prim 27s algorithm

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04 May 2018
3int a,b,u,v,n,i,j,ne=1;
4int visited[10]= {	0},min,mincost=0,cost[10][10];
5void main() {	
7printf("\n Enter the number of nodes:");	
9printf("\n Enter the adjacency matrix:\n");	
10for (i=1;i<=n;i++)	  
11    for (j=1;j<=n;j++) {		
12      scanf("%d",&cost[i][j]);		
13      if(cost[i][j]==0)		    
14      cost[i][j]=999;	
15      }	
16    visited[1]=1;	
17    printf("\n");	
18    while(ne<n) {		
19      for (i=1,min=999;i<=n;i++)		  
20        for (j=1;j<=n;j++)		    
21          if(cost[i][j]<min)		     
22          if(visited[i]!=0) {			
23          min=cost[i][j];			
24          a=u=i;			
25          b=v=j;		
26          }		
27          if(visited[u]==0 || visited[v]==0) 
28          {			
29            printf("\n Edge %d:(%d %d) cost:%d",ne++,a,b,min);
30            mincost+=min;			
31            visited[b]=1;		
32            }		
33          cost[a][b]=cost[b][a]=999;	
34          }	
35          printf("\n Minimun cost=%d",mincost);
36          getch();
02 Oct 2017
1def empty_graph(n):
2    res = []
3    for i in range(n):
4        res.append([0]*n)
5    return res
6def convert(graph):
7    matrix = []
8    for i in range(len(graph)): 
9        matrix.append([0]*len(graph))
10        for j in graph[i]:
11            matrix[i][j] = 1
12    return matrix
13def prims_algo(graph):
14    graph1 = convert(graph)
15    n = len(graph1)
16    tree = empty_graph(n)
17    con =[0]
18    while len(con) < n :
19        found = False
20        for i in con:
21            for j in range(n):
22                if j not in con and graph1[i][j] == 1:
23                    tree[i][j] =1
24                    tree[j][i] =1
25                    con += [j]
26                    found  = True
27                    break
28            if found :
29                break
30    return tree
31matrix = [[0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
32          [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0],
33          [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
34          [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0],
35          [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
36          [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1],
37          [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
38          [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
39          [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]]
41lst = [[1,2,3,5,6],[0,3,6,7],[0,3],[0,1,2,4],[3,5,8],[0,4,8],[0,1],[1],[4,5]]
42print("From graph to spanning tree:\n")
23 Jun 2019
1#include <iostream>
2#include <vector>
3#include <queue>
4#include <functional>
5#include <utility>
7using namespace std;
8const int MAX = 1e4 + 5;
9typedef pair<long long, int> PII;
10bool marked[MAX];
11vector <PII> adj[MAX];
13long long prim(int x)
15    priority_queue<PII, vector<PII>, greater<PII> > Q;
16    int y;
17    long long minimumCost = 0;
18    PII p;
19    Q.push(make_pair(0, x));
20    while(!Q.empty())
21    {
22        // Select the edge with minimum weight
23        p =;
24        Q.pop();
25        x = p.second;
26        // Checking for cycle
27        if(marked[x] == true)
28            continue;
29        minimumCost += p.first;
30        marked[x] = true;
31        for(int i = 0;i < adj[x].size();++i)
32        {
33            y = adj[x][i].second;
34            if(marked[y] == false)
35                Q.push(adj[x][i]);
36        }
37    }
38    return minimumCost;
41int main()
43    int nodes, edges, x, y;
44    long long weight, minimumCost;
45    cin >> nodes >> edges;
46    for(int i = 0;i < edges;++i)
47    {
48        cin >> x >> y >> weight;
49        adj[x].push_back(make_pair(weight, y));
50        adj[y].push_back(make_pair(weight, x));
51    }
52    // Selecting 1 as the starting node
53    minimumCost = prim(1);
54    cout << minimumCost << endl;
55    return 0;
12 Nov 2020
1# Prim's Algorithm in Python
3INF = 9999999
4# number of vertices in graph
5N = 5
6#creating graph by adjacency matrix method
7G = [[0, 19, 5, 0, 0],
8     [19, 0, 5, 9, 2],
9     [5, 5, 0, 1, 6],
10     [0, 9, 1, 0, 1],
11     [0, 2, 6, 1, 0]]
13selected_node = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
15no_edge = 0
17selected_node[0] = True
