promise catch

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19 Sep 2017
1//create a Promise
2var p1 = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
3  resolve("Success");
6//Execute the body of the promise which call resolve
7//So it execute then, inside then there's a throw
8//that get capture by catch
9p1.then(function(value) {
10  console.log(value); // "Success!"
11  throw "oh, no!";
12}).catch(function(e) {
13  console.log(e); // "oh, no!"
03 Apr 2018
1We use promise to make a  AsyncFunction, cose simetime we have to wait that function give 
2us some result.
3Example, if we use ajax we have await ajax data or statament.
5Make a simple example.
7var asyncronus_function= (number)=>
8		{
9			return new Promise( (accept, reject)=>
10			{
11			})
12		}                 
14this function return a promise Object, thet required a function executor
15this functions (accept, reject) are defined in the executor 
16function, that was needed in promise constructor.
17Syntax: new Promise (executor)
18executor= (accept, reject) =>{}
20if function end well we return a accept(), otherwise reject()
22Let complete asyncronus_function
24var asyncronus_function= (number)=>
25		{
26			return new Promise( (accept, reject)=>
27			{
28				if(number>10)
29				return accept("my first async");
30				return reject("my first async error")
31			})
33		}
34if it dont return any of this 2 function, Promise state is [PENDING] ,
35if return accept is [RESOLVED]  end if return reject is [REJECTED]
37how we can retrieve accept or reject?
39there is two methods really important, that we have to consider afther we call this function
401) .then(function(error){}) is call when promise state is [RESOLVED]
412) .error(function(error){}) is call when promise state is [REJECTED]
423) do nothing if [PENDING]
44let call asyncronus_function()!!! 
46	asyncronus_function(MY_NUMBER).then(function(data)
47        {
48			console.log(data)
49    	}).catch(error => 
50        {
51      			console.log(error)
52    	});
54if  MY_NUMBER> 10 ,asyncronus_function print data : OUTPUT my first async
55if MY_NUMBER<10 , asyncronus_function print error : OUTPUT my first async error
56HOPE it halp and have a nice day! 
07 Apr 2018
1// errors that occur in asynchronous code inside promises cannot be caught with regular try/catch
2// you need to pass the error handler into `.catch()`
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js promise then catchhow to use then and catch with promisewhy we need to try and catch javascript promisejavascript promise error catchreturn in a promise catch 28 29try catch in a promisejavascrit promisepromise catch tryjavascript promise catch and thenpromise with then and catchhow to handle promisecatch promise example jsmake catch promise javascriptpromise catch returnpromise jshandle promise in try catchpromise then catchnode js promise examplecatch error javascript promisejavascript try promisepromise catch and thentry catch with promisespromise try catch promise javascriptpromises javascriptjavascript promisepromise success jshandle promise with try catch jshow to return new promise jspromise mdn javascriptjs return promisepromise catch in javascriptjavascript promisedpromise then use examplewhen is a request triggered in case of promise thenjs promise catch 5dthen method javascriptpromise catch javascriptpromise catch nodejshandle promise then catch in promisepromise reject catch blockresolve a promisepromises js then cathchow to use promise jsreject catch promise jsjs promise error catch promise javascriptpromise catch javascript html ithow to collect errors with promiseusing promise catchpromise all catchwhat is promisepromises api javascriptsurf through promise objectpromise typescript definizioneinvoke a function that return a promisepromise thenjs return reject in catchtry catch in promisethen in javascripthow to end promisehow to get promise response on catchcreate promise function javascriptpromise method javascriptjs promispromise javascriptjs promise 2bpromise based function in javascriptjavascript find what triggered promise catchcreate new promisetry catch promise rejectpromise injspromise reject catchjs define promisepromise function return with catchjavascript promise without resolve or rejectpromise with catchcatch javascript promisetry catch block promise jsthen jsdoes catch returns a promisepromise not changinghow to resove promises using thenreturn in then catch function jswhy do we use promise in javascriptjavascript come includere promisesnew promise jsjs promise reject error catchpromises in jsjavascript catch thenfunction then jsjs promise syntaxjs try catch rejectcatch promisejavascript promise then catch errorjavascript return from catch promisnode js promisespromise objectwhat is javascript promisepromise prototype catch 28 29 promise js thencatch promise javascriptpromise then errorpromise injavasript then promise catchreturn new promise javascripthow to use try catch in promise jsreturning a new promise with try catch promise code 5c then javascriptpromise javascritppromise com try catchjavascript create promise examplereturn promise javascriptbuild a promisejavascriptjavascript do i need to use catch with all promisesdo a function when a promise has errorreturn on catch promisepromis jspromises node jspromise fucntionjs promise catch rejecthow to reject a promise in a try catchpromises catch