python break continue

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showing results for - "python break continue"
04 Jun 2018
1import numpy as np
3for value in values:
4  if value==3:
5    continue
6  elif value==8:
7    print('Eight value')
8  elif value==9:
9    break
21 Jul 2019
1## When the program execution reaches a continue statement, 
2## the program execution immediately jumps back to the start 
3## of the loop.
4while True:
5    print('Who are you?')
6    name = input()
7    if name != 'Joe':
8        continue
9    print('Hello, Joe. What is the password? (It is a fish.)')
10    password = input()
11    if password == 'swordfish':
12        break
13print('Access granted.')
13 Apr 2016
1words = ["rain", "sun", "moon", "exit", "weather"]
3for word in words:
4        #checking for the breaking condition
5        if word == "exit" :
6                #if the condition is true, then break the loop
7                break;
8        if word == "moon" :
9                #this statement will be executed
10                print("moon is skipped")
11                continue
12                #this statement won't be executed
13                print ("This won't be printed")  
14        #Otherwise, print the word
15        print (word)
28 Aug 2016
1# Example of continue loop:
3for number is range (0,5):
4    # If the number is 4, skip the rest of the loop and continue from the top.
5    if number == 4:
6      continue
8    print(f"Number is: {number}")
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