19# printing for edge and weight
20print("Edge : Weight\n")
21while (no_edge < N - 1):
23    minimum = INF
24    a = 0
25    b = 0
26    for m in range(N):
27        if selected_node[m]:
28            for n in range(N):
29                if ((not selected_node[n]) and G[m][n]):  
30                    # not in selected and there is an edge
31                    if minimum > G[m][n]:
32                        minimum = G[m][n]
33                        a = m
34                        b = n
35    print(str(a) + "-" + str(b) + ":" + str(G[a][b]))
36    selected_node[b] = True
37    no_edge += 1
27 May 2020
1import math
2def empty_tree (n):
3    lst = []
4    for i in range(n):
5        lst.append([0]*n)
6    return lst
7def min_extension (con,graph,n):
8    min_weight = math.inf
9    for i in con:
10        for j in range(n):
11            if j not in con and 0 < graph[i][j] < min_weight:
12                min_weight = graph[i][j]
13                v,w = i,j
14    return v,w
16def min_span(graph):
17    con = [0]
18    n = len(graph)
19    tree = empty_tree(n)
20    while len(con) < n :
21        i ,j  = min_extension(con,graph,n)
22        tree[i][j],tree[j][i] = graph[i][j], graph[j][i]
23        con += [j]
24    return tree
26def find_weight_of_edges(graph):
27    tree = min_span(graph)
28    lst = []
29    lst1 = []
30    x = 0
31    for i in tree:
32        lst += i 
33    for i in lst:
34        if i not in lst1:
35            lst1.append(i)
36            x += i
37    return x
39graph = [[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
40         [1,0,3,4,0,3,0,0,0],
41         [0,3,0,0,0,4,0,0,0],
42         [0,4,0,0,2,9,1,0,0],
43         [0,0,0,2,0,6,0,0,0],
44         [0,3,4,9,6,0,0,0,6],
45         [0,0,0,1,0,0,0,2,8],
46         [0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,3],
47         [0,0,0,0,0,6,8,3,0]]
48graph1 = [[0,3,5,0,0,6],
49          [3,0,4,1,0,0],
50          [5,4,0,4,5,2],
51          [0,1,4,0,6,0],
52          [0,0,5,6,0,8],
53          [6,0,2,0,8,0]]
55print("Total weight of the tree is: " + str(find_weight_of_edges(graph1)))
27 Aug 2016
1// Minimum spanning tree using Prim's Algorithm Efficient Approach
2//     Using Priority Queue
3// Watch striver graph series :)
5using namespace std;
6void addedge(vector<pair<int,int>>adj[],int u,int v,int weight)
8    adj[u].push_back(make_pair(v,weight));
9    adj[v].push_back(make_pair(u,weight));
11int main()
13    int vertex,edges;
15    cin>>vertex>>edges;
16    vector<pair<int,int>>adj[vertex];
17    int a,b,w;
18    cout<<"ENTER THE LINKS:"<<endl;
19    for(int i=0;i<edges;i++)
20    {
21        cin>>a>>b>>w;
22        addedge(adj,a,b,w);
23    }
24    int parent[vertex],key[vertex];
25    bool mset[vertex];
26    for(int i=0;i<vertex;i++)
27    {
28        parent[i]=-1;
29        key[i]=INT_MAX;
30        mset[i]=false;
31    }
32    priority_queue<pair<int,int>,vector<pair<int,int>>,greater<pair<int,int>>>pq;
33    parent[0]=-1;
34    key[0]=0;
35    pq.push(make_pair(0,0));//storing Key[i] and i
36    for(int count=0;count<vertex-1;count++)
37    {
38        int;
39        pq.pop();
40        mset[u]=true;
41        for(auto it:adj[u])
42        {
43            int v=it.first;
44            int weight=it.second;
45            if(mset[v]==false&&weight<key[v])
46            {
47                parent[v]=u;
48                pq.push(make_pair(key[v],v));
49                key[v]=weight;
50            }
51        }
52    }
53    for(int i=1;i<vertex;i++)
54    {
55        cout<<parent[i]<<"->"<<i<<endl;
56    }
57    return 0;
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spanning tree using prim 27s program in c 22use prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the following graph 2c assuming we start from the vertex a 22simple prime algorithm for mst implementationmst primm algorithmprim e2 80 99s algorithm for the computation of minimum cost spanning tree for an undirected graphhow prims give minimum spanning treeprim kruskal dijkstra pythonminimum spanning tree pythonwrite a program to find minimum cost spanning tree of a given undirected graph using prim 27s algorithm prims algorithm given connections class 22se prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the following graph 2c assuming we start from the vertex