunshift first character of string in phpstr positon sub strphp char at indexphp left part of stringphpreturn first 8 characters of a stringget first 4 letters phpphp 2b 23substrto upper in phpget the first string phpget character from string in phpget the first charector in phpcut string php lengthphp first length of stringsubstr get start two 2f in phpstring to uppercase in phphow to get first string value in phpphp get first character of every wordphp echo portion stringuppercase phpgphp subst string part with anotherphp subtrsphp get string only few carachteres valuessubstrsubstring php stringfirst character of string usig phphow can get firstr caractewr in string using phpsubstring from char phpphp het the first 2 characters in a stringto uppcercase phpsubstring of string phptake out first letter in the string phpphp substr 28time 28 29 2c6 29php show first 10 characters stringextract characters from string in phpconvert a string into uppercase phpphp rtrim commasubstring using phpphp cut after character lengthstr splice in phpreturn first element of array phpget first letter of string array php substrhow to sub str in phphow to get first letter of string phpprint first letter of string phpphp string splice from beginning and endphp sustrphp truncate a paragraphstring cut in phpindex of first char in string phpstring without part of string phpget first characters of a string phpcheck first char of string phpselect first letter of string phphow to get first letter of a name in phpphp right of stringsubstr index phpget first 3 letters from string phpget only specific string out of string phpphp get first twi caracterscheck the first character of a string phphow to bring a string in 2 in phpsubstr php examplephp get 3 char from tringlaravel get first lettersubstrin in phphow to select only the first 2 characters of a string in phpsubstr in phpget character from string phprtrim in phpphp substirngshow first char of words phpphp lefthow to check first character of a string in phpstr splice phpphp substring with characterphp substr nedirphp check first char on stringphp get string from characterget remainder of substr 28 29 phpget the last two characters in a string phpphp first letter stringstr to substrphp subsrationphp get 100 first characterphp sting slicephp rtrim string to number of charactersphp get first two characters of stringget first character of string laraveltoupper phpcheck first letter of string phpphp stromget string character phpget first x characters of string php laravephp get string onlye from stringphp string substringphp show only first stringfirst three characters of string phpphp string charactersget symbole in string in phpphp get first 5 characters of stringget string from php string show first character 2b php 7how to get numbrs of letters from line phpphp get the first x char of a sentencephp get first word in stringsubstrac string phpphp string cutstr sub phpphp substr 28 29php first 10 charactersdisplay only 10 characters and in phpphp reduce string to 6 charactersphp substr examplefirst 3 letters of string phpsubsring phpphp 7 substrphp only first 4 charactersphp string all capsget first 10 chars of string in phphow to make string capital in phphow to get substring from back in phphow to get first 5 characters of a string using phpcappitalize string in phpsub string only show first character in stringget substring without knowing value phpget first 100 characters string phpsubstr com phpphp string to uppercasephp ltrimstrtoupper in phphow to get first 4 characters of a string in phpphp get first char in all strings in arayphp substring from stringphp make string uppercasephp last charactersof stringfirst chars of string phpget first letter of name phpsubstri 28 29 phpphp select from stringphp get first char of array valuestring is same as end of string php from stringphp subtrphp string check first characterphp take sub string of a stringsubstring php endfirst n char of string phpget first 3 characters of string phprtrim function in php with exampleltrim phpphp string get first namephp substr 5cget left of string phpprimeros caracteres string phphow to get first 4 characters in phpget string first word character phpphp string first 4 charactersphp cutcopy substring from string phpphp substr first 2 and last two charactershow to uppercase in phpsubstr from a position to end phpsubstring with phphow show the first part of stringphp substr riht string phpget the first character of a string in phpcase upper phpphp substrinbgget first two characters of a string in phpcharat phpsubstr first characterphp mid string functionget the first character of a string phpextract string from string phpget first character string phpget first string phpphp get char index leftphp truncate string php7truncate string php charphp take first character of stringphp subssubstr php with wordshow to get the character for or in phpsubstrt phphow to print string first letter phpsubsutring phpstring 3a 3asubstr 