python check if string or list

Solutions on MaxInterview for python check if string or list by the best coders in the world

showing results for - "python check if string or list"
12 Jan 2019
1y = any(x in String for x in List)
29 Nov 2018
1# To check if a certain element is contained in a list use 'in'
2bikes = ['trek', 'redline', 'giant']
3'trek' in bikes
4# Output:
5# True
07 Feb 2018
1    isinstance(some_object, str)
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in python listpython if list doesn 27t contain itemcheck if stringh in listhow to check if a list of strings is in a string pythonpython if element of list in stringcheckif a list contains python if any in listfind out where an element in a list contains a certain string pythonstring contains in list pythontesting if a string is in a list using pythonpython check if item in listcheck if list contains valuehow to check if an item is in list pythonpython how to check if character is in list of stringsif a list is in a string pythonpython check if any string in list contains substringpython how to determine if a string exist in a listhow to check an string exists in a list in pythonpython check if lement is in listpython if string variation in listpython find element of list exist in stringif any list in string pythonany string pythonpython test if string in listhow to check if any element from a list matches a string pythonpython if its in the listcheck if any item in list is in string 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exact string in listpython can a list contain stringshow to see if a string in a list pythoncheck if list of strings in string pythonpython list check if element existpython test if character in listdoes list contain pythoncheck if an element is in a list pythonpython if list contains numberpython if str in listcheck if elemt is in a list pythonif list contents not in string pythonhwo to check if there is a string in the list in pythonverify elements from a list containscontaing element check in list pythonif list item found in string pythonlist include something in pythoncheck if a value in list pythoncheck if element in list in list pythonhow to check for something in a list pythoncheck if string in listif string in listcheck if substring in list of string pythonlist in python containspython check if all elements in list are in stringif list elements contain characterhow to check if an element conatians a character pythonfunction python test includes listcheck if string is in a list 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pythonhow to see if item in list pythoncheck partical existance of string in listpython if string is in listpython word exist in listpython if a exact string in a listcheck text list in string pythonif any in list pythonhow to check if a item is in a list pythoncheck if an list of strings contains a string pythonhow to check if string has a work from a listuse if in a listhow to see if any word in list is in stringcheck if name in listcontains item in array pythoncheck if a list contains a specific string pythoncheck if a string contains a list of strings pythonpython list includes listif list does not contain string pythonpython check if list haspython test if string is in listcheck if item is in listpython check if a substring in string is in listpython check that if any string in listpython if string contains one ofcontains in array pythoncheck if anything in a list is in a string pythonpython list constainspython if list item in sringif any string in list contain in string 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