b 22implement minimum cost spanning tree of undirected graph using prim e2 80 99s algorithm prim 27s algorithm python using listprim 22maximum 22 22minimum 22 spanning treeimplementation of prims algorithmminimum spanning tree example primprim 27s algorithm 2fminimum spanning treeminimum cost spanning tree 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prims algorithmprove that prim 27s algorithm correctly find minimum spanning treefind the mst using prim e2 80 99s algorithm minimum spannign tree codemst graph primadding an edge to mst java prim dfsprims algorithm c codehow to use prim 27s algorithm minimum spanning treeprim 27s algorithm example with solutionprims c cpp primsminimum spanning tree of graph have 9 vertices 2c applying prim 27s algorithmprim 27s algorithm pseudocode in pythoncode of minimum spanning tree of given undirected graph using prims algorithmmaximum spanning tree vs minimum spanning tree prim hardestfind minimum spanning tree using prim 27s algorithm mcqfind the minimum spanning tree using prim algorithm calculate minimum costprims algorithm in pythonsopannig tree primc program to implement prim 27s algorithm to find mstminimum spanning tree algorithmprim 27s algorithm using adjacency matrixwrite prim 27s algorithm for adjacenecy listminimum spanning tree graphprims program in cppimplementation of prim e2 80 99s algorithmprims algorithm code in javause prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the following graph 2c assuming we start from the vertexprim implementation cfind the correct statement data structure prim 27s minimal spanning tree algorithm dijkstra 27s minimum spanning tree algorithm floyd warshall 27s all pairs shortest path algorithmprim algorythm python 22use prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the following graph 2c assuming we start from the vertex b 22how to optimize prims algorithm in 22complete 22 graphprims algorithm python geeksforgeeksimplement prims algorithmprim mst pythonwrite the prim algorithmuse the prims e2 80 99s algorithm to generate the minimum spanning tree for the following graph show all the steps involved is prim 27s algorithm greedyprims algorithm c 2bwhat will be the minimum cost for the spanning tree of the following graph using prim e2 80 99s algorithm starting from vertex a 3a 284 points 29prim algorithm for binary treesprims algorithm code in cprim javaprim 27s algorithm minimum spanning treeprim e2 80 99s algorithm for minimum spanning treeprims algorithm stepsprim 27s algorithm cuse the prims e2 80 99s algorithm to generate the minimum spanning tree for the following graph show all the steps involved prim 27s algorithm for minimum spanning tree time complexityprim 27s algorithm usesprim e2 80 99s minimum spanning tree algomaximum spanning tree vs minimum spanning tree primkruskal 27s algorithm and prim 27s algorithm createimplementation of prim 27s algorithm in c programmingprim 27s algorithm mstalgorithm constructs a spanning tree by considering one vertex at a time 2 pointskruskal 27s algorithmprim 27s algorithmshortest path algorithm 27minimum cost spanning tree prims algorithmprims kruskal algorithm exampleprin algorithmprim 27s algorithm methodspanning tree vs minimum spanning treeuse of minimum spanning treewrite a c program to accept undirected weighted graph from user and represent it with adjacency list and find a minimum spanning tree using prims algorithm prims and kruskal algorithm in pythonuse prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the following graph 2c assuming we start from the vertex e2 80 9cg e2 80 9d java minimum spanning tree primsolve mst prime graphwhat is prims algorithmprim 27s algorithm using graph python implementationprim 27s algorithm exampleprims algorithm geeksprim 27s algorithm c implementationprim and kruskal algorithmprim 27s algorithm minimum spanning tree java codeprim algorithm in cprim 27s algorithm iprim minimum spanning tree algorithmprince algorithm in cprim 27s algorithm using three arrayminimum cost spanning tree gate 23give algorithm for prims and kruskal algorithm prims min spanning treeprims kruskal algorithmconstruct a minimum spanning tree using prim e2 80 99s algorithm for the following graphprims algo javaapply prim e2 80 99s algorithm on the following graph and show