showing results for - "print json"
10 Oct 2017
2import json
4json_data = '[{"ID":10,"Name":"Pankaj","Role":"CEO"},' \
5            '{"ID":20,"Name":"David Lee","Role":"Editor"}]'
7json_object = json.loads(json_data)
9json_formatted_str = json.dumps(json_object, indent=2)
13 Jun 2016
1import json
3uglyjson = '{"firstnam":"James","surname":"Bond","mobile":["007-700-007","001-007-007-0007"]}'
5#json.load method converts JSON string to Python Object
6parsed = json.loads(uglyjson)
8print(json.dumps(parsed, indent=2, sort_keys=True))
25 Apr 2016
1import json
3# alphabetic dictionary
4json_data = {hex(k): chr(k) for k in range(ord('a'), ord('z') + 1)}
5# to file
6with open("my_json.json", "w") as file:
7    json.dump(json_data, file, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
02 Jan 2021
1import json
3x =  '{ "name":"John", "age":30, "city":"New York"}'
4y = json.loads(x)
16 Apr 2016
1print(json.dumps(dict, indent=4))
21 Apr 2016
1ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
2String perttyStr = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(object);
queries leading to this page
print out python json objectindent json dumpspython create json dictionaryconvert json to python dictionarystr to jsonstring to json python3python json output styleprettify json string pythonjson object to string in pythonpython json as a typepython sjson parsepython get string from json objectpython string to json keyjson data dictionary pythonstringify json pythonpython stringify jsonjason pythonjson python indentjson string to json object pythonjson prettify python json 28 29 in pythonprint json objects pythonconvert python json to stringpython import jsonjson pretty pythonpython with jsonjson load pythonpython prettify jsonconvert text to json in pythonpython beautify jsonpyhton object to jsonjson value pythondisplaying json output pythonhow to parse str to object pythonjsonify object pythonpython json string is dictionarymake json string to python objectjson print pythonjson comes as string in python 27json lists pythonpython list of jsonsting to json in pythondump json by 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to print json output only one string in pythonrepresent a json list in pythonjson to python dictpython json indent filepython output into jsonhow to convert to string in django jsoncomo convertir un json en json normal pythonjson to list pythonhow to prettify json in pythonpython using a json valueconvert string into json pythonprint json call pythonjson parse pythonpython list to jsoncovert to json pythonpretty print list jsonprint json list pythonprint json valuepython json stringspython conver to jsonjson indent pythonjson dictionary python numberconvert array to string python jsonprint python json arrayjson tutoril pytonparse python object to jsonjson indent format for listpython parse json from stringpython print json dumps indentconvert obkect to json pythonpython object to jsonconvert json into python objectstring to json python examplesprint in pretty json format pythonconverting string of json to list pythonprint json dump 28data 2c indent 3d4 29show json file in a beautiful way wiht jsondict to jsonpython json write formatconvert data into json in pythonconvert json to object in pythonpython output jsonpython3 string to jsonstring class json to json object pythonwrite json to file with indent pythonprettify json python pippython json dumps prettyhow to make json data pretty in pythonpython json dictionaryhow to jsonify in pythonpython how to convert a string to jsonpretty json response pythonget string from json pythonpretty print json dumpspython how to convert a string to json objectpython json print formatmake json look pretty pythonshow json in pythonjson loads indentconvert text to json python 3python create jsonpython json file pretty printpython format printed jsonpython json dumps prettylist in json pythonjson dump indentpython json stringify nicelyhow to convert string into json object in pythonpython3 str to jsonhow to pretty print json in pythonpretty print python jsonpython string json parseset json formatter for printing in structured 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store a json file inside an object pythondefine a json object in pythonconvert python function to jsonjson object in python examplepython convert string to json dictjson dump prettifyindent json 28 29 in pythonpython json how to print something on the consolconvert string json to json pythonpython pp jsonpython loads json string indentpretty josn pythonpython to json stringpython json string pretty printconvert data into json format pythonimport jsonpythonjson to string pytohnmicropython string to jsonin python convert to jsonjson get pythonformat json in pythonpython library to convert json to pretty textpython read json 2c print object valueprint pretty json in pythondump json in pythonpython str to jsopython 3 string to jsonpython3 print json prettyprint all json from json pythonget json pythonpython json stringify prettypython str to json formatpython dump json prettypython json packagepretty print json python command lineprettify json pythonpython