python euclidean algorithm

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23 Oct 2020
1# I hope to be of help and to have understood the request
2from math import sqrt # import square root from the math module
3# the x and y coordinates are the points on the Cartesian plane
4pointA = (x, y) # first point
5pointB = (x, y) # second point
6distance = calc_distance(pointA, pointB) # here your beautiful result
7def calc_distance(p1, p2): # simple function, I hope you are more comfortable
8  return sqrt((p1[0]-p2[0])**2+(p1[1]-p2[1])**2) # Pythagorean theorem
25 Apr 2018
1def gcd(a, b):
2    while b:
3        a, b = b, a % b
4    return a
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