28 29 phpcut string from substring phpfirst characters phpphp get first index of stringphp string rangesubstring last 4 characters phptouppercase phpphp strupperget first 6 characters of string phphow to get a substring in phpphp get first 20 characters of stringstring cut by substring phpphp code to extract tail end from a stringhow to check the first character of a string in phpphp get first letter from namephp substr strposconvert to capital php substr in phpstring slice in phpuperscase a string in phpget first word in string phplaravel first character of stringcheck the first letter of string phpcheck what the first character of a string is in phptake first character string phpphp get first letterphp string to capital letterphp string substringsubsrt phpphp substr function with negative lengthright letters after 2f phpphp substr 5dphp cut string from positionecho part of string phpsubstr 28 phpget first value from string phpuppercase php codeconvert small to capital in phpsubstr php all 2cphp substr in jsphp get last 3 characters of stringltrim rtrim phpsubstring phpget first letter from string phptruncate string phpsubstr 28 29 in phpget first character from array phpphp string charatwho to substring from 5b to 5d in phpphp cut string after x charactersphp subsatrsubstring character phpcheck string first character phpconvert touppercase phpphp string slice from endfind first letter in phpphp substringphp substruing 280 2c2 29get first and second char from string phpget 2 chracters from a string phpstring cut phpget first 7 characters in string phpphp echo first 3 characters of monthphp string 1st characterphp string slice php 7substring in php stringsubstr phpphp make text capitalsubstring of a string in phpphp select first characterget first 4 character in phpphp get string substring from backsub string in string phpreduce string length phpsub string in phpmb strtoupper in phpget a part of a string phpsubsr phpextract stirng phpphp get character from string at positionsubtring phpphp get 10 words from stringget firt letter in string pphsbsrr phpget substring in phpsubstring 28 29 phpphp get 4 first charactersget the first element of string phpsubstrac phpbuilt in functions in php for uppercasecut strsubbstr phpsubtring in phpphp get the first 3 letters of a stringphp string cut from end 7 charfirst word from a string in phpphp get first word in stringget only first letterof string phpstr toupperget two character from string phpphp string in uppercase inside htmlphp subsstringsubstr 28 24string 2c 0 2c 24len 29sub str php 27php find string rangestr to upper in phpphp check first character of stringget first letter phpfirst char in string phpphp first charachterphp array substrphp substring array returnget the first 3 leter phpphp get string after number of charactersselect right letter phpstring slicing in phpphp get first x words of stringphp pull certain charactersphp lpadhow to convert lower case to upper in phpprint only first 30 character of string in phpphp first 4 characters of stringget the first letter of a string phpsubstr 28 29 phpphp cut string to certain number of charssubtrect in phphow to get first letter in phpget first 3 characters in sring phpsubstr from end of string phphwo to get first letter in a string phphow to convert lower case to upper case in phpphp string firstsubstring en phpphp substtrphp take the first 8 characters of a stringsubstring php from endhow to get first 5 characters of a string in phpshort string phpphp substr in stringphp case uppercaseget first char of string phpget substring in string phpslice text in phpstring uppercase php how to use substring in phpphp get substring from tostring substr phprtrim 28 29 in phpphp left of stringget partial of string up specific character phpsubstring in phpphp get the first 4 characters of a stringphp stop string stringforce caps lock phpphp returns first word in stringphp get substringltrim 28 29 and rtrim 28 29 in phpstring get first character phpphp first 3 charactershow to convert all character to uppercase in phpsubstring get certain characters phphow to slice a string in phpto uppercase phpphp substryphp the substr examplephp uper caseminus in php substrtake substring from string in phplaravel get first character of stringget first n character of string phpsubstr php a javascriptfind first letter in string phpfirst character of string in phpget the first word of a string phpphp get first letter od string in variableget first words in string phpget first 5 characters string phpphp get first characterphp change to capitalizephp get last 4 characters of stringcheck first character on string phpphp substr functionphp first letter of string 5cstring to upper phphow to use php substrselect string 1 in phpright text phpuppercase letter in phpsubchars phpcharacter at phpstr toupper replace stringphp get part from stringfirst char in phpphp sub strchecki php string first valuelaravel get first letter on stringrtrime phpphp get