print as jsonjson dictionary pyrhonlist to json string pythonhow to write json in python indentedusing to jsonpython how to convert json to stringpython convert text to jsonhow to print the json data in pythonpython define json datamake json pretty pythonprint json file neatpython3 pretty print jsonpython type for jsonpython print output jsonpython write json indentjson object in pythonpython json pretty print command lineparse json text pythonto json in pythonhow to print json file data in python in more readable formatprint json items pythonjsonify string pythonjson reading in pythonread python list as json in javascriptjson dict to string pythonpython3 json pretty printhow to neatly print json to console pythonhow to unindent json pythonpython object to json that contains an arraypython object into jsonjson loads 28 29python json nice printpretify json output pythonpython and pretty jsonjson to string pythonpython pretify jsonpython print json nicelyobject to string pythonhow to meke json prity printedjson beautiful format pythonpython json listsobjects from json pythonusing json with pythonprint json value pythonconvert list to json pythonpprint jsonhow to convert pretty format json file into a simple single line json file using python 3fpython prittify jsonimport json pythonhow to prettify json when writing to a file in pythonjson string to objectpy json printjson parser string pythonpython set types of json objectdump json in pretty format pythonjson object pretty printpython converting str to jsonpython 3a convert string into jsonpython save json with indentsjson dump prettyread json in pythoncreate json objects in pythonhow to print json in pythonpretty print object as json in pythonjson dumps pretty print pythonpython convert json string to jsonpretty dumpreturn pretty json pythonjson data to python arraypython json loadsconvert string in json pythonprint jsonl in python is a json format a dictionary in pythonprint indented json pythonpython print json response prettyhow to print r json in pythonpython json from stringhow to make json pretty in pythonpython stringto json stringpretty json dump pythonpython parsing jsonhow to use json in pythonconvert json string to json object in pythonprint formatted json object pythnpython pretty print json dumpsconvert json code to json pretty in pthyonjson dump intent 3d4print pretty json pythonjson into pythonprint in json format pythonpython from json to stringhow to convert object into json string pythonformat json python printpython convert to jsonhow to convert data into json pythonconvert json list in string pythonpython string json pretty printhow to pretty print json pythonpython str json to jsonpython json save indentconvert print output to jsonwhat is json in pythonjson string pythonexamplepython pretty print json onlinehow to get json list pythonparse json object pythonprint json python prettyhow can i create a json object in pythonpython read json from textpython is printing 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 22 from jsonpython create json string from dictconvert a string to json in pythonhow to convert json to string pythonpython read json printhow to convert an array objevt into json in pythonpython printjsonpython object to stringjson pretify pythonpython convert json string to stringprettify json using pythonget json from object pythonpretty json format pythonjson parse pythonconvert a json object to a string pywrite json to file python with indentpyton string to jsonpython list json objectsjsonify str in pythonjson python 2fjson a string pythonhow to print a json object in pythonresponse json results in pretty data pythonpython 3 json loadimport json in pythonpython 2 print json prettydumps indent pythonpython read json as stringpython json tutorialpython 2c easy pretty jsonpython get string from jsonpython format jsonpython 3 print json stringjson type pythonhow to convert a json toa string in pythoncomo printar json pythonjson tutorial pythonpython string to json 5cstr ot json pythonpython make json prettyprertty print json pythonhow to print out a json file in readable format in pythonreading pretty print json pythonformat a json file pythonpython print json in formatcreate json from string pythonjson string pythonpython json dump to stringprint json in pythoncreate json object pythonpython json arrayjson to str pytpython json dumps indent 3d4get string from json object pythonjson python exampleprettify json print pythonconvert string object to json object pythonload json from stringprint data in json format python prettypython json to string prettypython printing jsonhow to import json in pythonpython simplejson print jsonpython object from jsonconvert json to list pythonconvert string to json with pythonpython read json to dictjson to array pythonjson string to json pythonprint json fieldprint json lists on one line pythonarray from json pythonpython text to jsonjson foramt pythonjson python with listpython string tojsonpretty json print pythonpython json dump with pretty printread json python from stringpython print dict output in pretty jsoncreating json in pythonjson in string to json