error then errorwhat is promise javascriptpromise then catch example then catch examplejavascript promise what is itusing promise javascriptjs is catch returnign a promise 3fpromise in jsthen javascriptjs thenjavascript then catchcatch promise rejectcreate two javascript function for calling an api and display the content 28marks 10 29 when its successful 2c implement 1st function with callback and other with promisesreturn promise in catch blockmdn promise catchnodejs promise then catchpromise catch errorcatch reject jsjavascript create promisejavascript promis catchpromise thenjavascript then errorcatch error js promisepromise catchjs promisespromise rejectjavascript settimeout promise examplepromesses jsdeclare promisejs then 28 29javascript then catch examplescatch promise exceptioncatch promise jsnew promise 28 29javascript promise catch errorjs catch promise rejectpromisses catch sintaxe jshow to call a promisepromise catch error javascripthow to make function work with callback and promise jstry catch promise in javascriptjs promise createthen in jsuse promises in javascriptcatch promise error javascriptfunctions that return promisespromise nodejspromise node jswhat does promise function do 3fwhy use catch in promise javascriptpromise 2c then 2c errortry catch inside promisejavascript promise trycatch js promisecatch promise reject 28error 29javascript then catch examplejs then catch errorhow to not execute the promise when it is createdthen catch examplejavascript promise then catchwhat is the promise in javascript 3fpromise getjavascript then catchjs promise continuinghow to catch promise errors javascriptjavascript prom 2cisespromise javascript thentry catch on promiseunexpected console statement when using promisestry catch javascript promise then jsjavascript try catch promisejavasscript promise then 28 29nodejs new promise catch errorhow to use catch in javascript in promisethen catch in node jspromise catch onlypromis catchejavascript new promisepromise reject catchdefine promisereturn value for promise catchpromise function in promisepromise then rejectjs promises catchjs promises explainedpromise into try catchcatch keyword in promisetry catch return promisedoes catch return a promise catch 28 29promises jscatch reject promisehow tuse promise in javascriptjavascript catch and then code promise then jscan promises only resolve stringsjavascript promise then cathjavascript thenpromise resolve then catchcatch method in promisehow to get promise response in catchjavascript promises catchjs try catch promisejs promise functionjs new promise catchpromises then error catch nodejssimple javascript function with then catchpromise catch thenwhat is a javascript promisehow to access property of new error rejected from promise javascripthow to make a function return a promise in javascriptare promises objects in javascripttry catch new promise javascripttry promise js catch example javascfdipt promiesejavascript promise catch statementnode catch a promise promise object javascriptpromise in functionscatch error promiseerror callback for promisejavascript function thenpromise onusing try catch with promise in javascriptjavascript catch promisewhat are promises in jsjs thanthen and catch promisenew promise example javascriptpass a rejected promise jsjavascript promise thennew promise then catchwhats is a promise javascriptwhat is promise and catch uses in javascriptreturn a promisepass this into promise javascriptjavascript promises then catchtry catch promisemdn prototype rejectpromises javascript apiwhat is promise in jstry catch promisesreturn this then jspromise handlingwhat is the purpose of a promise 3f in javascriptpromise javascript syntaxcreare promisepromise catch mdnsyntax of promise in javascriptpromisswa jspromise jdspromise hjavascriptwhat is a promisethen catch promise javascriptcatch then promise javascriptjavascript promises apiare try catch promisesnode js promisethen function in javascript then catchpromice jscreating promisejavascript promise then run before resolvereturn new promise example javascriptthen catch javascriptpromise functions javascriptwhat is a promise javascripttry catch promise jstry catch in promise javascriptjavascript 2b promisepromise mdnwhat does a promise returnhow to get promise resultes6 promise catchmdn promise catch promise a llljs try catch in promisespromise in javascrit nodejs promise thenhow to use the then and catch promise in javascriptjs then syntaxjs promise do this then thatcatch uncaught 28in promise 29promise then without resolvejs then catch errorpromise 28es6 29 3bpromise try catchjavasript promisereturn thenhow to trigger promise catchobject promise 5djs promissjs catch error in promisehow to use js promiseshow to make javascript promisepromise success and errorjs promise epromises in javascript then catch how to make a then javascriptnodejs promise 7b 7dthen catch errorpromise 7b 27 27 7d then javascript catch errorjs thenjavascript promise syntaxjs catch rejectpromise syntaxis catch promise rejectwhat is a promise jshow to catch promise rejevction in try catch in jsjs promise in catchpromise node jspromise example javascriptpromise examplereturn new promisewhen to use catch in a promise javascripthow to catch promise reject javascriptjavascript promise promises try catchjavascript api promisejavascript promisespromise then catchjs then catchpromise then