python ceiling division

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showing results for - "python ceiling division"
19 Mar 2020
1import math
2x = 3.86356
4#Returns: 3
6#Returns: 4
20 Sep 2018
1>>> from __future__ import division   # a/b is float division
2>>> from math import ceil
3>>> b = 3
4>>> for a in range(-7, 8):
5...     print(["%d/%d" % (a, b), int(ceil(a / b)), -(-a // b)])
7['-7/3', -2, -2]
8['-6/3', -2, -2]
9['-5/3', -1, -1]
10['-4/3', -1, -1]
11['-3/3', -1, -1]
12['-2/3', 0, 0]
13['-1/3', 0, 0]
14['0/3', 0, 0]
15['1/3', 1, 1]
16['2/3', 1, 1]
17['3/3', 1, 1]
18['4/3', 2, 2]
19['5/3', 2, 2]
20['6/3', 2, 2]
21['7/3', 3, 3]
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