pythonpython etxt to jsonpython how to print a json objectpython 3 format json prettypython printing json valuesconvert string into json in pythonpython string to json listpython json pretty print to stringpython string to jsopython print a json valuepython make json objecthow to neatly print json pythonjson object to string pythonprint json pretty python3print json element pythonjsonify pythonjson string to a python objectpython string to json dictpython json prettyprint to listpython json dumpsprint json in python pretty json pythonhow to json dump in pretty print format in pythonconvert string to json in pythonturn string json into json object pythonpython from string to jsonhow to print json pythonjson prettify python 2bstring to object pythonpython json getcreate a json string in pythonjson ident pythoninbuild json package in pythonpython json to dict from stringuse json pythonpython convert json to stringpprint for jsonpython json parse for dataprint json python requestpretty print json object pythonprint json string pythonprint json file lines pythonjson loads indentjson pretty print pythonmake json in pythonpython dictionary jsonprint json data nicelypretty print json on loadwrite formatted json code pythoncreate a json in pythonprettify json file pythonpython convert string json to jsonpythong list to json stringjson a python objecthow to format a json file in pythonprint python jsonjson pretty pythonjson get pythonjson strinifigy pytrhonobj to json in pyconvert a string into json object pythonpython decode jsonpython json how to get valuepython json get 28 29write json file with indentjson pythoonstr to jsom pythonconvert text to json pythonjson print string pythondict to json string pythonpytohn json loadshow to use array of json in pythonhow to convert json string to python objectoutput json from pythonjson loads python outputstring to json pythonpython convert str to jsonpython json load indentconvert string json to json object pythonformat json pypython json parserpython json parsepython array to jsonpython json array print prettyformat json string pythonjson formatter pythonhow to print a json pythonwrite json file using python with indentarray json pythonjson dump ident 3d4python pretty format json stringconvert json string to json pythonpython json prettifystring to json loadshow to json format in pythonjson string toobject pyhtonstring json to json pythonjson as string pythonprint in json format pyttyohnmjson ppythondisplay python in json formatstring to json object pythonconvert json file to json string pythonpretty json jupyterjson from object in pythonpython define jsonpython format json file json 28 29 method python json method pythonto json pythonjson dump pretty pythonstring to jsonpythonoutput a json file in readable format pythonload json to dict pythonprint json value in pythonpython prettyprint jsonconvert list object to json in pythonstr jsonpython parse json from a text stringpython make jsonstring as json pythonhow to read string as json in pythonindent 4 json autojson library pythonstr to json pythonhow to format json with pythonpython request print pretty jsonjson parse to string pythonpython write json prettyprint json data content pythonpython parse json listpython json to variableprint jsonn formatread json from string pythonhow parse json to python dictpython json to string getpretty print json string pythonpython convert a string to jsonprint whole json object pythonhow to import tojsonpretty print json dumpconvert rsp to json pythonhow to print a readable jsonprint pritty jsonpython load json to dictjson to printjson parse equivalent in pythonpython34 json dump pretty print to filetransfer to json pythonpython json print nicepyhton list to jsonprint json object pretty pythonhow to parse json dictionary in pythonpython how to jsonprint a dictionary python jsonhow to make json code a string pythonhow to pretty print jsonpython to json converterprint python json prettyconvert str to python object json 5cindented json output pytnosprettyfiy json pythonpython convert string of json to jsonpython print out values from jsonpython stringify objectpython json pretty dumppython turn string into objecthow to print json object in pythonhow write json with indent pythohow to make json beautiful in pythonjson python dump prettypython json parsingjson in pytonjson dumpspython for object in jsonconverting json string to json object pythonparse json using pythonjson dumps python prettyformat as json pythonpython json outputhow to get any string from json object in pythonprinting json data in pythonprint json response pythonconvert object into correct json string pythonjson 22dump 22 indentconvert a json string to json object pythonpython json examplejson dictionaryprint python object as jsonpython json to object with methodspython json loads examplehow to parse json in pythonpython how to print jsonhow to pint json data in formattedpretify json pythonjson python read as stringpython object to json stringprinting json pythonpretty print a specific launchpadhow to print json object in python in a textjson python to dicttojson pretty printjson object pythonhow