showing results for - "platform react native"
16 Mar 2017
1import {Platform} from 'react-native';
2    st styles = StyleSheet.create({
3      container: {
4        flex: 1,
6          ios: {
7            backgroundColor: 'red',
8          },
9          android: {
10            backgroundColor: 'blue',
11          },
12        }),
13      },
14    });
18import {Platform, StyleSheet} from 'react-native';
20const styles = StyleSheet.create({
21  height: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 200 : 100,
19 Aug 2020
1import { Platform, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
3const styles = StyleSheet.create({
4  container: {
5    flex: 1,
7      ios: {
8        backgroundColor: 'red'
9      },
10      android: {
11        backgroundColor: 'green'
12      },
13      default: {
14        // other platforms, web for example
15        backgroundColor: 'blue'
16      }
17    })
18  }
17 Jan 2019
1import { Platform, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
3const styles = StyleSheet.create({
4  height: Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 200 : 100
04 Jul 2018
queries leading to this page
stylesheet react native platformreact native ios platformreact native 3dreact native platform selectplatform wbe os reactn ativeplatform specific style react nativereact native platform compoenntreact native platform onreact nativetest how to chnagen platform os to iosplatform specific component react native definitionreact native app platformhow to use platform selectreact native code for developmentreact nativeget os react nativeplatform ios react nativebest style framework for react nativeplatform os react nativeplatforme react nativewhich platform is for react native react native display platform os component platform selectreact nativeereact nativeonly render if ios react nativeis it best to have styles in react nativereact native 5c platform select worksreacty nativestyling react native appsbest way to use platform in react nativereact native ireact native android wear osplatform os specific device in react nativereact 28 nativereact native device specific styleios react native stylehow to write platform specific code in react native componenet propsreact native webstiereact nativrreact nativraect nativereact native check os whether android or iosreact native platform androidreact nativeplatform react native iosreact native web sitereact nativerreact native check os typeplatform react native systemversionreact native platformplatform specific code javascriptios apps with react nativereact native detect os versionreact native new designed styles layouts examplesusing platform in react nativehow to use platform os in react nativeimport platform from 27react native 27platform os in react nativeplatform specific packages version react nativereact native platform select 28 29react native get platformreact native get oswhat is platform in react nativereact react nativereact native if ios or androidreact native check platformplatform based code react nativehow to specify a platform on react nativewhat is reac nativereactnative platformexport check os react 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nativetest if ios react nativeplatform style react native 21 21 react nativereact native platform specific importplatform react nativereacte nativeandroid development for react nativeplatform os react native common jsimport platform from react nativereact nativedetecting platform react nativereact and react native platformcheck platform android react nativereferenceerror 3a platform is not defined react nativehow to use platform select react nativereact native platform os react nativereact native librariesreact native platformimport is platform base in react nativehow to use platform in react nativereact native best way to stylebest react native design libraryreact native complatform os 3d 3d iosjavascript react nativereact native tutorial androidreact native styles for whole apptop react native layout react natove websitesdefine react native 3a 3a platformreact native os typereact native getting suse 27 3c 27 in react nativeimport 7b platform 7d from 22react native 22 3bplatform os web react native checkreact naivecheck platform react nativeplatform select in treactplatform version react nativeplatform os webios and android specific style react nativereact native platform androidlatform ios react nativereact native detect ios or androidversion condition in ios os react nativeract nativerecat ntive platformplatform version in react jsreactc nativereact native import platformreact native platform specific codeversion condition in ios react nativereact native check if andriod or iosbest react native styling waycreate react native app platform 5b 5d in react nativereact native and react jsreact native detect on androidreact native different styles for ios and androidreact native detect osplatform wise css react nativereact native playform android jscheck platform in react nativeplatform os 3d 3d 3d 22android 22different style in platform react nativetry react nativehow to check os in react nativereadct native check if platform androidreact native check if androidplaform specific codeplatform react nativeuse react native 2b reactreact native check iosfacebook reactnativereact native check android or ioshow to check the platform reactreact native platform osnative platformreact platform osreact appsplatform iosreact native run code for platform specificreact native components android iosreact native platformreact native styles for both platformsplatform osreact native wen import platform specificplatform in react nativereact native platform apireact native platform supportnative reactreact native check web platformplatform in reactnativeplatform os 3d 3d 3d 27web 27react native identify iosreact native react nativereact native 24 28platform os 3d 3d 3d 27ios 27 29react native add platformnecessary to import platform in react nativeplatform react antiveplatform react native