all the steps what are needed to be done 2c starting vertex is a 7bsolution requird in table format 5drpims algorithmprim algorithm t setprim 27s algorithm incprim 27s algorithm in c 2b 2b with outputwrite short note on minimum spanning tree explain algorithm of prims minimum spanning tree implement prim 27s algorithmprimm 27s algorithmprims mst algorithmprims algorithm in c programc program for prim 27s algorithmprims and kruskal algorithmprim 27s algorithm with degree n 2f18prims algorithm program in cppprim mst useswrite a program in c to find minimum cost spanning tree of an undirected graph using prim e2 80 99s algorithm minimum spanning tree 3a prim 27s algorithm c codeprime algorithm for mstimplementing prims algorithm c 2b 2bprim algorithm javaprim 27s algo in javabest way to implement prims algorithm in c 2b 2bprim 27s algorithm for finding minimum spanning tree 28coding approach using adjacency matrix 29minimum cost spanning treewhat is the agenda of prim 27s and kruskal algorithmwhy is it called prim 27s algorithmminimum cost spanning tree using greedy method program for prims algorithm in c 2c construct mst from the following graph using prim e2 80 99s mst algorithm write prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find minimum cost spanning tree prim minimum spanning tree geekforgeeksprims algorithm in c languageminimum spanning tree using prim 27s algorithm in cprim 27s algorithm spanning treeprims input c 2b 2bwhich of the following is used for finding minimum spanning tree 3f prims algorithm 2c kruskals algorithmprims algorithm using c 2b 2bprim 27s algorithm using greedy method examplemst prim algorithmprime algorithmprim 27s algorithm on adjacency matrixprim 27s algorithm in c 2b 2bconstruct the minimum spanning tree 28mst 29 for the given graph using prim e2 80 99s algorithm wap to construct a minimum cost spanning tree of a graph using prim e2 80 99s algorithm prims algorithm explainmst algorithm primc program for prims algorithmprim 27s algorithm is a prims algorithm methodprim 27s algorithm minimum spanning tree vconcept of prism algominimum spanning tree exampleuse prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree in the following graph prims algorithm stl cppprims algorithm to generate maximum spanning treweprims algorithm c programprim algorithmwhen we use prims algorithmpython prim 27s algorithmprims algorithm c 2b 2b programprint minimum spanning tree prim 27s algorithmimpleemnt prim 27s algorithm in pythonprims e2 80 99s algorithm for the computation of minimum cost spanning tree for an undirected graphwhat is prim e2 80 99s algorithm minimum cost spanning tree 28using prim 27s algo 29 theorysolving total cost using prims algorithm in pyhtonwrite prim algorithm for minimum spanning treeprims minium spanning treeprim algorithm python 29 given the following graph 2c use prim e2 80 99s algorithm to compute the minimum spanning tree 28mst 29 of the graph write down the edges of the mst in sequence based on the prim e2 80 99s algorithmimplement minimum cost spanning tree of undirected graph using prim e2 80 99s algorithmfind the minimum spanning tree using prims algorithm for the given graphprims minimum spanning tree examplesprim 27s pythonprims code in c 2b 2bhow to find mst from adjacency matrix prims questionawith solutionprim 27s minimum spanning tree algorithm in c 2b 2balgorithm of spanning tree pythonprint minimum spanning treeprim 27s minimal spanning treeprims mst algorithm with example in c 2b 2bcomplexity of prims algorithm on minimum spanning treeprim 27s algorithmprims minimum spanning treeprims algorithm in cminimum spanning tree integer programmingprim 22maximum vs minimum 22 spanning treeusing prims algo find the minimum spanning tree of the following graphprince algorithm is aexplain prim 27s algorithm for minimum spanning treewhich approach is used in prim e2 80 99s algorithmuse prim 27s algorithm to find a minimum spanning treeprim pythonfind minimum spanning tree using prim 27s algorithmundirected graph prim c 2b 2bc to implement prim 27s algorithmprims minimum spanningprim e2 80 99s algorithm pythonprim minimum spanning treeprim 27s algorithm in pythonspanning tre eprogtam in cprims algorithm implementation in c 2b 2bprims minimum spanning tree problemprimes algorithim in