first 2 char of a stringphp get only the first lettertruncate a string in phpget first 10 characters string phpcheck first 3 characters of string are letters phpphp pop one character from stringphp get last three characters of stringreturn string partsubstring function in phpphp get first 10 characters of stringphp substring to set wordsubhour phpfind first letter of string in array phpphp get string first characterphp substr from position to endtruncate function in phpretrieve first 3 char phpphp how to get first char as varphp string uppercasesub stre php php subtract string by onesubstr with charactar phpget first x characters of string phpphp slice string by characterget shopper name first 2 letters phphow to print the first ten letters of a string phphow acces a part of strig in phphphp substrctfirst letter of string phpphp truncate 28 29php first symbol in stringstring with or without capital phpsubstring php charactersubstr php showing empty in some indexphp get first charc of paramteretake length of start string phpphp right stringphp string get first 3 charactersphp take part of stringphp print first character of stringrtrim 28 29 phpsubstring at character phpget only a part of string phpphp char from stringsubstr from endupper case letter phpselect string in phpstring to uppercase phpsubstr in a specific word phpphp get first stringsubstr in html text phpphp take substring from stringchar uppercase phpget first two characters of string phpsubstr 28 29phpslicing string in phpsubstr phpphp get first char of stringget first character in a string phpstr substring phpconvert to capital letters in phpsubstr 28 29 phpphp get first charicter phpphp first string getstring sub phpstring variable to uppercase phpsubstr de phpwhat does substr mean in phpphp find a string in a string and select 4 charcsters after the stringstring find first of phpphp get 1 character from string in c 23 netphp first 9 characters of a stringphp get first 10 characters of a stringphp cut string after lengthget the first 2 characters of string in array phptruncate text in phpphp get the first stringhow to cut 5b 5d in phpsubstr inphpupper phpphp uppercase all lettersphp first 5 characters of stringget first 2 stringphp get first html element from stringreturn 10 strings phpconvert string to uppercase in phpget first letter of a string phpphp get string offsetphp echo text offset and lengthphp first letter of stringphp in sub stringphp show first 100 characters of stringshow first char of string phpchar at phpphp first string caracteresubstsr phpphp substr last 4 characterssub char phpphp substr w3substr on method name phpphp get first x characters of stringsubstring en phphstring upper case in phpfirst charatere phpphp get left part of stringphp first part of stringfirst string php 5ccharacters in string in phpsubnets phpphp shorten stringphp truncate long string with php upper casestrstring phpphp first two chars of stringget first 4 characters of string phpkeep first letters string phpup the first letter of a string phpphp touppercaseto upercase phpsubstr php stringfirst letter phpou en phpsubstr bring string 7 with one character phpextract first 4 characters from a string in phpenable nbstyring phpphp substring in stringmake uppecase phpget first four characters in string phprtrim phpget first 9 cahr of string phpphp substring from character to characterphp keep first characterhow to get first letter of string in phpphp get first word of the stringfirst character in string phpphp echo first 10 characters of a stringrtrim in phpphp sub stingphp only show first letterconvert string to upper case phpget part of string in phpphp get first two charactersphp get first 8 letter of stringhow to take the first letter of strings in phpphp get first string characterphp rtrimsubtr phpphp get first 10 chars of stringphp cut off stringwhat does rtrim do in phpphp substr first characterget the rest of the characters after the forst 2 in phpwhen will substr 28 29 php return flasedispaly certain part of a string phpphp get first 4 characters of stringphp get first character of string every wordphp get the first 3 of stringconverting string to uppper case in phpphp convert to uppercasefroxlor nextcloud php intlget the first 4 characters of a string phpphp substring arraycut characters off phpshow only first charcetr of the string phpphp part of stringhow to return the first character of a string in phpphp first few char from stringphp trim string from positionget string which substradted using substr in laravelget first character of string phpphp univoquely shorten stringsubstring php from end to caracterfirst char of an str phpphp get string without first characterphp right trimhow to text upper case in phpuse rtrim in phpphp get first from rightstring uppercase in phphow to substr in phpphp subsrtfirst letter of string in phpsub phpsubcash in phpphp upperwhat does it mean substr 28 24key 2c 0 2c 5 29 3c 3e 27http 27ucase phpphp string lsubhow to