showing results for - "props in react"
01 Feb 2016
1class MouseTracker extends React.Component {
2  constructor(props) {
3    super(props);
4    this.handleMouseMove = this.handleMouseMove.bind(this);
5    this.state = { x: 0, y: 0 };
6  }
8  handleMouseMove(event) {
9    this.setState({
10      x: event.clientX,
11      y: event.clientY
12    });
13  }
15  render() {
16    return (
17      <div style={{ height: '100vh' }} onMouseMove={this.handleMouseMove}>
18        <h1>Move the mouse around!</h1>
19        <p>The current mouse position is ({this.state.x}, {this.state.y})</p>
20      </div>
21    );
22  }
10 Jun 2016
1/* PASSING THE PROPS to the 'Greeting' component */
2const expression = 'Happy';
3<Greeting statement='Hello' expression={expression}/> // statement and expression are the props (ie. arguments) we are passing to Greeting component
5/* USING THE PROPS in the child component */
6class Greeting extends Component {
7  render() {
8    return <h1>{this.props.statement} I am feeling {this.props.expression} today!</h1>;
9  }
13function Welcome(props) {
14  return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;
17const element = <Welcome name="Sara" />;
19  element,
20  document.getElementById('root')
24 Aug 2020
1/* PASSING THE PROPS to the 'Greeting' component */
2const expression = 'Happy';
3<Greeting statement='Hello' expression={expression}/> // statement and expression are the props (ie. arguments) we are passing to Greeting component
5/* USING THE PROPS in the child component */
6class Greeting extends Component {
7  render() {
8    return <h1>{this.props.statement} I am feeling {this.props.expression} today!</h1>;
9  }
29 Aug 2016
1function Welcome(props) {  return <h1>Hello, {}</h1>;
4const element = <Welcome name="Sara" />;ReactDOM.render(
5  element,
6  document.getElementById('root')
22 Mar 2019
1import React, { Component } from 'react'
2import './TourList.scss';
3import Tour  from '../Tour/Tour';
4import { tourData } from './tourData';
5export default class TourList extends Component {
6    state={
7        tours:tourData
8    }
9    render() {
10        const {tours}=this.state
13        return (
14            <section className="toulist">
15            {>{
16                return <Tour key={} tour={tour} />;
17            })}
19            </section>
20        )
21    }
25import React, { Component } from 'react';
26import './Tour.scss';
28export default class Tour extends Component {
29    state={
30        showinfo:false,
31        name:""
32    }
33    handleInfo=()=>{
34        this.setState({
35            showinfo:!this.state.showinfo,
36            name:"kumar"
37        })
38    }
39    render() {
40        const {id,city,name,info,img}=this.props.tour
41        return (
42            <div className="grid">
43            <article className="tour">
45               <div className="img-container">
46               <img 
47                src={img}></img>
48                <span className="close-btn">
49                    <i class="fa fa-window-close"></i>
50                </span>
51               </div>
52               <div className="info">
53               <div className="tour-info">
54               <h3>{name}</h3>
55               <h4>{city}</h4>
56               <h5>info{""}
57               <span class="fa fa-caret-square-down" onClick={this.handleInfo}></span></h5>
59               </div>
60               {this.state.showinfo && <p>{info}{}</p>}
62               </div>
64            </article>
65            </div>
66        )
67    }
10 Oct 2020
1function App() {
2  return (
3    <div className="App">
4      <NewComponent name="Ariful Islam Adil" profession="Web-Developer"></NewComponent>
5    </div>
6  );
9function NewComponent(props) {
10  return (
11    <div className="test-class">
12      <h1>Name: {}</h1>
13      <h3>Profession: {props.profession}</h3>
14    </div>
15  )
17export default App;
queries leading to this page
component and props in react explainedjavascript functional componentthis props in react classclass components with propsreact props with classcreating props in reactreact passing props from parent to childprops in react classesreact object as propsreact 7b 7d 3d propsreturn a component and pass the props reacthow to add a class react propsreact as props passing props in a react class componentreact js component propsunderstanding react propshow to use a react componenthow to use props in class componenthow to pass a prop in reacthow to pass props in react classdescribe props in reactprops react componentsprops in reactjspassing props to react functional componentprops definition in react jsreactjs passing props to componenthow all props in classwhat are props in react jspass state as propswhat are react props and why do i ned itconst 3d 28props 29 3d 3e reacthow to pass current component to props reactreact pass props to different componentuse component in render react nativereact 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parameters in propscomponent as props reactreact pass props to react componentthis props in javascriptreact pass props to childprops with examplereact component set propsreact components as functionsfunctional components propspass that data into the 60app 60 component in the 60render 60 method through a property named 22data 22 passing props from another component in reactpassing a react component through parametershow to pass props to statereact component pass props as objectreact register props statereact how to make a new component with propsthis 24propspass props to stateful component reactpass props to another component reacthow props can be defined with jsxpassing props from parent to child in reactreact get the props from a componentclass componenet propsclass component react propsreact native create component with propsreact pass a component as propcan only use props on a classuse a react functional compoenentreact deliver props in different mamehow to use props in objects 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reacthow to pass parameter to react componentreact pass props downreact how to define props to component which is variablereact any propsprops in class component react nativecreate a function which return react componentreact component passing propsreact using as and passing propsprops are methods into other componentscomponent as props reacthow to crate a prop for the app reacthow to read props in class componentpass component as prop and pass value to the componetclass based propsreact js component set and get propshow to pass props in react componentsproperty functions in reactpass data in react component propsreact passing props down to componentshow to create react propsclass props reacthow to pass a prop in to a function in reactinstantiate react component wiht porpspass props to components reacthow to implement props in a classpass functions as props reactpass properties in react component classprops in classes reactclass component with propspassing component as props in reactreact function with propsreact passing a component as propcomponent prop react classhow to pass props component to state reactpass a prop reactreact pass prop to componenthow to use props in a node class componentpass a prop to componenthow to pass props in route reacthow to use props in class component in reacthow to use props in react class componentreact native docs propshow to handle props in class component reactreact get props from parentprop and reactjsjavascript props value react pass props to componentssetting props in reactpass props in jsxreact js class component props rereact propssreact define propspassing props to a class component reactthis props in render function class componentsfunction as prop reactobject as a props in reactsend a string prop reacthow to write a functional component in reactprops meaning in react jsreact component receive propsreact use props component in other component react classprosp reacthandle in propspass this in props reactreact get 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