to view json pretty in pythonjson object python 3python pretty print json objectconvert a string to a json string pythonjson 3d dumps 28a 2c indent 3d2 29how to convert a string to json in pythonpretty jsonpython objeto to jsonpython json beautiful print python string to json objprettyfy json pythonpython convert json to objectconvert python data to jsonjson python as list python list to string and jsonhow to pretty print a jsonjson create pythonjson string to object in pythonturn json string into object pythonjson dump in file python nice formatconvert python object to jsonjson to dictionaiy example pythonprint a json array in pythonpython load json from stirnghow to import tojasonsave as json python indentpython json dumps exampleprint beautiful json pythonstring of json to json pythonjson pretty print stringimport jsonconvert a json string to python json dump pretty printpython json text to objectivepython json dumps pretty with returnjson to array pythonhpython print json formated datajson convert method on apply object pythoncreate json in pythonconvert json tostring pythonprettyprint json using pythonhow convert jsonn string into json oject in pythonpython construct jsonjson string to object pythonprint json dumps pythonjson to onject pythonprint pretty json requests pythonarray de json pythonpython 3 print json dumpspython get jsonhow to convert json string to json object in pythonpython load json from a stringjsonify a string pythonpython dict from jsonparse json by value pythonmake json pretty pytarray to json string pythonload json str to json pythonjson to python listfrom string to json pythonpython json formattingprint formatted json pythonpython display pretty jsonprint json objects in pythonhow to parse json pypython convert strign to jsonhow to use python to pretty jsonworking with json in pythonstring to json in python3print json text pythonjson format pythonpython read json as dictjson from str pythonconvert python object to a json stringpprint with json pythonstring json pythonparse json data pythondictionary json pythonhow to convert json to string in pythonpython json nice formatreturn prety json in pythonjson response pretty print pythonjson dumps indentpython to string function to get json from objectjson beauty printstring to json inn pythonpython list jsonjson to dict pythoncoverting an object to json string in pythonhow to print a json object nicely in pythontransform string to json pythonstring of json to dict pythonprint object as json in pythonpython parse string to jsonjson in list python readload json to python from stringpthon object to jsonconvert array to json in pythonpython get 28 29 jsonjson read from stringpython print json object in a json objectprint json nicely in python python3 json dump prettyconvert text into json using pythonlist to json python 5cjson python formatuse json in pythonstring to json in pythonpython print json prettystring to json pythonpython json in listjson load from string pythonstring into json pythonpython show jsonprint json objectpython prettify json responseobject text to stringpython json formatpython json api pretty printjson loads python listpython collect json datapy to jsonconvert string json to object python pythonpretty print json outputjson pretty 28 29python convert json string convert to json loadspython json loadshow to write a pretty print json filedump json to file python indentprettyjson pythonpython dictionary to sjonjson pretty print examplepython json to objectjson data pythonhow to write to a json file in a pretty way pythopnpython 3 json stringparse json in pythonstore json in python with pprintconvert string to json object pythonpyhton print jsonpytho json dumps prettypyrhon json object to python stringoutput json pythonconvert string object to json pythonprint json filescreate json from json pythonpython parse from string to jsonstring object to json pythonjson dumps indentpython json loads examplehow to make json data look pretty in pythonpython print json pretty in filejson parse python exampleread json data in pyrthonjson dump prettifyprint a data in json format python python str to jsonpython json in variablejson parse indent pythonconvert parameters to json pythonfrom string to json object pythonpython json parsehow to convert string json to json object in pythonhow to pretty print json in python 5chow to pretty print a json file in pythonwrite python object to jsonhow to write json pretty file in pyhow to pretty print with json dumpconvert python list to jsonpython json indentobject to json pythonto json string pythonprint object as json pythonconverting string to json in pythonjson to object pythonconvert json string object into json pythonprint json inside json pythonconvert array to json string pythonopen json prettfystr representation of json to json pythonpython print full json stringjson in pythoncreate a json object in pythonprint as jsonhow to indent json in pythonhow to pretty json loadsjason in pythonhow to print the output in json pretty formathow to convert json string to json object pythonparse string into json object pythonindent json pythonpython json list to python