truncate text in phpget first element of string phpwhat is the first character of any php variable 3fphp convert to capital letterstake first x chars phpsubstring from string in phpphp cut string to lengthhow to get first 4 chracter from a string in phpsubscting phparray substring php 5crtrim array phpsubstr character in string phpupercase phpphp get first part of string before characterconvert uppercase in phpphp subhourphp variable 3d first in stringphp get only x first charactersubstr html code phpto sting phpphp clip string to lengthfull capital letter in phpphp substr from end of stringstring slicing phpget first 5 characters phpcompare first 4 characters of string in phphow to substring in phpget substr in php substring phpsub str in phpstr uppercase phpcode take first two characters of string phpextracting substring from position to position phpphp strtoupperread first line of txt phpget first word from string phplaravel php get first letterphp ceilsubstr minus 5 string from phpphp substructionphp string leftget string first letters phpget string from 0 to index in phpphp first word of stringextract first letter in phpleft 28 29 right 28 29 phpstrpos and substr in phpfind first position of character in string phpltrim rtrim in phpphp uppercalast 4 values of a string in phpphp get first charphp substringphp uppercase stringphp cut string from stringsubstring in phphphp get one character from stringstring slice php 7php return letter from string by indexwhat is the first character of a php variable 3fphp uppercasaphp get first letter of each word in stringget first letter of string in phpphp left stringphp get first 3 characters of stringcapitalize all letters phpphp string first letter of a stringget first 12 character of string phpsubstri phpstring upper phpphp substrinstring slice phpfirst char of string phpphp subsractsubstr last 3 characters phpphp return substring from index 23 to end minus 4 characterssubstring at phprtrim arraystringsub in phpphp get first 10 words from stringphp splice stringget 7 no letter into string phpstring slice in php afterhow tom use substring in phpsttoupper phpget first 5 characters of string phpget get first character of string phpget first character phpstring cutter in phpsubstr php and put brockout parts of a string phptake first from string phpcut string from text phpphp string character at positionsubstr startfrom left phpphp truncate strint to 20 charactersphp get first element of a stringsubstr brackets phpsubstr array phpphp capitalizeget first string value in phpsubstr php get the first 4 phpphp echo substr examplecut length of string phpphp subsrcheck first character of string in phpphp get first x charactersget the first two characters in a string phpsubstring phphphp substr with strposphp substr from startphp trim minusleft phpphp string get first x charactersget string first 2 letters phpsubstr phparray substr phpphp string slicehow to select first letter of string in phpcapitalize all letters in phpget first character in string phpsbustrphp substring stringphp function substramount of positions in a variable phpphp substring textphp get first letter of wordnette get first letterget word first character in phpphp substring fromget 1st letter from string phpphp str splice 24 get 2b character in phpsubstr en phpsubstring in phpfirst name of string phpsubst in phpphp string first x characterscovert string to all uppercase in phpcheck the first letter of a string phphow to get the first letter of string in phpphp right substringmatch first two wletters of a word phpsubstr string phpconvert text toupper case phpget part of string phpphp display string first 2 characterssubstrphpmodal recieves only first character of string phpphp variable string to upper convertphp first 3 characters of a stringconvert caps to sentese case phpget only the first name from a string in phpfind first letter of string phphow to get only first letter from string in phpstr cut 100 charter in php stringphp get substring of stringphp first string charphp substcut string phpphp truncate string by wordsfirst 2 letters of string phpsubstr get first character phpget first off chrector in phpphp get first letter from first wordphp code to truncate a stringphp substrisubsub phphow to get first letter of a striing using phphow to get first character of a string in phphow to display first character of a string in phpphp trim to amount of charactersphp upper case stringphp substringssubstr last 4 digits in phpphp character at 2substr n phpphp first 100 characters of stringsub str phpphp substr 23 get first four characters of string phpphp substr first 10 characterslaravel first letter of stringphp get 1st letter of stringget the first 2 characters of a string phpsubstr 27 28 27 phpget first 4 characters of a string in phpphp subsringsubstring phpphp take first element of stringsubstring in string phpstr slice phpget a substring phpphp first x characters of stringsplice string in phpsubstirng in