python dictionaries

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showing results for - "python dictionaries"
04 Aug 2018
1#Creating dictionaries
2dict1 = {'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'square', 'volume':40}
3dict2 = {'color': 'red', 'edges': 4, 'perimeter':15}
5#Creating new pairs and updating old ones
6dict1['area'] = 25 #{'color': 'blue', 'shape': 'square', 'volume': 40, 'area': 25}
7dict2['perimeter'] = 20 #{'color': 'red', 'edges': 4, 'perimeter': 20}
9#Accessing values through keys
12#You can also use get, which doesn't cause an exception when the key is not found
13dict1.get('false_key') #returns None
14dict1.get('false_key', "key not found") #returns the custom message that you wrote 
16#Deleting pairs
19#Merging two dictionaries
20dict1.update(dict2) #if a key exists in both, it takes the value of the second dict
21dict1 #{'color': 'red', 'shape': 'square', 'area': 25, 'edges': 4, 'perimeter': 20}
23#Getting only the values, keys or both (can be used in loops)
24dict1.values() #dict_values(['red', 'square', 25, 4, 20])
25dict1.keys() #dict_keys(['color', 'shape', 'area', 'edges', 'perimeter'])
27#dict_items([('color', 'red'), ('shape', 'square'), ('area', 25), ('edges', 4), ('perimeter', 20)])
11 Mar 2018
1new_dict = dict()
5new_dict = {}
05 Jan 2021
1#title			: Dictionary Example
2#author         : Joyiscold
3#date           : 2020-02-01
6thisdict = {
7	"brand": "Ford",
8 	"model": "Mustang",
9 	"year": 1964
12#Assigning a value
13thisdict["year"] = 2018
21 Jul 2020
1#title			:Dictionary Example
2#author         :Josh Cogburn
3#date           :20191127
4#github         :
7thisdict = {
8	"brand": "Ford",
9 	"model": "Mustang",
10 	"year": 1964
13#Assigning a value
14thisdict["year"] = 2018
24 May 2016
1student_data = {
2  "name":"inderpaal",
3  "age":21,
4  "course":['Bsc', 'Computer Science']
7#the keys are the left hand side and the values are the right hand side
8#to print data you do print(name_of_dictionary['key_name'])
10print(student_data['name']) # will print 'inderpaal'
11print(student_data['age']) # will print 21
13#this will print 'Bsc' since that field is an array and array[0] is 'Bsc'
17 Jul 2020
1thisdict = {
2  "brand": "Ford",
3  "model": "Mustang",
4  "year": 1964
queries leading to this page
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