listpython indent json dumpspython convert json object to textjson parser pythonpython json to json convertpython output to jsonhow to stringify json in pythonconvert json string to object in pythonhow to dump json data nicely formatted pythonhow to display json in formated way in pythonjson loads 28 29 in pythonprint prerry jsonbeatufiy json pythonpython pretty print jsonformat json pythonconvert to json in pyhtonpython string to json objecthow to write a pretty print json file javajson encoder pretty print pythonpython print json valuepython json dump indent prettyprint with json format pythoncreate python object from jsonmaking json data in pythonprint in json formatwrite json python with indentsconvert json string to json object pythonto jsonjson string to pythonpython array to json objectturning string into json python 5dpython json print jsonjson output pythonpython json converterjson python tutorialjson dump data pretty printprint prettify json pythonstring to json in python 3parsing json 5b 7b in pythonpretty print json in filepython print json output in printpretty print json in python get python jsonjson python json to stringjson loads exampleparse json ythonpython pretty print json as stringprinting json values pythonpython output json prettyjson and pythonhow to print full json output in pythonpython json str to json objectpython and json pytho jsonrxint jsonpython json pretty printjson load 28 29 pythonconvert json to array pythonformatting json pythonconvert text into json pythonpython json prettify a filepython string to object jsonhow to import jsonpython json pretty printing examplepython pretty dump jsonjson loads python exampleprettify json response pythonpy print jsonpy set jsonprint as json pythonpython pretty print json command linejson dumps with indentpretty print json pythonprinting json format in pythonpython read jsonstrign to json pythonpython load json stringpython3 string jsonhow to print object when printing jsonconvert json string to integer pythonconvertir a json pythonpreety print json in pythonpython print json object valuepython use jsonpython read json into python objectpython3 format json output terminaljson values pythonshow json pythonpython print json dumpspython array to json stringstringify python objectpython convert data to jsonjson dumps intentd pytonpython json beauty printpython 3a convert a string to jsonjson file pretty printhow to format json nicely in pythontypes for json pythonchange a string object to a json object in pythonprint json pythonpretty print json python thonnyreturn json dump pythonpython json string to arrayparsing json in pythoncreate a json string pythonjsonify example pythonjson handling in pythonjson pretty pythibnpretty print a jsonjson parser str pythonpython json dumps pretty printjson string to json object puthonimport json dictionary pythonjson python string to jsonjson pythonexport to json pythontype of json in pythonconvert string a json pythonhow to convert a json to string in pythonpython module to pretty print jsonprint from pythom to json how to convert python objects in to jsonpython 3 print json prettyjson to dict python 3how to indent the json in oythonprint a json in pythonjson dumps identconvert string json to dict pythonhow to convert string object to json in pythonpython json prettprint json beautiful pythonpythin print json contentarray into json filr pythonjson prettify pythonparse a string to json in pythonpython json dumps indentmake json object python python format json output prettujson in pythoinpython auto format json filepython pprint jsonpython json object to stringpython library for pretty printing jsonpython print payload in json formatpython json to dictionarypython formatter jsonpretty json in pythonprint output in json format pythonpython json prettyprintto json pretty print pythonconvert str to json pythonlist of json object python javascriptpython string to json examplehow to print the json response in pythonjson dumpspython for in jsonjson stringify pythonparse json python 5cjson loads pythonpython print nice jsonjson dump beautydump a value and print it json pythonpython dumps indent parampython print get jsonjson dumps pythonpython json string identpython print to jsonpython str jsonprint json identpython print a json objectget x json object from json pythonprettyjson in pythondisplay in json format pythonjson python pretty printdjango json loadspython tojsonpython parse json to objectjson dumps to stringjson reader pythonjson to dict in pythontext to json pythonpython json indent 3d2python convert object to jsonpython json dump indenthow to print jsonrequests pretty print jsonpython convert json object to stringpython howto show json prettyfiedjsonify dictionary pythonpython write json with indentpython json in string convert to jsonjsonify text pythonprettify for json in pythonhow to create a json string in pythonpretty pring python json stringshow dict to pretty json in python printpython print formatted jsonconvert json from string pythonjson dumps python exampleconvert json to object pythonprint json stringjson dumps in pythonpython convert json to dictionarypython