phpphp copy the first two characters of a stringget substr phpphp substring first 2 charactersphp 8 get first character of stringsubstring from start end phpphp first letter from stringtwo chracaters in phpphp truncate 28 24string 29php function uppercasecut string from right phpphp check first letter of stringsubstromg phpget first 100 character of string in phpphp find string first characterget string from start end string phpphp get first 8 characters of stringphp truncatehow to get substring in phpget the first leter of name phpstr to upper phpphp subtringget first part of string phpphp substring functionphp subtract stringhow to use substr function in phpphp first characterget first word from string in phpwhat is substring in phpecho substr phpsub str phpphp substr examplesphp check first characterfetch the first character of a word in phpphp select first two letters of post valueonly display part of string phpsubstring n phpphp string first characterdisplay first letters phpcut string p c2 b4hpsubstr 281 29 phpuppercase in phpget string portion phpstring splice phpphp full capscapital letter phpstring lower to upper in php generate substring in phpphp sub functionwhat is substr in phpsubr phpget range of characters from a string in phpget first two strings in array phpsubstr 28 29 in php w3php cut string to charactersubstring of variable in phpphp all uppercasephp identify first characterphp extract 2 first caract of stringphp how to select the first letter of a stringget string from a string phpdecapitilise variable phpget first 4 characters of a string phphow to get first letter from string in phpphp get first 8 charsphp get first value from stringrtrin in phpphp get first lettersphp get first sentence of stringget first 30 characters string phpget string first character phpphp set first element of stringshorten string phpconvert string into non capital letters phpgetg the first letter of all word in a string phpphp substring first 4 charactersonly show first x characters string phpphp string first 5 charactersget 2 character from string php first character of the name phpfirst chracter of string phptake first letter phpphp get substring from stringphp argbphp string get last 3 charactersphp substr 28 2c 0 2c 29php string get substringphp change sting to capssubstring from string phpphp string to upperphp first upperphp capitalphp uppercase all wordsget substring of string phpsubstring to string phptruncate php php complete truncate year stringstr subtract phpstring substring phpphp find a word with first letter in stringget first 16 charcter from string on phpstr upper phpsubstr phpget first 3 charatcers of string phpphp get string value of a stringget first char string phpupcase in phpphp str cutphp to get first character of a stringconvert string to uppercase phpget first 10 char of strin phpextract first character from string in phpget string from character to character in phpphp get last 2 characters of stringgetting first character form string phpphp grab two characters 4 characters form end of stringphp truncate string by characterfirst to characters phpsubstring char phpget first 255 char phpget only part of string phpget integer before character phpget first 10 string phpuppercase php stringsubstr 28 29 in php explanationphp chart atselect only a particular part of a string phpphp make string to certain amount of charactersphp get from string partsubstr php variable 26php get the first 5 characters of a stringreadline a 2cb php 2f 2f start text phpphp find first time in stringphp if first character isphp strsubhow to get first letter of a string in phpphp variable get first characterhow to cut string in phpget first index of string phpphp first 3 chars of stringcheck is at first php stringphp substring of a stringalpha numeric to upper case in phpmid phpphp subsc end of string phphow to get the first 3 characters of a string in phpphp get first letter of namestring show only 2 char in phpphp cut string by lengthphp truncate texttake string from index to index phpsubstr word phpget part of string from letter phptake first 10 characters string phpphp grab first character of stringhow fetch first two character of string in phpphp take first word from stringphp portionstring first character in phpphp get first 3 letters of stringget substring phpsoft array by first character phpsubstr of a particular word in phpphp substrmbhow to only show the first 8 character in phpphp substring from endget first four letter in a word in pgpget a range of chacters from a string in phpprint out a two letter string in phpphp get first 5 letters of stringget first std element phpphp first two characters of stringfind character in first phpuppercase letter phpsubstr 28php get first word of stringcut text in phpmatch first character phpphp substr from endphp substr comtwo word first character in php getphp cut stringphp string to floatphp substring examplephp substr first letterslice string phpstring substr in phpphp