push notification react native

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27 Aug 2019
1import PushNotificationIOS from '@react-native-community/push-notification-ios';
2import { Platform } from 'react-native';
3import PushNotification from 'react-native-push-notification';
5class NotificationManager {
6    configure = () => {
7        PushNotification.configure({
8            onRegister: function (token: any) {
9                console.log('TOKEN:', token);
10            },
11            onNotification: function (notification: any) {
12                console.log('NOTIFICATION:', notification);
13                notification.finish(PushNotificationIOS.FetchResult.NoData);
14            },
15            permissions: {
16                alert: true,
17                badge: true,
18                sound: true,
19            },
20            popInitialNotification: true,
21            requestPermissions: true,
22        });
23        PushNotification.createChannel(
24            {
25                channelId: 'fcm_fallback_notification_channel', // (required)
26                channelName: 'Channel', // (required)
27            },
28            (created) => console.log(`createChannel returned '${created}`),
29        );
30    };
32    buildAdroidNotification = (id: number, title: string, message: string, data = {}, options = {}) => {
33        return {
34            id: id,
35            autoCancel: true,
36            largeIcon: options.largeIcon || 'ic_launcher',
37            smallIcon: options.smallIcon || 'ic_launcher',
38            bigText: message || '',
39            subText: title || '',
40            vibration: options.vibration || 300,
41            vibrate: options.vibrate || false,
42            priority: options.priority || 'high',
43            importance: options.importance || 'high',
44            data: data,
45        };
46    };
47    buildIOSNotification = (id: number, title: string, message: string, data = {}, options = {}) => {
48        return {
49            alertAction: options.alertAction || 'view',
50            category: options.category || '',
51            userInfo: {
52                id: id,
53                item: data,
54            },
55        };
56    };
57    cancelAllNotification = () => {
58        console.log('cancel');
59        PushNotification.cancelAllLocalNotifications();
60        if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
61            PushNotificationIOS.removeAllDeliveredNotifications();
62        }
63    };
65    showNotification = (id: number, title: string, message: string, data = {}, options = {}, date: Date) => {
66        PushNotification.localNotificationSchedule({
67            //Android
68            ...this.buildAdroidNotification(id, title, message, data, options),
70            // iOS
71            ...this.buildIOSNotification(id, title, message, data, options),
73            // Android and iOS
74            title: title || '',
75            message: message || '',
76            playSound: options.playSound || false,
77            soundName: options.soundName || 'default',
78            date: date,
79        });
80    };
81    unregister = () => {
82        PushNotification.unregister();
83    };
85export const notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
18 Sep 2016
2 * @format
3 */
5import PushNotificationIOS from '@react-native-community/push-notification-ios';
6import { AppRegistry } from 'react-native';
7import PushNotification from 'react-native-push-notification';
8import App from './App';
9import { name as appName } from './app.json';
11// Must be outside of any component LifeCycle (such as `componentDidMount`).
13  // (optional) Called when Token is generated (iOS and Android)
14  onRegister: function (token) {
15    console.log('TOKEN:', token);
16  },
18  // (required) Called when a remote is received or opened, or local notification is opened
19  onNotification: function (notification) {
20    console.log('NOTIFICATION:', notification);
22    // process the notification
23    // (required) Called when a remote is received or opened, or local notification is opened
24    notification.finish(PushNotificationIOS.FetchResult.NoData);
25  },
27  // (optional) Called when Registered Action is pressed and invokeApp is false, if true onNotification will be called (Android)
28  onAction: function (notification) {
29    console.log('ACTION:', notification.action);
30    console.log('NOTIFICATION:', notification);
31    // process the action
32  },
34  // (optional) Called when the user fails to register for remote notifications. Typically occurs when APNS is having issues, or the device is a simulator. (iOS)
35  onRegistrationError: function (err) {
36    console.error(err.message, err);
37  },
39  // IOS ONLY (optional): default: all - Permissions to register.
40  permissions: {
41    alert: true,
42    badge: true,
43    sound: true,
44  },
46  // Should the initial notification be popped automatically
47  // default: true
49  popInitialNotification: true,
51  /**
52   * (optional) default: true
53   * - Specified if permissions (ios) and token (android and ios) will requested or not,
54   * - if not, you must call PushNotificationsHandler.requestPermissions() later
55   * - if you are not using remote notification or do not have Firebase installed, use this:
56   *     requestPermissions: Platform.OS === 'ios'
57   */
59  requestPermissions: true,
62AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);
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