load a string to jsonstring to jason pythonindent in json dumppython to jsonpython json equivalentpython json spacingpython print json list itemspython print object as jsonjson to python converterpython json from strpython json dumnpspython make into jsonpython open json beutifuljson to string in pythonpython print json ythonhow to json a listjson dump indentprint response json pythonstring tojson p 3cthonprinting a json object in pythonpythonstring to jsonpython auto format jsonhow to output json in pythonprint json dumps indentpretty json json dumpsstring class to json object pythonpython print json identhow no indent in json dumpsjson im pythonpython simplejson pretty printprint json structure pythonpython show json prettypython print json stringprint print json pythonjson prettyprint pythonprettyprint list of json pythonneatly print json pythonpython srting to jsonpython write json to file indentpython convert json string to objectpython format jsob json 28 29 pythonprint json pretty in pythonpython print as json formatunstringify python jsonprint json filejson a array pytohnhow to print json pretty in pythonstring import pythonpython print json formathow to convert json response to string in pythonjson loads to string pythonpython json dump pretty printpython json getmicropython json exampleopen json pretty printformat json poythonconvert json to dict pythonhow to use json pythonpython convert string to json objectpython make json readablepython string to jasonpython print json from requestjson dumps indent pythonpython convert from json stringhow to convert json to dictionary in pythonpython json loads javascript objectpython load json from stringprety json pytohnjson dumps python examplepython human jsonhow to print jason file in fomat in pythonmake string to json pythondict in jsonconvert json to string back to json pythonpython pretty print json stringload string as json pythonfunction output json pythonpython json print valuepython pretty print json outputuse json module in pythonpython prettify json stringhow to load string as json pythonusing json in pythonpython how to format jsonpython convert string to json datahow to convert json string into json object in pythonparse json to object in pythonjson package pythonpython pretty print object as jsonjson to string json pythonhow to use a json list pythonpython beauty json printparse json data in pythonpython dictionary from json stringpython console pretty print jsonjson stringify pythonconverting python objects to json json list pythonparse string as json pythonhow to print json element in pythonpython object to json objectparse json pythonturn string to json pythonprettyfy json with pythonpython parsing string to jsonpython json formatterpython json print 28 29 get response prettyhow to make a string to json pythonpython json to pretty stringpython print json loadindent 3d2 json data in pythonget dict of jsonjson loads in pythonpython parse json from textdictionary to json pythonpython json listprint json pretty in pagejsonify python resultpretty print json pyt5honpython json dump prettyconvert a string to json object pythonjson to dictstr json pythonpython convert jsonprint json dumps 28parsed indent 3d2 sort keys 3dtrue 29pretty print json pytonjson stirng to object pythonconvert json to readable format pythonobject json pythonuse python to convert json to pretty jsonpython dumps pretty printprettify json document pythonpython pretty parse jsonpython3 convert json to stingpython string to json conversionjson dump python prettyimport string as jsonjson pretty format pythonparse json data pythonmjson print prettyjson dumps prettyreference python json dictpython json pretty print stringpython str as jsonjson load indent pythonjson dumps python readablepython pretify json to stringstring to json object in pytpython jsomprint jsonpython array of json todoes python print jsonconv the json to text in python pretty printprint json file prettyindent in json pythonpython read json to stringcan print json in python prettypython string as jsondict to json pythonhow to print json response in pythonprettify json in pythonpython turn string to jsonconvert from string to json pythonjson module pythonpython to string method to get json from objectprint json for a specific launchpadformat json through module pythonpython json to dicthow to covert string object in json in pythonhow to json data in pythonflask jsonify indentppython jsonjson python print prettydict as json pythoncreate json data in pythonprint json dumps 28data 2c indent 3d4 29how to strigfy json object in pythonprint json pretty pythonconvert object to json in pythonpython convert json to objectspython json to stringjsom in pythonarray to json pythinbpython text into jsonhow to display pretty json in pythonpython json to json stringconvert json dump to json load pythontojson pythonpython json string to python objectpython turn json into string 23 pretty print json for a specific launchpadpython json convert object to stringconverter string para json pythonjson pyprint data in json loadspython convert string to jsonpython json to listpython json convertpython pretty