string select partphp function to cut stringget i in string phpturn into uppercase phpsubstr in pohpphp substring number of charachresfunction php in uppercasefirst letter string phpconvert to uppercase phpphp get only first 10 characters from string end with textsubstr string in phpphp all caps wordsphp truncate stringphp get first part of stringconvert lowercase to uppercase phpphp crop one character from rightphp str substrphp code to convert to small letteronly show first few characters on website phpphp echo first letter of stringphp get 5 first characters of stringslice text phpphp extract stringsubstr function phpphp subsytrphp substr return falsephp how to get first charc as varsubset char phpobtain a text substring from the position phpphp subphp now 28 29 3esubstring 28 29text upper phpphp substr omitting last elementsubscript phpmake upercase string phpstring to capital phpcut string in phpget first letter string phplaravel string check string first charactertext uppercase in php3 firts letters phgpstring first character phpphp first part of the stringfirst word of string phpfirst leter ok a string in phpphp all upper casephp string left part until a characteruppercase function in phpphp if field is certain number characterscheck first caracter phpphp str upperphp get only first 10 characters from stringtrim string php at indexdiviser des string phpphp substr characterphp string trim lengthrtrim in php codephp slice stringphp get first letter from variableget first 20 characters string phpphp get 1st character of a stringread character string phpsubstr word phpget string from some word phpphp end stringsubstr in php function examplesubstr start from left phpphp get first 3 charsphp copy string from positionphp make text uppercasephp first character of stringphp get first word from stringphp string second characterphp get first 3 string character of stringphp 24 get shows only first letter of stringphp word substrget the first characater of a string phplast 3 characters phpphp first 3 letters of a variblephp substrphp string substrstrpos substr phpphp get first character of a stringphp uppercaseget first 5 character php substring php rightmcrypt decrypt php 7 2php get string afterhow to get the first letter of a string in phpphp get char from stringshow 3 characters after in phpphp substringmmrstrip phpget first word of string phpright string phpphp left functionget first 5 char string phptruncate string by characters phpphp get stringphp str leftcut a string phpcapitalize string in phptake first 10 char phprtrim php php 2ccompare two first letters phpphp truncate long stringssplice string phpphp to upperlaravel string get first letterphp to capitalizephp select first 2 characters stringstring substring in phpsubstr with trim phpuppercase phpkeep only a part of a string phpphp find first letter in stringfirst element of string phpcapitalized string in phpphp first characters of stringhow to get 3 caracter in string in phpphp get first 2 stringphp get 5 first letters of string php end of stringhow to get capital letter in phpstrpos 2b sub string phpphp upcasephp capitalize all lettersall uppercase phpfirst character of string phpgrab first letter of string phpselect first char in string phpget1st 0char fro string phpsubstring first letter phpfind first character in phpright trim in phpget substring of string from point till end in phpphp strtotime gmt 2b1get characters in string phpphp first char of stringget first character of each word in string phpphp give string the first 10 characters of stringletter in string phpphp substr in modelstr cut phpphp string to uppercase exampleget first letter of string phpphp toupperrtrim ltrim in phpphpl slice string valuesub str in phpget first ten char from string phpsubstr string 1 phpphp char atphp first lettershow just part of text phpget the right and left characters of a string phphow to convert word to uppercase in phptake a spefic part of a string phpphp get first 2 characters of stringfirst 2 characters of string phpget 1st character of string phpphp to uperget first x chars of string phpsubstr in phpphp check if first x characters of a string is equalfirst 3 characters of string phpconvert lower to upper case phpfirst charactersa of a string phpphp sub str until endphp get character from stringphp substring first charget letter phpfirst letter of object name phpphp get first element in stringphp subscript texthow to show substring in phptring substring phpphp substring using arraysubtraction in phpsubstr using words phpphp substr from start to endphp get string qithout first chrphp substr stringprint only some characters of a string in phphow to print the first two items in a string in phpget the first element of a string phpsplce string phpconverting strings to uppercase in phpsubbstrsubstr function in phpphp to uppercaseto uppaer in phpget first char phpphp only first letter of stringphp extract string from stringselect str 1 in phpphp truncate string