catchhow to use catch with promises towhat does promise return in javascriptreas a promise jspromise 7b 7dpromise catch in node js js then catch es6nodejs promise catchreturn promise javascript functionjavascript create promise with catchjs promise handlepromise catch javascriptpromise catch node jstry and catch promise in javascriptpromise catch 28 29javascript promises explainedcatch error in promise javascriptget catch 28function 28err 29how promise catch workspromises api then catchnew promise then catch 28 29 returns promise js then jsavascriptnew promise catchcall a function that returns a promisepromise function in javascriptjava script promisejavascript promise catchresolve in promise get a functionjavascript promise then parametercatch for promise thenpromise function in javascriptjs catch promisjavascript promies catchpromise catch in nodejavascript promise 5b 22catch 22 5djavscript promisespromise thiscreate a promise javascriptpromise catch jspromise then 28 29 catch 28 29javascript promise functionhandling a promise using then in javascriptnode promise in catchis try catch a promisewhy does a promise only run once javascriptjs try in promisepromise then javascriptjavascript then errorthe promisenode js promise then catchjava script promisespromise javascript try catchcatch on promise rejectpromise in javascriptpromise catch rejectjavascript with promisesreject promise in catchhow to use resolve promiose jsuse promise as object javscripttry catch a promisetypescript promise catchjavascript thennew promise javascript examplenew promise jsjavascript how to solve a promesearror function in promise catchjs promises try catchpromise aacatch in promise javascriptjavascript reject catchjs promisepromise syntax then catchjs how to use promisedoes try catch work with promises javascriptjs try promisepromise catch in jsjavascript then and catch 3cpromise 3e javascriptpromise try catch javascriptpromise with catch jspromises definistion javascript then catch in js examplehow to catch a function that return a promisecan i use new promise then catch promisepromise error catchpromise example jspromise in jswhen to use promises in javascriptjavascript create promise functiowhat are javascript promisesthen catch javascriptpromises javascript mdn then javascript catchthen i n jspromise 28 29 catch 28 29promise thepromise 2f catch javascriptcatch promise errorpromise catch blockwhat is a promise in javascript 3fwhat is promise in javascriptpromise catch asmake a promise try catchwhat is a promise in javascriptcatch block promisehow to return from then or catch promiseunderstanding promise then catchpromise and catchpromise cos c3 a8how to write a then functionhow to resolve a promise javascriptreact promise catch errorthen catch javascript promisecatch promise resultcatch in promiseagain than after catch in javascript promisepromise javascript then catch then javascriptpromise functionpromise promises in javascriptdo u need a catch for a promise javascriptjavascript return result of promiste as objectjavascript promise then errorjavascript promise do i need to catchusing 22on 22 instead of then promisejavascript primisesjs is promisewhat is promise nodejsthis in then javasacripthow to deal with promise js promise catchkjavascript promise then catchhow to resolve promise in catch in jspromise javascript using then and catch then and catch in promisejs catch promiseget promise result javascriptpromise js then catchthis promisedo you have to catch a promise in jsthen catchtry 2fcatch promisepromise js docspromises javascript catch catch promise then example javascriptpromise catchwhy use try catch on a promise that returns a catch 3f javascriptpromise js errornode catch promisejavascript promise catch examplepromises catch javascriptjs promise try catchjavascript promise 5bcatch 5derror handling promises javascriptjavascript catch a promisethen catch promisedoes promise reject function retrunpromise in jsnew promise thenpromise function javascriptjavascript promise resolve and catch errorjavascript promoseprommise jscatch promise returnpromise use in javascriptpromise in promisejs catch promise errordoes promise catch return a promisepromise catch error jshow to use try catch in return new promise javascriptpromise in javascript error callbackresolve function promise javascriptnew promise try catchcatch with promisepromise catch syntaxhow does a js promise catchjs then catch promisejs promise catchpromise then errorjs promises then catchwhat is promise object in javascriptpromise javascript catch errorhandle promise in catchjs promise call method in catchusing catch 28 29 with promisespromise catchformat of a promise javascriptjavascript promise then 28 29catch a promisejavascript new promise examplejavascript promise reject catch js to promisjavascript then parametersjavascript promise examplepromise in js then catchhow to catch a promise in javascriptjs promise catch errorpromise js apithen catch js promisepromises js mdnpromise then catch javascriptcan we use try and catch in promise reject functionhow to use the promise in javascriptnode promise catch 2fthen then in javascriptthen and catch in promisepromise javascript catchpromise js catchpromise catch jscreate a promise with try catch javascriptpromise apiwhat are promises in javascriptadding a catch to js method resolves the promisenew promise javascriptpromise catch