json outputpython symple json write prettypython pretty writing in jsonpretty print json with indentpython json library pretty printjson string in json pythonpretty print json file python3python string object to jsonhow to return an object representation by a json string in pythonpython json stringpython how to convert object to jsonpython strings to jsonhow to convert document type object to json in pythonjson print pretty pythonjsonlist pythonjson read in pythonstring json to json object pythonwrite indent json pythonconvert format of json pythonread json data pythonpython print json formattedjson html pythonconvert python string to jsonjson parser in pythonhow to convert an object to json string in pythonhow to store pretty print json in pythonpython jsonstringprint json python3python dump json to file with indentpython jsonlist 28 29output into json pythonpython make string jsonconvert string json pythonwrite json file prettyprint pythonpython string to objectpprint of json file library pythonpython transfert txt to jsoncreate json object in pythonconvert json string to object pythonpython how to pretty print a json stringjson with pythonjson printpython3 json dump pretty print to filepythoh load json from stringpretty dump json pythonstring representation of json to json pythonprint jason data in pythonjson of object python convert json string to python objectppprint jsonstr to json in pythonconvert data to json pythonpython type str to jsonpythno pretty print json responsesave formatted json pythonpretty print json fpy get data from jsonpython print json object prettyindent json dumppretty prin json pythonvalues json pythonprint value in json prettyfy python jsonpython list to json javascript parsecreate json parse pythonpython turn json to stringpython json module pretty print to consolepython3 print json json dumps in pythonpython strign to jsonhow to print json pretty pythoninitialize json in pythonpretty print a json filejson pretty print onlinepython print jsonpuyhton pretty print jsonprint json object pythonpython json to string 5cpython json prettypayload string to json pythonjson to dictionary pythonjson to text pythonprint json pythonpython html jsonpython json string to objectstring to json object in pythonpython parsing a string jsonstring to json pyhtonpython json interpreterpython parse jsonpython json string to dictionaryread json string in pythondictionary to json in pythoncovert jeson to python arrayhow to prettyprint a json file in python 3fprint json object in pythonconvert string to json object in pythonjson to python objectconvert python json to javascriptpython json print prettypython write to json with indentconvert from json to string pythonpython3 how to pretty print json responsejson into string pythonpython json loads stringjson dumps pretty printpython print prettify jsoncreate json pythonpython string json to dictpython how convert string to jsonpython pretty print json fileauto indent json pytonpython json dump listjson print pythonconvert sting to json pythonwoking with json in pythonjson parse string in pythonimport jason asconvert json to string pythonconvert json to dictionary pythonprint json ppythonpython prettify terminal json only for json objectspython convert string to json arrayhow to print contents of json file in pythonprint json data pythonhandling json in pythonhow to print a json in pythonpython pretty json printshow json pythonjson python a listpython indent jsonobject to json string pythonhow to parse a json string in pythonhow to print formated jsoncreate json objec tin pythoncreate json format from string pythonmake string to json in pythonpython how to create a json objectpython json to file prettypython pprint json indentpython print format jsonjson dump pretiprint pythonprint directly in json pythonjson dumps 28 29 in pythonhow to dump python string to json objectwrite json with indent pytohnjson python outputjson pretty print pythonpython str to json objecthow to convert python data into jsonconvert json object to python objectjsonify python dictionaryconverting string to json pythonpython string to json variablejson string to json puthonprint json loadprint json format pythonhow to show json data pretty in pythonhow to return the json representation of a string in pythonjson parsing pythonconvert string to json pythondisplay json in pretty format pythonpython json objectpython json decodehow to create json list in pythonfrom text to json pythonjson string to json object python 3how to print a json object in pythpnjson to string pythonmpython string to json 7dpython format json dumpspython jsonify prettyhow to pretty print json on pythonpython jasonjson object printing poythonpython convert string to json form stringlist to json in pythonjson array pythonpython json stringifypython convert object to json stringpython to ksonjson data in pythonpretty json notepython string json exampleshow to print json file pythonpython json dump prettyimport json from jsonconverst string to jsonpythonpython json readablepython json from objectjson to pythonconvert map format to json 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