greeks for greeksprims algorithm using cprim 27s algorithm c 2b 2bpython prim algorithmprims algorithm in cppprim e2 80 99s algorithm to find the minimum spanning treeprims algorithm c 2b 2bminimum spanning tree prim 27s algorithmprim graph algorithmprims algorithm code in cppconstruct minimum spanning tree for the following graph using prim e2 80 99s and kruskal e2 80 99s algorithm 6 5 3prims algoritham python codeprims algo implementation pthonapply prim e2 80 99s algorithm on the following graph and show all the steps what are needed to be done 2c starting vertex is a 7bsolution required in table format 5dwrite prim e2 80 99s algorithm for finding minimal spanning tree of a graph explain with an exampleprims algorithm implementation javaminimum spanning tree using prim algorithmprim 27s algorithm finds spanning treeminimum spanning treeprim maximum spanning tree complexityprims 26 dijkstra project c 2b 2b examplemst using prim e2 80 99s algoprims algorithm valuesfind the minimum spanning tree using prim e2 80 99s algorithm prim 27s algorithm gfgprims program in javaprim 27s algorithm c codemst graphprims algorithm pythonprims algorithm codepython program to implement prim 27s algorithm to find mstprim algorithm minimum spanning tree from the graphprims c 2b 2bwhat will be the minimum cost for the spanning tree of the following graph using prim e2 80 99s algorithm starting from vertex a 3amaximum spanning tree using prim 27s algorithmprims algorithm implementation in pythonprim 27s algorithm c programwrite a program to find minimum cost spanning tree of a given undirected graph using prims algorithm prim algorithm minimum spanning treeminimum spanning tree algorithm primsprim e2 80 99s minimum spanning treewhy do we use prim 27s algorithmprim 27s algorithm minimum cost spanning treeprim 27s algorithm is used to findprims algorithm program in pythonwrite a c program to calculate minimum spanning tree using prim 27s algorithm prim 27s algorithm in c 2b 2b using adjacency matrixprims minimum spanning tree algo is dynamic programming basedhow to find minimum spanning tree using prim 27s algorithmpython graph prim 27s algorithmuse prim 27s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the given weighted graphsteps of prim 27s algorithmuse prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree for the following graphprim algorithm codeprims algorithm program injavaconstruct the minimum spanning tree 28mst 29 for the given graph using prim e2 80 99s algorithm prim 27s algorithm analysisprim 27s algorithm javaminimum spanning trees 3f prims algorithmprims algorithm noteswrite a program to find out minimum cost spanning tree by prim e2 80 99s algorithm run the prim 27s algorithm starting at eprims min spanning tree practiceprims algorithm cppprim 27s min spanning treeprim 27s algorithm for minimum spanning tree dynamic programmingprims algorithm implementation prims algorithm in javaminimum spanning tree algorithm geeks for geeksprims algorithmprims algorithm gfglimitations of prim 27s algorithmexplain prim e2 80 99s algorithm to find a minimum spanning tree with an example prim 27s algorithm for minimum spanning tree uses dpprim 27s spanning tree algorithmprim 27s minimum spanning tree algorithmprims code minimum spanning treeprims algo cppprim 27s algorithm python implementationcompute minimum spanning treewhat is a minimum spanning treewhat is the time complexity of finding the minimum cost spanning tree using prim 27s algorithmgraph prim algorithmweight of minimum spanning tree using prim 27s algorithmprim in c programizgenerate minimum cost spanning tree for the following graph using prim 27s and kruskal e2 80 99s algorithm prim 27s mst algorithmminimum spanning tree primsprim algorithm cppprims and kruskal algorithm examples practiceprims o 28e log v 29prims algorithm graph in pythonprim 27s algorithm geeksforgeeksprim 27s algo mst code in cprim algorithm on graphs is for finding prim 27s algorithm mediumprim e2 80 99s algorithmprim e2 80 99s minimum spanning tree program 5dforest and minimum spanning trees algorithmprim 27s algorithm for minimum spanning treeprims algorithm javaprims create a minimal spanning tree using prims 2c then find the minimum total cost prims algorithm programmizprims algoritm in pythonprim 27s algorithm