py switch case

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showing results for - "py switch case"
31 Jan 2021
1# Here is one way to implement a switch construct
2# Switcher is a dictionary data type here
3def week(i):
4    switcher={
5        0:'Sunday',
6        1:'Monday',
7        2:'Tuesday',
8        3:'Wednesday',
9        4:'Thursday',
10        5:'Friday',
11        6:'Saturday'
12    }
13    return switcher.get(i,"Invalid day of week")
15print(week(5)) # Call the function
23 Apr 2019
1def switch_demo(argument):
2    switcher = {
3        1: "January",
4        2: "February",
5        3: "March",
6        4: "April",
7        5: "May",
8        6: "June",
9        7: "July",
10        8: "August",
11        9: "September",
12        10: "October",
13        11: "November",
14        12: "December"
15    }
16    print switcher.get(argument, "Invalid month")
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