primary key and unique key in sql

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showing results for - "primary key and unique key in sql"
19 Jan 2019
1This constraint ensures all values in a column are unique.
2Example 1 (MySQL): Adds a unique constraint to the id column when
3creating a new users table.
5id int NOT NULL,
6name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
7UNIQUE (id)
9Example 2 (MySQL): Alters an existing column to add a UNIQUE
12ADD UNIQUE (id);
04 Mar 2020
1What is the difference between UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints? 
2There should be only one PRIMARY KEY 
3in a table whereas there can be
4any number of UNIQUE Keys.
5PRIMARY KEY doesn’t allow NULL
6values whereas Unique key allows NULL values.
25 Aug 2020
1CREATE TABLE Students ( 	 /* Create table with a single field as unique */
3    Name VARCHAR(255)
6CREATE TABLE Students ( 	 /* Create table with multiple fields as unique */
8    LastName VARCHAR(255)
9    FirstName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
10    CONSTRAINT PK_Student
11    UNIQUE (ID, FirstName)
14ALTER TABLE Students 	 /* Set a column as unique */
17ALTER TABLE Students 	 /* Set multiple columns as unique */
18ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Student 	 /* Naming a unique constraint */
19UNIQUE (ID, FirstName);
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