pythagoras python

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showing results for - "pythagoras python"
21 Feb 2018
1    distance = math.sqrt((abs(distancex) ** 2) + (abs(distancey) ** 2))
07 Oct 2019
1BC2 = AC2 + AB2
04 May 2017
1import math
3input1 = input('What do you want to find: ')
6def c():
7    inputA = float(input('Enter a: '))
8    inputB = float(input('Enter b: '))
9    fc = math.sqrt(inputA ** 2 + inputB ** 2)
10    print(f'c = {round(fc, 3)}')
13def ab(t, ans):
14    inputB = float(input(f'Enter {t}: '))
15    inputC = float(input('Enter c: '))
16    if inputC > inputB:
17        a = math.sqrt(inputC ** 2 - inputB ** 2)
18        print(f'{ans} = {round(a, 3)}')
19    else:
20        print('Invalid input')
23    if input1 == 'c':
24        c()
26    elif input1 == 'a':
27        t = 'b'
28        ans = 'a'
29        ab(t, ans)
31    elif input1 == 'b':
32        t = 'a'
33        ans = 'b'
34        ab(t, ans)
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