python ascii code to string

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showing results for - "python ascii code to string"
06 Mar 2019
3#it will give you the ASCII value stored in x
5#it will return back the character
28 Sep 2016
1>>> L = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100]
2>>> ''.join(chr(i) for i in L)
3'hello, world'
21 Jun 2020
1>>> chr(104)
3>>> chr(97)
5>>> chr(94)
27 May 2019
1>>> ord('h')
3>>> ord('a')
5>>> ord('^')
30 Jun 2018
1# to convert ascii code to character 
2# use "chr()" function with acsii value as parameter to function
5asc = [x for x in range(65, 65+26)] 
6#asc store ascii value form "A" to "Z"
7string = ""
8for i in asc:
9  string += chr(i)
11print(string) #converted list of ascii code to string
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